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Author Topic: Client crossed a line (or did I?)  (Read 3732 times)


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Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« on: 04 July 2012, 09:59:22 am »
I have a client and we have a long-term thing going (not that long but that's how it was panning out). Up until now things were good, great in fact. Very nice gentleman, easy money.

Yesterday he got me to come see him and we do a dom sub thing where both of us switch and play both roles, but really he is always in control.

He has been more demanding of late, telling me to write him emails after our sessions, telling me to "come to me now" etc. I've just blown him off each time because I am not about to give him that kind of power to tell me what to do....

But obviously me resisting him trying to control me...was starting to chafe.

My first clue that things were going wrong was when he secretly filmed my whilst I was tied up and he left the room.
He deleted it in front of me but that erked me (he wanted to see if i behaved whilst he was gone)
The second is that he asked me questions he already knew the answers to (do i work for an agency, do i have a website) to see if I would lie...

I write a blog and he didn't know this so I told him about it.
He found an entry on the blog about was very complimentary and I didn't give any details on where or who, but on what we did (BDSM stuff).
When I met him I had no idea he'd read my blog
He pulled a piece of paper out of his jacked and got me to kneel before him (I thought it was just more BDSM role play)
then he got me to read it out loud
it was my blog post.
A very erotic and great piece of writing if i do say so myself, in fact probably the best piece on my blog

I felt so embarassed being made to read my work like that (I'm a writer and it was a mind fuck being told to read it on my knees) but I did.

He then scolded me for writing it, telling me "how dare you" and that "I did not give you permission" and that I could have revealed his identity.

I tried to protest, saying that there were no details on there that would reveal him at all (And there weren't).

He then scolded me for writing BDSM stuff at all, telling my I need to be careful and I'm going to get hurt. Kind of like a father telling his kid how to behave....
He said I shouldn't be writing such things as they are personal and between us
and he told me again that i will be attracting the wrong sorts of clients writing about being a submissive and i need to be careful and that I should only submit to him...

he left the room, telling me to stay on my knees whilst he shredded my work and that I was to remove it from my blog.

He shredded my writing. He might as well put my heart through the shredder. No one has ever treated me with such disrespect. I mean it's just a piece from a blog but I wrote it, I put effort into it and it was like a symbolic "fuck you" from him.

When he left the room (and i heard the shredder whirling) I got up, got dressed and walked out.
He stopped me at the door and told me not to leave.
I could see he realized he'd gone to far but he told me to stay
i burst into tears (i never cry!)
we spent the rest of the time him "consoling me", making me kiss him, rubbing against me. As if kissing that dick would comfort me.

Now.... I guess I'm not a very good little submissive  :D
But my blog is my personal choice. I never reveal who the guys are that I'm writing about and I get emails from men I've written about thanking me for the compliment.

I understand if a client doesn't like me writing about them.
BUT all they need to do is email me and say "ooh sorry i'm worried my wife (who knows I love to wear collars) might realize that's about me!
No problem, I'd take it down. But to scare me and scold me in a BDSM situation, and then SHRED my work, my writing which is dear to me (and fragile writers ego to boot) was crossing the line.

I suppose I've made my decision never to see him again. I took the post down and felt so upset having to do so.
I am not losing that much money because I was already giving him a HUGE discount rate (200 for 3 hours instead of 250 an hour) because it was BDSM stuff and no sex. So I feel like I was being really generous to him but he just suddenly thinks that he is my dom and I his sub and we are in a relationship.

This is an ongoing problem of mine as most of my clients are regulars and as time stretches on some of them (not most, but some) start making demands of me to see them whenever, no matter my schedule, and asking more and more about how many men I see....

But this is the first time in my months of working where I have felt the power balance (which has always felt like we are equals but I'm in control of the situation and calling the shots with what i will and wont do) shifted so that he had all the control, making such demands of me.

Thank god for my friends who I called (one is Masha on this forum, the other is my best friend whom I love to death) and both of them were there for me and made me feel so much better.

So sorry for such a long rant but it's something which is so hard and I am still shaken by it.

Sorry also for this terribly written and long post (my blog post was much better RIP!)

So have you girls had regulars cross the line and make demands of you? How did you handle it.




