Hi anika,
I've read a lot of your posts and your advice is excellent. This site is fantastic in general.
I dont drive, so a driver would be a good idea.
At the mo i'm just checking out some of the free sites suggested to work out fees.
As a 'larger lady' or fat bird it seems that a lot of men seem to like the whole gf experience, I was thinking that part of that could include a bath or shower first, should help out with cleanliness. I would however have no problems pointing out that it needed washing if they want me to go anywhere near it.
The advice on the tax side etc was really helpful.
My friend is great, it helps to have someone unjudgemental to chat about things with. However its great to actually be able to talk to people that do the job.
I think for me thats the best way to deal with it. Its a job, I dont expect to always enjoy it, I expect to have bad days and days when I'd much rather work at Asdas, however if approached sensibly and with care for me safety etc then I think It could be a rewarding career. I was more worried about the fact that I dont think its morally wrong, than actually doing it. yep I'm nervous, I always am when starting a new job. And I'm pretty sure that when I get the cash in my hand, I'm gonna feel a whole lot less nervous LOL
PS I imagined walking into a pub like you suggested, yep I could do any bloke in there, as long as he had my cash and I was safe.....
Thanks, I appreciate your help, i really do.
Moll x