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Author Topic: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....  (Read 2378 times)


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My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« on: 05 July 2012, 09:47:27 pm »
Hello ladies! :)

I am a returning escort to the industry after a gap of around 16 years! I have previously worked for a slightly dodgy agency (for approx 3 days - aged 19 didn't know any better), and have always had a desire to return to work, but never quite managed to get there.
Anyhow - I am taking the plunge and doing it properly this time. I have researched as much as pos and feel fully prepared and plan to become a successful indie like some of you inspirational ladies I have discovered on this forum. I need to start somewhere and get some experience, so I've managed to get some work in a parlour tomorrow evening for a working interview (can anyone please clarify exactly what this means?!). I have hopefully asked enough of the right questions to not let them take the rotten piss. I am not entirely 100% comfortable with the fees - they take 50% but from what I can gather they are established, have good security and have been told if I am half decent looking I should get between 8 & 10 customers for a 10 hour night shift (aargh!! I also have a family and a day job!). The manager is a woman and mentioned any extras I charge for are mine to keep so I am hoping to top up each one this way but need a bit of advice please. What will a client pay extra for and what are they expecting for the door fee they pay (?!) an actual massage and a hand job or what? I am fairly open minded but feel unprepared to work at a parlour giving full sex for under ?100 per hour given that I earned nearly double that 16 years ago. I feel in a better position now as I have matured well and feel confident and intelligent enough to make a successful business for myself, but am I being unrealistic about the parlour? Any advice would be gratefully received - sorry for the long message but the main questions I have are;-

1. What is a client expecting/paying for with a half an hour appointment at a parlour.
2. What can I charge extra for? kissing, BJ, Sex? and how much if they are paying ?60 for 30 Min's.
3. I have bought my own condoms will they reimburse me?
4. Any tips so that I don't get completely mugged off, there are around 10/11 girls working each night and I can imagine they will not be happy about a new attractive one coming in (not up my own arse but I am confident I am attractive to men, and also nice - so lots of girls usually hate me).
5. lastly anyone who wants to be my mentor would be fab! I am based in the midlands and I am keen to network with genuine like minded people.

Thank you for reading this,

lady c

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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #1 on: 05 July 2012, 10:15:16 pm »
i am in the midlands aswell and work independently, why would you want to work for a parlour when they take so much and why  work such long hrs when you could earn as much on your own and be in control. I personally would not even consider it.


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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #2 on: 05 July 2012, 10:28:53 pm »
'Working interview' rings some size of alarm bells as it usually means 'of course, you'll be having sex with someone'. On one level, if you're ok with that, fine, but make sure you're paid before doing anything sexual with anyone.

As to the other questions, the place will have rules about what's included. It will also have an atmosphere and if that's jealous rather than friendly, it is not necessarily something they're going to be honest about. What do the reviews of the place say about it and the people working there?

No, they're very probably not going to pay for condoms you've bought. ("These are made from latex dew, picked by blind monks on the slopes of wherever, that's why I'm expecting you to pay me a tenner for each one I use...")
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #3 on: 05 July 2012, 10:31:22 pm »
You are completely right, I am hoping it will be a short term thing. I really need some experience and a bit of cash to get a website up and running etc.

How did you start out and what do you do now? Where do you advertise and are you busy enough generally month to month? So sorry for asking such personal questions I just need information and want to know what to expect!

p.s I always rely on my gut instincts and if the place is shit I can always leave.


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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #4 on: 06 July 2012, 09:47:19 pm »
Hello ladies! :)

I am a returning escort to the industry after a gap of around 16 years! I have previously worked for a slightly dodgy agency (for approx 3 days - aged 19 didn't know any better), and have always had a desire to return to work, but never quite managed to get there.
Anyhow - I am taking the plunge and doing it properly this time. I have researched as much as pos and feel fully prepared and plan to become a successful indie like some of you inspirational ladies I have discovered on this forum. I need to start somewhere and get some experience, so I've managed to get some work in a parlour tomorrow evening for a working interview (can anyone please clarify exactly what this means?!). I have hopefully asked enough of the right questions to not let them take the rotten piss. I am not entirely 100% comfortable with the fees - they take 50% but from what I can gather they are established, have good security and have been told if I am half decent looking I should get between 8 & 10 customers for a 10 hour night shift (aargh!! I also have a family and a day job!). The manager is a woman and mentioned any extras I charge for are mine to keep so I am hoping to top up each one this way but need a bit of advice please. What will a client pay extra for and what are they expecting for the door fee they pay (?!) an actual massage and a hand job or what? I am fairly open minded but feel unprepared to work at a parlour giving full sex for under ?100 per hour given that I earned nearly double that 16 years ago. I feel in a better position now as I have matured well and feel confident and intelligent enough to make a successful business for myself, but am I being unrealistic about the parlour? Any advice would be gratefully received - sorry for the long message but the main questions I have are;-

1. What is a client expecting/paying for with a half an hour appointment at a parlour.
2. What can I charge extra for? kissing, BJ, Sex? and how much if they are paying ?60 for 30 Min's.
3. I have bought my own condoms will they reimburse me?
4. Any tips so that I don't get completely mugged off, there are around 10/11 girls working each night and I can imagine they will not be happy about a new attractive one coming in (not up my own arse but I am confident I am attractive to men, and also nice - so lots of girls usually hate me).
5. lastly anyone who wants to be my mentor would be fab! I am based in the midlands and I am keen to network with genuine like minded people.