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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #1 on: 04 July 2012, 10:32:06 am »
pm ed you XXX


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #2 on: 04 July 2012, 10:45:13 am »
I think the main question you should be asking yourself is: Why did you give this client ALL THAT power OVER YOURSELF? ??? I mean...Your (tad naive) question is "Client crossed the line (or did I)?". Sorry, we all know of how guys will get away with murder when given the chance and how it's part of our job having "carved in stone" boundaries and sticking to them -keeping your mental sanity intact being one of the main reasons for it"-

So you should be asking yourself: what part of you went on "self-sabotage" mood and made you become a slave of this  creep? ( I'm guessing your submissive side "betrayed" you)

Sorry i don't mean to be condescending (please forgive me if I sound like that. I'm trying not to come out as judgemental). If you're a newbie I understand your issues with boundaries (as you still don't know the ropes) but if you're an experienced professional I would recommend time off  for some soul searching and boundary enforcement future techniques because you're not fully ready to work. You can end burned up very very up easily and loose your mental sanity -fast- if you don't set firm boundaries between you and your clients, and learn how to distinguish and compartmentalize your working from your real persona. Sounds to me like you have issues with boundaries, or maybe you  don't and this guy just "slid through the cracks". In any case take some time off and see what went wrong so that it doesn't happen again.

And be aware that if you're going to be writing posts in your blog about how much you enjoy being submissive you're going to attract all these dominant types and get into "mind fuck" scenarios (like the one you got into with this guy). You need to learn how to handle them properly otherwise it's going to be a nightmare.

best luck xoxo
« Last Edit: 04 July 2012, 11:23:37 am by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #3 on: 04 July 2012, 12:16:23 pm »
Unfortunately some guys like to play the dom/sub stuff with no real understanding of how it works in the escorting world.
They then think they have total control over you and your life.  If you were his real life sub then these demands would have been quite normal but as an escort it is not.  I think this guy is getting mixed up.  He does not know or does not want to know that with a paid encounter it is different to the free sub/Dom situation

As an escort I would never give any man that control, the moment you let a client (who is a stranger to you even if you have seen him for months) tie you up you have lost all control.  He could have done much worse than just secretely film you.

Mark it down to a lesson learned and walk away and perhaps email him to explain that as an escort it is more roleplay than full submission to save another escort the same problems

I will say he was quite sensible to warn you about your blogs though as some guys will read them and think they can do what they want as you are submissive.  Guys with no understanding of the scene at all that think as you sub they can hurt you etc as some do think being dom means beating and abusing the sub
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #4 on: 04 July 2012, 02:48:18 pm »
Hi girls ,

Thanks for the good advice. I'm still a newbie in many ways and need to learn to establish boundaries better and yes I'm taking a couple days off to distress. Most of my
Clients are great and there's no problems but I won't be doing sub Dom stuff again that's for damned sure. And yeah I'll work on putting stronger boundaries in place

Thanks :)


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #5 on: 04 July 2012, 04:42:16 pm »
This is why I dont do sub, what a scary situation, theres no way on this planet id ever let a guy lie me up, only time I would contemplate this is if I was working in a decent parlour and even then I've never done sub and dont want to

hope your ok, dont see this guy again and I agree with the girl who said he clearly doesnt know the difference between a real sub situation and an escort paid for one


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #6 on: 04 July 2012, 04:57:44 pm »
This guy sounds kinda scary. I think he crossed a line.

curious k.

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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #7 on: 04 July 2012, 05:38:37 pm »
ohh, Honey I would love to read your blog.


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #8 on: 04 July 2012, 09:34:37 pm »
oh my goodness, that sounds awful, you poor thing.

I thought I had a bad situation with a chap but nothing like this

A new client had been wanting an appt for a few weeks and we finally met, he was weird and I decided then not to see him again, he was pushy, kept calling me darling and pushing his cock against my pussy I told him time and time again no intercourse without a condom he said "i'm not going to put it in" but still kept pushing ( I was wet from some sneaky lube application before he got here) so we all know how easily it could have gone it.
I managed to roll him off me and made him put a condom on before we did anything else. Afterwards he said he would give me good feedback, by that night he still hadn't done any, he e-mailed me and said if I gave him my PIN to my private gallery he would do it, so I did - planning to change it the next day. He left the feedback and made another booking saying he would give me more good feedback even though he couldn't actually make the meet.
Then he e-mailed me for another booking and said he would do odd jobs around the house in exchange for sex and he would leave me good feedback, I said I don't do that, I work in CASH only, he said it was a shame as it would have been worth some good feedback.
 I felt I was in a bit of a blackmailing situation so I have changed the PIN and just ignore him now, infact I think I will block him completely now.


