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General Category => Questions and Answers => Topic started by: KirstyKiss on 05 May 2022, 01:24:54 pm

Title: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: KirstyKiss on 05 May 2022, 01:24:54 pm
A client I've not seen before wants to book twice in one day when I'm touring his area.  I find this strange.

In all my years, I've never come across this (apart from the odd guy who's come for a quickie twice in one day) and I'm not convinced he's genuine.

There's no way I'm booking out my diary. I was thinking about asking for two deposits even if he tries to book me on the day he wants to see me. (For advance bookings, I take a deposit anyway).

Would you even entertain this request?
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: Miffy on 05 May 2022, 01:42:00 pm
Although I have read about some men visiting the same escort twice in one day, the second booking is usually made after they enjoyed the first so much.

What your potential client is suggesting seems a little weird to me, and makes me wonder if he’s hedging his bets about which time he actually wants to see you. By making two bookings, he will either cancel or no-show for the one he does not want, probably on the day itself. As you take deposits for advance bookings anyway, absolutely take deposits for both although I suspect might not want to do this/will only pay one.

Personally, I would probably just decline as it all seems a little bit like hard work, particularly as you don’t think he’s genuine anyway.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: KirstyKiss on 05 May 2022, 01:44:04 pm
Thanks, Miffy,
That's my gut instinct. It's just not a normal thing to do.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: Miffy on 05 May 2022, 01:52:24 pm
Always listen to your gut, it is never wrong.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: English Green on 05 May 2022, 02:03:32 pm
I have had 2 guys visit me twice in one day in this job but both guys i met and had a booking then they came back later.

If you not met him before i would say big chance 90% he is a messer and trying to book you out possibly.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: amy on 05 May 2022, 02:24:03 pm
I have a regular who does this often when he's in town and likes to do an hour at lunchtime then another after work (I just charge him the usual two hour rate, atlhough it can be a pain having the lunchtime slot blocked out when I inevitably wind up turning somebody else away). He pays for both bookings at the start though, and I would make sure anybody doing likewise did too or I wouldn't hold the later time for them.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 05 May 2022, 02:36:24 pm
Had this on a tour of mine, first time meeting then text me about 2 hours later asking for another. He arrived no issues we had another good booking and that was that.

If your gut says no then I’d said no. I didn’t have a bad feeling about the guy I saw twice.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: Justine on 05 May 2022, 02:54:42 pm
What the OP describes does sound dodgy to me so I would not be agreeing to that one.

The first time a new client booked me twice in one day was quite a shock and flattering. I went on to see him for several more bookings but not the twice in one day thing.  I have also had a younger guy (gorgeous  :-*)  see me early evening and then come back mid morning next day, a few times. 

Another client I had met once only, and knew I didn't want to see him again, kept asking to book me at mid day then come back at 6pm but I had my excuses ready and he eventually gave up.  ::)
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: KirstyKiss on 05 May 2022, 07:16:37 pm
I have a regular who does this often when he's in town and likes to do an hour at lunchtime then another after work (I just charge him the usual two hour rate, atlhough it can be a pain having the lunchtime slot blocked out when I inevitably wind up turning somebody else away). He pays for both bookings at the start though, and I would make sure anybody doing likewise did too or I wouldn't hold the later time for them.

That's a really good idea. If I accept the booking I will tell him he has to pay for both upfront.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: Ana66 on 06 May 2022, 05:22:54 pm
I've already had someone coming back twice in the same day (both bookings were 30min ones) but he decided to do so after the first booking because he really enjoyed it.

But in the OP's case, I would find it very strange, especially if the client has never met you before and wants 2 bookings in the same day right away. The guy has no clue if you gonna get along well or not. In my opinion, it sounds like a time waster fantasist who won't even show up to the first agreed booking.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: Hannaah on 06 May 2022, 10:10:46 pm
I've had this only once and like others, the client booked a short meeting with me and then asked to come back several hours later. He's since turned into a semi-regular wonderful client but has never done twice in a day since.

I'd tell him he needs to book one appointment and after that one has happened he can book another if he wishes- you might not even get along! Definitely wouldn't be blocking out two different times for him without already having met him.
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 08 May 2022, 09:28:31 am
I've done this a few times but majority of the time they book the next day or within the same week. I recently had a reg who booked twice a week but after I asked him to wash (after he left a skid mark the last session) he was soft the entire time. He told me he will be busy for a few weeks but I don't think he is coming back now  ::)
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: ff on 08 May 2022, 01:33:40 pm
That did happen when I first started out with a sexy guy just shouldn't have gone out on a date with him 😩
Title: Re: Client booking twice in one day?
Post by: RB1 on 10 May 2022, 10:15:39 am
I’ve had punters come and see me once and then return next day or the day after but it’s normally for the 15 mins blow and go
I would ask for 2 deposits or get him in as a early morning booking so that if he fucks about its not messed up your day