Thank you for reading this,

It depends, any decent parlour will let you offer the services you feel comfortable with, some will let you charge extra for OWO some wont (in my experience), some let you charge whatever you want for extras some have a set price limit which in my experience is very low

50% is a lot of money, how much are their rates? As far as I am aware it is you who should be getting the larger percentage of whatever the client pays, otherwise I'd say they are taking the piss and I certainly wouldnt want to work for half the money

i have worked in parlours myself and they all work differently some will have you tip a receptionist at the end some have you pay a standard desk fee, either way you end up losing money from each client then having to pay out at the end of the day aswell, if it had been a shit day for me id end up really fucked off at having to hand ?35 over when I'd only made ?160 or so, either way the amount you have to pay at the end of the day usually goes off how much you've earned or how many clients youve seen

no parlour should ask for your extras cash infact they dont even need to know you earned it

10 to 11 girls is a lot, how big is this place? Even the busiest places up here in Grtr Manc have no more than 7 girls on and even then competition is stiff, this one parlour i worked in would let you choose your own times and days it was a good parlour swift inside with nice owners however sometimes 8 to 12 girls would book the shift then you would make less money with some of the girls often choosing to leave half way through shift as they wernt getting work

then theres the bitchiness etc which I had to deal with numerous times, it was worse working on a 2 girl shift and being the more popular girl, getting daggers everytime the client chose you lol, i actually left a shift after 8 months with the same girl as her competitiveness and flying off the handle when she wasnt doing well got to much for me

it depends what the parlours charge up here its usually ?50 half an hour ?100 an hour, you would keep about ?30 of the half an hour and ?60 for the hour, some places offer 20 mins aswell usually for about ?40 where you would get ?25

charging extra for kissing unfortunately is a bit of a no no these days also with standard oral as I said some places dont let you charge extra for owo and insist you charge minimum prices of ?10 for risky services like CIM, in these predictments I didnt offer the service as I felt for the dire amount of money i was receiving it wasnt worth the risk

« Last Edit: 06 July 2012, 09:49:19 pm by Kimmy »


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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #5 on: 07 July 2012, 01:15:10 am »
i havnt ever worked in a parlour so have no idea what is good or not however things have changed hugely in 16 years  however  i doubt if you will get reimbursed for condoms and ky 
  ( we didn't have the internet 16 years ago ;D which has made huge changes to how most girls work mainly n the last 3 years or so ) 
but  what i do know from reading post on here  is that those ladies who have come back into the industry after a break of even 3 or 4 years are often seriously shocked  at how things have changed and not in a good way either  because 3-5 years  ago they were charging 200 -250 an hour without any problems and owo and anal and cim was only done by real nasty girls  ;D ( count me in on that level  though)
Now you have girls doing /offering just about everything  and everything in between  as well
Do you mean you expect to get 100 an hour from a parlour
if they say that you should get between 8 -10 a shift and there are 11 girls on thats a serious turnover 200 +  clients a day if its open 24 hrs

personally i would attempt to go indi as soon as i could 


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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #6 on: 07 July 2012, 04:00:09 am »
Kimmy, Paris

Thank you for the advice. I went to my shift and it was dia. I only stayed 5 hrs because it was so akward that guys kept choosing me over the other girls and I was really paro about getting my stuff/money nicked. The work itself I can handle - the bullshit that comes with it not so much. I also ended up having to pay a security fee which wasnt mentioned before I got there. What I made was really not worth the money.
Any tips on how I can go about getting some clients quickly cos I said I would go back tomorrow but I feel sick about it, could do with the measly cash though unfortunately. Where do you guys advertise? Do you know of any girls in the midlands wanting to share a place?



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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #7 on: 07 July 2012, 10:11:48 am »
Kimmy, Paris

Thank you for the advice. I went to my shift and it was dia. I only stayed 5 hrs because it was so akward that guys kept choosing me over the other girls and I was really paro about getting my stuff/money nicked. The work itself I can handle - the bullshit that comes with it not so much. I also ended up having to pay a security fee which wasnt mentioned before I got there. What I made was really not worth the money.
Any tips on how I can go about getting some clients quickly cos I said I would go back tomorrow but I feel sick about it, could do with the measly cash though unfortunately. Where do you guys advertise? Do you know of any girls in the midlands wanting to share a place?



Bella, it does not look as if you have read the main site at all.  This is just the forum, everything (and more) than you ever want to know is there.  The forum also has a search facility button for keywords.  Spend a day looking and re-reading the site to familiarise yourself with everything.  We probably have discussed everything you ask more than a few times. is a free site and you can be up and running as an indie in 15mins!


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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #8 on: 07 July 2012, 10:58:36 am »
Bella, it does not look as if you have read the main site at all.  This is just the forum, everything (and more) than you ever want to know is there.  The forum also has a search facility button for keywords.  Spend a day looking and re-reading the site to familiarise yourself with everything.  We probably have discussed everything you ask more than a few times. is a free site and you can be up and running as an indie in 15mins!

Here's a link to the main site, just in case :) :

It's a really great overview as all of those articles were contributed by experienced escorts who have been really successful at working sanely and successfully in the industry. I don't think we've got many post-recession articles specifically, but you've always had to work very hard to make good money in this job so the same general principles and methods stand the test of time even though the income you get in return will be rather a lot lower than what I've heard was common 10+ years ago.

And yes, as Pandora also notes, you can use the forum's search form to find out more about specific topics like "parlour", "condoms", "advertising", etc. :)
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Re: My new life begins - Advice greatly appreciated.....
« Reply #9 on: 07 July 2012, 11:27:55 am »
Thanks for the tips girls. I did discover the main site after my first post! This site is amazing  :)