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Author Topic: Clients asking for BB despite warnings  (Read 1812 times)


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Re: Clients asking for BB despite warnings
« Reply #15 on: 27 December 2024, 12:13:39 pm »
BB or safe sex isn't the issue here. The issue is clients boundary pushing before or actually in meets for services escorts don't offer.

Yes I've been badgered for anal,  I don't offer it full stop.


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Re: Clients asking for BB despite warnings
« Reply #16 on: 27 December 2024, 02:03:13 pm »
Just like there is a market for BB escorts there is also a massive market for safe sex escorts. Each to their own but escorts should be allowed to make the choice to have safe sex and still offer FS not just massage or HR.

I just wish client who wants BB would just stick to BB escorts. There are so many. Why bother the ones who's profile state that they passionately against it.

BB or safe sex isn't the issue here. The issue is clients boundary pushing before or actually in meets for services escorts don't offer.

Understood, it's just there are also girls who do not list BB but will do it after being contacted, or they may be short on cash and do it occasionally. There's no fool proof method to avoid them, you can only provide covered services with some risk or avoid it altogether. E.g. you can get HPV or HSV1/2 from skin to skin, kissing, RO etc


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Re: Clients asking for BB despite warnings
« Reply #17 on: 27 December 2024, 02:17:22 pm »
A client who smokes isn't going to suddenly pressure you into smoking in a meet and get violent when you refuse and smoking is only a risk over time. With STD's all it takes is the one time. So its an obvious difference.

I responded directly to your post, which said you didn't want to see punters who 'didn't care about their life'. You didn't mention anything about violence, which is a separate issue altogether and could happen in any booking for any reason, regardless of the services you offer.

Of course I am not comfortable risking my health which is why I'm concentrating on protecting myself from boundary pushing clients. A Punter who frequent BB escorts is a bigger risk than others again obvious reasons.

Just having an account isn't enough to book me. I don't see clients with no recent positive feedback. I am a single mum so risking my health/safety an unfair risk to my children.

I'm sorry if you read my post as a criticism of how you work. It was not my intention. Everyone does things differently. Just because I do it my way is not a criticism of you or anyone other than the boundary pushing punters I have to deal with.

You're right that I don't care for Adultwork (and I only take bookings by text, so even if a punter did find me on there I would never know whether they even have an account, let alone feedback), but I didn't read anything as critical of the way I work; you don't know the way I work? I was pointing out that you're seriously limiting your options (and therefore your earning potential) because you're choosing to narrow your choice of punters by screening them in a way that isn't practical or useful, as well as limiting your advertising to one (crap, and getting crapper by the day) website.

Your thread starter was about how putting something on your AW profile page to deter punters who want services you don't offer didn't seem to be working. The likely reason for this is because a huge majority of punters who use the site read barely anything beyond the phone number, and that's been true for the seventeen years I've had an ad on there. The group of potential customers you're starting with - as you're finding - is already skewed toward being (at best) a pain in the arse.


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Re: Clients asking for BB despite warnings
« Reply #18 on: 27 December 2024, 06:39:02 pm »
Smoking is more likely to kill Joe Punter than anything he picks up from having sex - do you turn away smokers on the grounds that 'they don't care about their life?'

What is the point though? You don't know whether the punter had unprotected sex during his booking any more than you know whether or not the 'acceptable' punter you saw later on had fully protected sex and oral and then went out on the weekend and shagged one or more randoms without using condoms at all? Or does BB on the sly with his regular, and so on; all you'll achieve is driving yourself round the bend.

How other people have sex and with whom is not our concern, and if you're this obsessive about it it suggests that you're not comfortable with the risks you're taking - why not just concentrate on protecting yourself? I couldn't care less what any of them are doing outwith their bookings, because I just treat them all like they're riddled :D

Apart from anything else if you only plan to see punters who have AW feedback you can look at, you're blocking off every one who doesn't have an account there and making it hard to advertise in other places. There are things I'm happy to let cost me money, but this isn't one of them.

Amy sorry but I see why she checks the feedback as I do myself

If it helps limit the risk even slightly of seeing a potential bare backer I’m all for it

Vintage Miss

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Re: Clients asking for BB despite warnings
« Reply #19 on: 27 December 2024, 11:06:07 pm »
You can never know how much unprotected sex a client is having and with whom, the only thing I can do is always use condoms myself for sex (I a prefer to use for oral too, I have a little check for any unsightly 'lumps' even if they might just be skin tags, just to be sure and avoid CIM) and get regular checks. For me, anything is  adding unnecessary anxiety and stress, and escorting brings enough of that as is!  :) I think some guys ask for 'taboo' services like BB/hardsports/age play to try and get a reaction and get under a provider's skin. Best to just block/ ignore.


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Re: Clients asking for BB despite warnings
« Reply #20 on: 27 December 2024, 11:22:52 pm »
Amy sorry but I see why she checks the feedback as I do myself

I'm sure lots of people do and everybody screens differently (I habitually turn down anybody who doesn't address me by name in a text or refers to bookings/incalls as 'meets'), but it remains important to point out that whilst it might make them/you feel better, you're just pissing in the wind and it does nothing whatsoever to reduce risk.

I may well have seen thousands of these punters over the last few years. It makes no odds to me because I use condoms, which means I don't need to speculate about previous behaviour that I have no way of knowing anything about.

I think some guys ask for 'taboo' services like BB/hardsports/age play to try and get a reaction and get under a provider's skin. Best to just block/ ignore.

Yes that's what I meant in my first post about having ranty stuff in your marketing material can put them on the wind up. Some people are a lot easier to wind up than others, it's generally pretty obvious from their ads, and the fantasists get off on the reactions they get; we've had no shortage of posters here over the years who would have been God's gift to these numpties.

Anyway, as the OP has already said, her question is about boundary pushing punters asking for services she doesn't offer, not about what those services are.


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Re: Clients asking for BB despite warnings
« Reply #21 on: 28 December 2024, 04:17:07 pm »

Amy sorry but I see why she checks the feedback as I do myself

If it helps limit the risk even slightly of seeing a potential bare backer I’m all for it

Checking feedback is great but that’s only if they have it ! I can only get feedback on about 5% of my clients.

I think if it’s an experienced and intelligent client they are going to put their health first. It’s the time wasters asking for BB usually. Even if you see them (covered obviously) after they requested it they are likely to be an arrogant dimwit.