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Author Topic: Changes to appearance -- how to tell clients  (Read 2316 times)


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Changes to appearance -- how to tell clients
« on: 13 July 2010, 02:20:52 am »
Not sure if I'm going to go through with this, but I'm thinking about having some surgery to improve my appearance. Not breast implants, more in the vein of ear pinning, chemical peel, cosmetic dentistry, etc. -- things they might not be able to tell I'd had done, but they could probably tell something was different. I guess the same would apply to hair color changes, curly to straight hair (or vice versa), losing/gaining a lot of weight on holiday...


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Re: Changes to appearance -- how to tell clients
« Reply #1 on: 13 July 2010, 03:01:52 am »
Hello Css

I really don't think that your clients would notice if you had your teeth whitened or gained 2 pounds so I really don't think this is something you need to dwell on. In fact, body maintenance (be it using an anti-aging face cream or some fresh new highlights)   is of paramount importance to the profession and is something that almost all women from all walks of life follow. At what point do you think it would be appropriate and relevant to mention something so trivial and mundane to a client? I can perhaps understand why some folks may want to inform a client of something as striking as a breast enhancement (although if I had one Im sure I'd like them to see it for themselves ;), but ear pinning etc?  I think in these situations, fall back on good ol' common sense! E.g  I'm sure your regs wouldn't mind too much about a drastic change of hair colour (and if they do, they don't need to come back after they' ve seen your new 'do) but ensure that you update your website/AW photos so your new clients can see the new you!



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Re: Changes to appearance -- how to tell clients
« Reply #2 on: 13 July 2010, 09:31:21 am »
In fact, body maintenance (be it using an anti-aging face cream or some fresh new highlights)   is of paramount importance to the profession and is something that almost all women from all walks of life follow.


But yes, getting bits 'done' (like teeth, ear-pinning, whatnot and such-and-such) is something where I'd say, "OMG, I have failed to make all of my clients completely aware of the stuff I was contemplating changing and therefore have not received written permission from them to go ahead with the procedures! OH NOES!" and yes, my tone would be a mildly sarcastic one. :P

I changed my hair colour dramatically a while back and yes, updated my profile/website text and pics but apart from that, the only effort I went to was to refrain from rolling my eyes during the following 6 weeks of, "Oh! You've changed your hair!" from my poor darling regulars as one by one they gradually began to notice something was different about me and struggled mightily to figure out what it was.

Frankly, think about it from the clients' perspectives. Would the change make them want to put their penis in your vagina less (limb loss, hair loss, boob loss)? If so, warn them about it. If not, please, do not waste another thought worrying about what they might think. Long hair to short hair? Brazilian wax to trimmed bush? New nail colour? Subtle cosmetic procedures that your mum might not even notice? Pop a note on your profile/website which 90% of your clients won't even read and consider yourself guilt-free. If any of your clients DO notice that your ears are placed 0.3mm differently than they were 2 weeks ago, just look at them oddly and ask what they've been smoking, otherwise you'll face a huge monologue about how You Were Already Beautiful and You Don't Need Surgery and Why Would You Do This To Yourself (ask any woman who's had a boob job and asked a dad-ish dood what he thinks of it for further details if required) and will feel like you need to explain yourself, which, to clients, you do not. As Melody said, if they come in the door and gibber and gape in horror at your vastly different appearance then just ask if they'd still like to stay (and pay) or go (and not pay) and leave the choice up to them.
Disclosure: The other person behind

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Changes to appearance -- how to tell clients
« Reply #3 on: 13 July 2010, 10:41:50 am »
Judging by what I read, most clients are more concerned that you are actually the girl in the pictures, as opposed to your ear span.

So as long as you aren't using pictures of Megan Fox, chill. Men really don't give a monkeys how your upper half changes, as long as the lower can still dance. As it were.  ;D


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Re: Changes to appearance -- how to tell clients
« Reply #4 on: 13 July 2010, 01:38:15 pm »
otherwise you'll face a huge monologue about how You Were Already Beautiful and You Don't Need Surgery and Why Would You Do This To Yourself (ask any woman who's had a boob job and asked a dad-ish dood what he thinks of it for further details if required)

Argh, this. I thought I'd be immune as I only became an escort one month before my boob job, and have been working another five months after it, but I'm STILL getting men booking who saw me in that first month and lecturing me on how I had a perfect figure already and I didn't need to get fake boobs to please a man  :-X never mind the fact that I paid the deposit on my tits when I was still with my ex who hated big breasts - I did it purely for me. Even new clients who have no idea what I looked like before start going on about it sometimes. Then I tell them that I was a AA cup and they shut up  ;D
Previously known as Krystal Champagne


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Re: Changes to appearance -- how to tell clients
« Reply #5 on: 13 July 2010, 05:39:46 pm »
Ive has two boob jobs and had clients pay for both of them haha! Some guys hate fake boobies and wont come back but others absolutly love them, it's swings and roundabouts really, and you cant please everyone. Everything you do cant be about the clients, it's your life and your body so do what you want babe xx