I had a new client message me to book. He was really off, demanding I work set days and do services I don’t provide. I shut that down and refused to accept his booking. I think he found me on VIVA . Last week, he set up a new AW profile (same number) and made a booking. I blocked him. He’s now made a new account with the same number and tried another booking and I’ve blocked him.
I’m not sure what to do from here. He sounds a complete odd ball and I’m worried he’ll cotton on and use a new number.
Did you make it clear you did not want a booking with him?
If so I would repeat the warning, if not I would make it clear you do not want to see him "Please find someone else/I cannot help any more".
I have banned someone from booking webcams with me, told him/explained the problem many times finally banned last week (and told him so). I then blocked his phone number, this blocks his texts but I can however see any phone call attempts. He's phoning daily, but I have been clear and there is no going back. If he contacts me by any other method I will repeat the same. If he continues to use other methods I will tell him I will take advice from the police about harassment.
Most punters stop the first time I tell them they are banned or blocked, some require a second. Rarely progresses to other methods or the police/NUM.