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Author Topic: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind  (Read 1996 times)


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Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« on: 29 November 2018, 04:44:40 am »
So I did the usual answering the phone, a client came over for an hour (he wanted an overnight but i refused as I never met him before), the meet was pretty decent, he was complimenting me, being pleasant. Straight after our meet he wanted to book in again almost immediately, and to my no reply he bombarded me with texts the following couple of days, wanting to book me, something about those texts he sent just had me feeling a type of way that it was best for me not to see him so I blocked him.

I got messages the next week from a different number that followed the same pattern as his was, wanting the overnight wanting to give me £2K. This person never passed my verification process so I never met him but I got called a time waster by him but I knew deep down it was the first guy. I just knew it, around this time another person messaged me an escort from my area trying to be my friend and all sorts, she’d want to tour together so I thought i’d just text her, we would text about everything  where we were working (I do hotels) so I told her where I was working and she said she is checking in the same hotel and we should meet in the bar, she then asked what room number i was in she’d come check in if I was free me being so stupid told her exactly my floor number and room number I waited but there was a gift of a teddy bear on my door. when I saw it my heart sank to my arse, I could not describe it. I just felt sick and dizzy! I ended up packing my stuff and going home missing my clients I had scheduled later that night.

Later on I got a WhatsApp message from the ‘escort’ saying I’m a disgusting person and I should go see the guy who really admires you. I’ve been feeling sick and I can’t sleep it’s just gone past 4:30am  I’ve not been working. I normally use the same hotel as I don’t know any safe hotels. I’ve been ignoring my calls. I’ve switched both my phones off as he has both my numbers because I gave that ‘escort’ my personal number. This all happened yesterday I had a few calls today and I keep thinking they’re not real people they are all him just messing with me.  :-\


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #1 on: 29 November 2018, 12:45:04 pm »
I'm sorry you've been taken in by this, please report this man to NUM and the warning section here.

In the meantime send him a message making it explicitly clear not to contact you, and telling him you will report him to the police if he doesn't stop.


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #2 on: 29 November 2018, 12:46:40 pm »
By the way people can write anything in a text message, same in emails, and say anything on the telephone.


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #3 on: 29 November 2018, 12:55:07 pm »
Sorry hear this. I can relate as I encountered a client who became a stalker and who turned nasty, blackmailed and got other men  to harass me via a certain forum by posting lies about me as well as my photos, contact details and AW profile.  I tried to fight back which was the worse thing you can do in any harassment situation, it escalated the situation.
I would put a warning up here and contact ugly mugs for advice and support.
  Any person that behaves in a harassing manner that gives you anxiety is breaking the law; even if you don't want this person to be bought into the police; sometimes a call off them just to warn them is enough to keep them away for good and have a wake up call.
« Last Edit: 29 November 2018, 01:00:16 pm by HankyPanky »


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #4 on: 29 November 2018, 01:26:59 pm »
And yes I've had someone try to rebook under different numbers, turns out he'd been wasting my time for years both before and after he actually turned up for one.

It's a powertrip which you need to take control of by reporting and getting support both here and from UM.

English Green

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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #5 on: 29 November 2018, 01:49:59 pm »
This is scary report on here and num

He was at same hotel and pretended to be another escort so this is unhinged behaviour. If it continues contact police do not take any chances and be on you're guard and be extra careful when taking bookings make them jump through hoops. xx


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #6 on: 29 November 2018, 02:41:53 pm »
That's is scary but if you show your vulnerable and scared he will use it against you. I had a similar situation a regular became a bit obsessive. I liked the regular money as he booked almost every other  day. However he just started turning up at my apartment (where I also live) un announced I knew at that point it was time to get rid. Told him I was busy can't see him ect ect so one day he randomly turns up outside and says ' are u in?' He was outside again.. I was livid and fuming so I went outside and said if he dare turn up like that again I will be phoning the police and I have his car reg and if that failed then I would deal with him myself in a not very nice way. Thankfully he left me alone after that but I was ready to kick his car and maybe flatten his tyres had he stopped any longer lol.


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #7 on: 29 November 2018, 03:12:14 pm »
I'm new just wanted to say this sounds awful, are ugly mugs / police able to help


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #8 on: 29 November 2018, 11:03:24 pm »
This is disturbed behaviour you need to go to the police asap
UMs will give you good advice.
Keep all texts phone lists from all you suspect are him.
If he turns up anywhere get a photo if it is not clear it will have his height and build.
Do not let him see you taking it of course.

I chat to a lot of escorts I tell them not to ever give me their real names or phone numbers or tell me any real life info I think it is the only safe way all round.