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #9 on: 05 July 2012, 09:31:12 am »
A new client had been wanting an appt for a few weeks and we finally met, he was weird and I decided then not to see him again, he was pushy, kept calling me darling and pushing his cock against my pussy I told him time and time again no intercourse without a condom he said "i'm not going to put it in" but still kept pushing ( I was wet from some sneaky lube application before he got here) so we all know how easily it could have gone it.

I'm sure you're aware of this already, so disregard this if so, but it sounds like he was actually putting his willy right at your 'entrance', as it were? Which is not a good idea because erect penises tend to secrete something often called 'precum', which does indeed contain a few sperm and would definitely also contain any STI that he was infected with. It can be really microscopic (or it can be a super-leaky gush!) but it's still really important to be aware of. The vagina, being internal and all, is really vulnerable to even tiny amounts of foreign material. Do not let a client put his uncovered penis anywhere near your vagina.

I felt I was in a bit of a blackmailing situation so I have changed the PIN and just ignore him now, infact I think I will block him completely now.

Yay! :) This guy was definitely getting turned on at the idea of pushing you into providing him with free sexual services by bribing/blackmailing you about feedback. Remember that it doesn't really matter whether or not a client gives you feedback - and never push a client to give you feedback, because that just lets the manipulative ones know that you may have a weak spot that they can exploit.

In my newbie days, when I met a client who I wouldn't meet nowadays (but naturally when you're new you don't yet know which guys to avoid like the plague), I would usually try to block all subsequent contact from him as quickly as possible. If someone is remotely pushy to begin with, they will only get worse as time goes on and it's astonishing how quickly the crazy behaviour of the unpleasant/mentally-unbalanced can escalate even when you think you're not responding to them 'very much'. They will take even a 1 word text as a sign that they should continue focusing their attention on you. So don't respond to anything from an unpleasant client, not anything ever. They will soon go away because they only enjoy themselves when they are upsetting sex workers. If they get no response, they do not get their thrills. And unfortunately there is always a newer newbie than you out there for them to move on to. :-\
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #10 on: 05 July 2012, 05:08:21 pm »
bdsm bookings can get quite scary, its a way of life for them. i wouldn't do bdsm if you are not truly comfortable with it.
♥"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Marilyn Monroe♥


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #11 on: 05 July 2012, 08:15:30 pm »
bdsm bookings can get quite scary, its a way of life for them. i wouldn't do bdsm if you are not truly comfortable with it.

No BDSM should never be scary.  It should be very controled with safe words in place and anyone who lives the lifestyle know this and they ensure they know the subs limits and what they are happy to have happen to them.  It should never be scary or about fear.  It is about trusting someone to have control over you and that person who has control knowing the boundaries.  This is why is escorting it is never a good idea.  BDSM is NOT about sex at all.  Hence a good mistress does not ever have sex with her subs although she may allow them to reliev themselves.  Its about trust and control.  This cannot be built in a short escort booking and needs to be done over a long period of time with each learning the others limits.

The guys who book escorts for this normally have NO training and think it is about fear and pain as they are just playing at it as have seen it in a video and fancy being all powerful.  You cannot be a Dom/Domme overnight and it takes a hell of a lot of learning to get to the stage where you can practice
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #12 on: 06 July 2012, 08:30:59 am »
thanks again girls?


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Re: Client crossed a line (or did I?)
« Reply #13 on: 06 July 2012, 06:49:44 pm »
I think you both crossed the line. He's been trying to get you cheaper & you've let him just because you don't have sex.

I never ever will be a sub & in my domme sessions I will charge extra for domme whether I allow them the treat of having sex with me or not.

There was no need to totally humiliate you like this. He's a prick.

Lesson learned I hope.
