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Author Topic: Is Heathrow a good place to work?  (Read 2988 times)


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Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« on: 24 April 2016, 07:18:46 pm »
For reasons beyond my control it's looking like I'm going to have to move out of my incall flat  :FF and may temporarily move in with my partner who lives near Heathrow - So I'm thinking of working from the airport hotels in the short term while I find somewhere else to live. However I have heard the clients in this area are bably behaved! I'd be really grateful if anyone who has worked in Heathrow (on Bath Road) could share their experiences.

Thanks in advance  :) X


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #1 on: 24 April 2016, 09:33:36 pm »
If you don't see Asian clients, you will be turning a lot of calls away. But it can be busy with all sorts of clients.

Screen stringently and search here for warnings and get numbers.


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #2 on: 24 April 2016, 09:56:33 pm »
it can be busy, had a few bad days there.
as fab says lots of asian callers, but plenty of business men passing through as well. x

Miss Bentley

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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #3 on: 24 April 2016, 11:39:29 pm »
Very unpredictable. Huge amount of traffic resulting in very few  bookings comparatively to the calls (which can still be quite a few) and even less genuine BUT a lot of girls (myself included) like the anonymity and huge choice of reasonably priced massive airport hotels to work from and 24hour conveniences nearby
Are the clients worse than elsewhere? In my experience yes. Considerably. Be prepared for that and don't entertain any rubbish whatsoever or ignore any warning signs and be prepared to spend lots of time on the phone. I insist on phone calls only No sms messages as it weeds out a lot of timewasters and saves you a huge amount of texting, others have different timewaster policies..

If you're going to be living nearby just give it a go and see how you get on!


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #4 on: 25 April 2016, 09:46:34 am »
Heathrow is a bit of a marmite place you will either love it or hate it
I really really like it , decent hotels and I haven't yet had a bad client or even that many tw but that's because of the way I screen my clients
You get a real mixture of clients but mine have generally been pretty nice guys
When I work past midnight ( which is rare I put my prices up 😜) well if taxi drivers can do it then so can I


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #5 on: 25 April 2016, 02:13:46 pm »
Hi Everyone, many thanks for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate your advice  :) xx


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #6 on: 25 April 2016, 06:13:02 pm »
Iv been thinking of doing heathrow, I didn't know about the high number of Asians....which personally I don't see as I just don't enjoy the sex as much (iv tried)


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #7 on: 25 April 2016, 07:51:16 pm »
Iv been thinking of doing heathrow, I didn't know about the high number of Asians....which personally I don't see as I just don't enjoy the sex as much (iv tried)

Meant in the 'nicest' way, but WTF? I don't mean to be on the attack here, but its not about our enjoyment honey, it's about theirs !! Personally I have no preference when it comes to paying clients, just that they are respectful and treat me nicely. Maybe i'm weird but I enjoy them enjoying it! Heathrow can be very hit and miss, I was there for a week a couple of weeks back. I would say that there is definitely business to be had BUT be on your guard, be tough with your screening and don't lower your guard for a second. Calls tend to come at all times of the day, travellers and shift workers obviously. Personally I don't 'like' it there, but took money when everywhere else was dead. Personally I found there were a lot of people wanting out calls to private homes 'Supply & Party' Not my scene! But you can do outcalls to other hotels pretty successfully there. Also got some fairly freaky fetish requests... The guy with the snot fetish with his very graphic request would put anyone off even blowing their nose! On the whole, its a bit of a cattle market but I would say 80% of my clients were asian so probably not  great place for someone who isn't comfortable with this race.


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #8 on: 25 April 2016, 09:29:48 pm »
sorry but I don't fuck Asians they don't turn me on in the slightest......being a WG dosnt mean you have to fuck anything, your preference is entirely yours and so is mine!


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #9 on: 25 April 2016, 09:36:16 pm »
Removed my post since I've been told off for "getting involved", didn't realise you had to be invited into a conversation to have your say, my bad! :FF
« Last Edit: 25 April 2016, 10:17:34 pm by DesignerWhore »


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #10 on: 25 April 2016, 10:03:38 pm »
I agree it is about their enjoyment but as an escort we are entitled to choose which clients we see whether that be by race, age, size or any other factor, so if a girl says she doesn't see Asians that is completely her choice.

No shit.

As has been pointed out ad nauseum on God knows how many occasions already, nobody is saying otherwise. DW, with the best will in the world, if you can't stop with the same old tedious drumbanging then stay off the thread. The thread is about working in Heathrow and moreover, the above exchange does not and never did involve you.

I would imagine most people here would agree that if we only saw punters who 'turned us on', most of us - including me - would have no bookings. That isn't the same as saying we can't turn down anybody we want for whatever reason we see fit, but it's also fair to say that some of those reasons are going to be dumb.

Back on topic now, please. This is no help to the OP whatsoever and I'm not locking her thread because somebody doesn't know when to give it a rest.


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #11 on: 25 April 2016, 10:39:03 pm »
I'll add that Heathrow is the only place I've ever been where on two occasions I have turned down literally every single person who called, either because I couldn't understand them on the phone or because they were downright rude. Plus the bookings which sounded semi-genuine tended to be late at night which doesn't suit me.

I've only ever worked the odd day when I've been flying somewhere in the morning though, so being 'new' does tend to guarantee the dickheads :).

Miss Bentley

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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #12 on: 26 April 2016, 05:58:27 pm »
I would agree with Amy that Heathrow is a night place so it's just whether or not that suits you. I rarely bother working a 'day' there buy quite often work until the early hours of the morning (careful which hotel you book if you plan to do this)

As for the Asians, yes there are a lot of them but there are a lot of non Asians too. I don't see anyone who does not speak FLUENT English and periodically get fed up and ban the entire group. You can still do ok without them but obviously you will be turning down a lot of bookings. (and if you're in one of those moods it's better to imo)


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #13 on: 27 April 2016, 11:15:38 pm »
Ah the joys of being 'new'!  :FF

Thanks again. I have nothing against Asian clients for me it's all about the person. It's really useful to know it's a night time place as I am a night owl.  :)


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Re: Is Heathrow a good place to work?
« Reply #14 on: 28 April 2016, 07:54:16 am »
I'll add that Heathrow is the only place I've ever been where on two occasions I have turned down literally every single person who called, either because I couldn't understand them on the phone or because they were downright rude. Plus the bookings which sounded semi-genuine tended to be late at night which doesn't suit me.

I've only ever worked the odd day when I've been flying somewhere in the morning though, so being 'new' does tend to guarantee the dickheads :).

I was working there the other day and turned away more than usual. I was flying somewhere next day and quickly just gave up after earning room money back as the amount of calls with poor English and annoying texts from knob heads made me tired. I would only use Heathrow if I was there to fly off. No other reason.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.