I have met others in the same hotel for drinks.
Rule is no room numbers to be swapped in case one of us gets into trouble and suspects the other did it.

These types get more adventurous if left to it but call the police and they vanish.

I hope it all turns out ok Sorry to hear you are having this happen.


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #9 on: 30 November 2018, 06:28:06 pm »
This sounds scary and awful. Not a nice situation to be, ofcourse you must be going nuts. I agree with reaching out to NUM and police. What a shit bag.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, they won't be able to hear you from that far away. Plus, you'll have their shoes.


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #10 on: 30 November 2018, 09:21:21 pm »
A short and concise: "You are stalking me and i've had enough of it. I do not wish you to contact me anymore either by e-mail, whassap or phone. Any other attempt to harass me and I'm going to my local police station to file a harassment complaint against you". Then block. If he tries ot contact you again go to the police and file that harassment order. If this escalates (with I doubt it would) and he tries to get near or pull some crazy stunt and you call the police he is going to be in deep shyte as he already has a police warning against you.
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.

Ellie B

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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #11 on: 01 December 2018, 12:45:02 am »
One of the warning signs is that they wanted to make another booking immediately after they have just seen you. I have had this happen a couple of times and both times turned out to be real creeps that I didn't want to see again as they seemed obsessed and the alarm bells were ringing.
Managed to get rid of them both. One was very scary, the other just lonely. The scary one made me ill and didn't want to work for a long while, fortunately he didn't know where I lived and when I ignored him and blocked him, he finally went away.
The worrying thing is once they are bored with you they will start harassing someone else.

The other warning signs are from texts and e mails. You MUST speak to every guy on the phone that you plan to meet and keep a log of all phone numbers.

This guy sounds a creep and must be reported to UM and this site and if you feel in danger, the Police.

Hope things get better for you x

English natural beauty

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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #12 on: 01 December 2018, 01:46:29 am »
Sorry hear this. I can relate as I encountered a client who became a stalker and who turned nasty, blackmailed and got other men  to harass me via a certain forum by posting lies about me as well as my photos, contact details and AW profile.  I tried to fight back which was the worse thing you can do in any harassment situation, it escalated the situation.
I would put a warning up here and contact ugly mugs for advice and support.
  Any person that behaves in a harassing manner that gives you anxiety is breaking the law; even if you don't want this person to be bought into the police; sometimes a call off them just to warn them is enough to keep them away for good and have a wake up call.

I’ve had exactly the same as this. I had to move from my hometown I was attacked it’s been awful. Get out when you can and stay as far away as possible. Please also do warnings wherever you can. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Your always free to message if you feel like you need to chat xxx
Sometimes I think that I could die from an overdose of satisfaction. -Salvador Dali


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #13 on: 01 December 2018, 07:55:27 am »
One of the warning signs is that they wanted to make another booking immediately after they have just seen you. I have had this happen a couple of times and both times turned out to be real creeps that I didn't want to see again as they seemed obsessed and the alarm bells were ringing.
Managed to get rid of them both. One was very scary, the other just lonely. The scary one made me ill and didn't want to work for a long while, fortunately he didn't know where I lived and when I ignored him and blocked him, he finally went away.
The worrying thing is once they are bored with you they will start harassing someone else.

The other warning signs are from texts and e mails. You MUST speak to every guy on the phone that you plan to meet and keep a log of all phone numbers.

This guy sounds a creep and must be reported to UM and this site and if you feel in danger, the Police.

Hope things get better for you x

Yes the person who after the first booking, I decided not to see again who turned out to be the same who'd been messing me around for many years on different numbers, he tried to book immediately after on promise of overnights and regular income.

I'd told him I wouldn't accept another booking due to hygiene, indiscretion and difficulty communicating due to his neglect during the booking.


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Re: Client is stalking me. I think I’ve lost my mind
« Reply #14 on: 01 December 2018, 09:37:29 am »
Yes the person who after the first booking, I decided not to see again who turned out to be the same who'd been messing me around for many years on different numbers, he tried to book immediately after on promise of overnights and regular income.

I'd told him I wouldn't accept another booking due to hygiene, indiscretion and difficulty communicating due to his neglect during the booking.

I applaud you for telling a client he has hygiene issues and I know we should all be comfortable with telling them of this problem but I have always thought the one thing to anger a man more than anything is to be told he is not clean enough. An angry rejected client is a potentially dangerous one. Only one man has had an email from me explaining his lack of hygiene and he expressed his apologies so after his repeated pleas for another chance I gave him one and he was no fresher or cleaner than before. He kept trying to book me but I ignored and he has hopefully given up now.

Currently though I have another one who despite my stating clearly I would not see him again he continues to text me hoping I will respond. I don't and will never again reply.