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Author Topic: Personal problem affecting this job- how to "switch off" and focus on the client  (Read 1051 times)

Lil Lolita

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Hi everyone,

So I got put on Prozac a little while ago as I was very depressed about an ongoing fraud case. Two years ago, I naively paid for a service online which didnt work (psychic services, I know, was stupid to believe that hype), and the "retailer" admitted to keeping the customers card details. Alarm bells should have started ringing but I thought nothing of it.

Fast forward to last year and I was earning a good wage at the time from my own job and from the occasional SD before I turned back to proper escorting. I wasnt too good at the time struggling with ex issues etc and not able to safeguard my money... so this cow took over ?4,500 of my savings!! Come September, I realised something was very wrong and when going to my bank, realised I had been dwindled big time. I asked my Dad to get involved which he has done.

Yesterday, I got a letter through the post from my bank to say they had found evidence this bitch says she provided "services" of the money she took out. All she has done is just manipulate my Dad's correspondence and make up shit about me. The bank believe her!

So I am now having to fight against this, as it's bloody fraud! And I'm not being believed because of ONE service I paid for two years ago!!


This is now affecting my work with the agency. I am not getting wet, clients have said I'm really nice, but "am I ok, as seem a bit nervous". No real complaints, I had a regular book me yesterday and he was full of compliments and said he had a lovely time again, but I'm just worried this problem is interferring with the escorting. Although I am using unscented lube to help, I am worried I am not looking as though I'm enjoying it etc etc.

The agency have really saved my bacon regarding finances. I would not have been able to keep financially afloat. It looks like I will have to pay back the credits that have been temporarily placed in my account by the bank, even though it's fraud! It's fucked up! I know I was stupid to do that in the first place, but it's disgusting how they dont believe me.

So I am really worried about my work as I used to be quite outgoing etc with the clients but now I seem to be quite withdrawn.

How can I put my focus on the client and the job? Are there any techniques?



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Hi LL, Sorry you have found yourself in another horrible situation.  They seem never ending dont they?

I can't help in the fraud situation for I know nothing of the law or banks or how any of them   work but I do know a fair bit about medication.

Did your doctor tell you how long it would take for the Prozac to get fully into your system, if its not been that length of time then perhaps you will pick up soon.  The "dryness" is something you will have to deal with separately, either that or ask to get put on another form of medication.  Prozac is by far not the only medication you can be put on.

If that length of time is up then it sounds like your equity card needs more airing.  We cant fancy every guy we see (I really dont remember 'fancying' any of the guys Ive seen) and that is not because they were all ugly, I just have an invisible barrier I will not cross,  but we have to give them a "good time" which in theory is what they have paid for.

Its not easy at all at times but IMO and I only speak for me, but sometimes Ive got to try A LOT HARDER than at other times.  The slogan "fake it to make it" jumps to mind and even when Im not feeling so great (mentally not physically), I have to remember to tell my face that I am happy and smile even when I really dont feel like it.

Hope this helps you,  good luck.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
And most importantly a beautiful soul.


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My mother who is old enough to know better got caught by one of these con merchants for the grand total of ?13,000.
It turns out that when you join in very small print it is for a whole year and as long as she has sent 4 email (one every quarter) she is entitled to take the money out of your bank.  If she emailed once a month she can take money once a month, my mother signed up for a weekly one :FF :FF :FF Thinking it was just a one off.
I am afraid my mum did not win despite fighting it as the woman had proof she had sent out emails even though they were full of rubbish.  Thats what the contract entails so you are fighting a losing battle.

Its nightmare I know but its best to just put it behind you and start a new savings account.  Dont give card details to anyone you are unsure of online and even be careful with paypal as some manage to set up monthly or yearly withdrawals (my old web master did this without my permission as was leaving him as useless but he managed to take the yearly funds the following year from my paypal account.

When signing up for anything always read the T&Cs thoroughly as the small print is where they catch us out for more and more money.

As for your clients, of course they can tell when we are down or not feeling right.  Even when we smile and pretend, if our heart is not in it they can feel it. 

As I said it would be better to put it behind you as if  she has given the bank proof then you will be fighting for nothing and it will just bring you down more and more.

It sounds a lot fo money to lose but a couple of busy weeks will soon put it back for you.  You will also feel better if you are not worrying about it. 
It can happen to anyone which is why I am still trying to persuade mother that she cannot sign for anything unless she has read all the T&Cs but she wont and then she wonders why her money is going down quickly :FF

Make tomorrow a new day, forget the past and concentrate on the future.  If you are happy, your clients will be happy and the money will be rolling in
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