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Author Topic: Can I have your full address?  (Read 2741 times)


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Can I have your full address?
« on: 13 February 2014, 05:40:15 pm »
Hi girls
I just had a really strange day. Most of punters was calling to me today and all what the ask was " can I have your full address please "?, or " can I have your door number "?  Usually I send to them only a post code and name of the street, never my door number if I am not sure he's on the right street. Many times I had calls like that but today all of them was the same! They did not even ask me about prices etc?? And also all was sound like Eastern European.... Really strange day...


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #1 on: 13 February 2014, 05:54:13 pm »
That is definitely weird!


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #2 on: 13 February 2014, 06:44:48 pm »
I'm wondering if a form of advertising has changed for you, were you listing slightly differently, or somewhere other than your usual ads?

I've had a spate of people thinking I'm in north wales, don't know why. ???


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #3 on: 13 February 2014, 07:33:43 pm »
I just logged on now to start a thread on the same topic! But you beat me to it  ;)

I'm really tired of people asking for my address, not just today but constantly being asked 'Whereabouts are you' and 'What's your address'. My location information is at the top of all my adverts, seriously you can't miss it, and I give a specific and very well-known landmark, yet still 'Whereabouts are you based...'

And the address, I'm sure noticing more callers straight away asking for my full address, or full postcode. I don't want to give my address to people making a general enquiry, I give them my street name and postcode when they make an appointment.

I don't understand it, it doesn't seem to be newbies who aren't sure how the procedure works. All I can suggest is the usual not bothering to read profiles..? If you have similar types of callers may be people handing the phone number out to friends? Or like Strawberry suggested ads we don't know about.

I was going to post about this because I just had these texts:

Him: Hi babe are you free
Me: Available from... until...
Him: What's your address sweet
Me: Do you want appointment?
Him: If I can see how far away you are
Me: Near (specific landmark)
Him: What's your full address as I am about 5 miles out of (town) on business
Me: I don't give out my address
Him: Ok I will find someone that does so I can get there lol
Me:Ok. Well there would be no point in you getting here without having an appointment time, and if (landmark) isn't specific enough for you to judge how far away I am so you can decide if you want one, or you haven't noticed my location details prominently listed on my advert, which you apparently haven't taken any time to read, I agree you should look elsewhere.

I usually hold my tongue and don't send negative responses, (no point stoking the fire?) but this issue is really winding me up so hence last reply.

(I was so tempted to put... 'and maybe she will give you GPS co-ordinates')
« Last Edit: 13 February 2014, 07:59:58 pm by Amethyst »

sammy s

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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #4 on: 13 February 2014, 07:52:56 pm »
I REALLY REALLY hate this. It makes my blood boil. Almost every enquiry I get asks me for my exact address. It states clearly on my profile that I only give details out once a booking has been made through the system as I have to be extremely discreet.
I give them the rough area of where I am in the city though and a lot of them get irritated by this and demand the postcode and street name. I think it's so they can check on goole maps that we don't live in rough areas maybe? Or it could just be the fact that a lot of them don't respect boundaries or the fact we need to keep safe. Giving our full address out to every Tom, dick and Harry is dangerous. Especially to those with no feedback who seem to be the ones who ask these stupid questions


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #5 on: 13 February 2014, 08:20:06 pm »
Yes - they like to check the neighbourhood first. I've definitely heard that.

I go ahead and give the postcode, encouraging them to Google it.


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #6 on: 13 February 2014, 08:20:12 pm »
I have no problems giving out my postcode or street name I just always say for my safety I only give the number when you have parked and I can see that you are alone.  It stops them being negative and normally leads to a confirmed booking.

I am just like most of them and wont go anywhere without the street name and postcode as I rely on Sat Navs to get me everywhere so a Landmark wouldn't help me and it wont help anyone who doesn't know the area well.

Most want the street name or postcode so they can be sure they have enough time to get to you, have a booking and get back to where they have to be in the time they have so I have no problems giving them it.  I suppose I would be different if mine was the only property at this postcode but that is not likely.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #7 on: 13 February 2014, 08:39:33 pm »
I think some guys don't think about all the potential weirdo's we have to put up with in this business and that we have to be careful, and don't think through why we never give our full address out straight away.  Sometimes I have days when I have lots of odd enquiries like this then it all goes quiet and back to normal. When I explain why I don't give the full address out, the vast majority of people are fine with it.


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #8 on: 13 February 2014, 10:53:33 pm »
Checking the neighbourhood I haven't heard of before but makes sense.

I give a landmark on my adverts, I give the postcode for sat-nav and street name when they book.

When I explain why I don't give the full address out, the vast majority of people are fine with it.

Normal enquirers can understand, and I don't mind giving more specific location details to those who sound genuine. It's this batch of callers who so directly and instantly demand to know my address, without seeming interested in anything else. They sound similar, through tone of voice, attitude, have a particular non-genuine 'vibe'?

I had a couple of no-shows like this yesterday, they made me uncomfortable when they asked straight away for my address and so when I said I don't like giving out my address unless you have a booking, they made one. I let them but didn't expect them to turn up, and it kind of confirms it for me that if they ask directly for my address they are not genuine. But why ask if you have no intention of booking?


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #9 on: 14 February 2014, 01:54:56 am »
A lot of guys don't realise how long it will take to get to the area I am in, so I usually ask them where they are travelling from. If they want something for their sat nav, then I tell them to head for a certain area which is within a few minutes. I've had guys try and work out their own routes, or work out where I am. Sometimes they are correct, many times very much incorrect or spent ages trying to work out some clever way of approaching it, parking miles away, around the town making themselves late. So I just give good route advice and ask them to follow my directions. This is all made clear upfront so there are no surprises and when followed my directions and procedure is bob on, it's only been times when someone has interpreted, second guessed or tried to do their own thing that they've gotten lost so I am precise and also strict on not giving out anything more than necessary.


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #10 on: 14 February 2014, 02:05:50 am »
Perhaps you could give the postcode of the landmark. Say if you're referring to a local hotel or Burger King etc, just give that postcode and say its near there.

I like to have a postcode if I get an outcall enquiry. I'll ask for their postcode or one from the next street etc so I know roughly where it is so I can check how long it will take to arrive.

If that makes sense.


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #11 on: 14 February 2014, 09:50:19 am »
I don't like the cold callers just phoning up asking where I am specifically either. I mean I am city centre and no matter where they are in the city centre, I cant be any more than a 5 minute car/taxi journey and there are taxi's everywhere. I always give a landmark on the phone which is seconds from my flat and they don't seem satisfied with that either then they take the huff with you when you wont give them your actual address.

I always remind them that they don't need my address when they don't have an appointment with me. Address is sent when they have actually booked and confirmed their appointment with me.

Is that too much to ask? To be honest, I think its just complete lack of thought with some of these guys. Lack of thought can be very annoying though, I tend not to meet those guys.



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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #12 on: 14 February 2014, 09:58:05 am »
I was once with a client (last year) for the hour (think we ran over a good bit) but when we finished and I checked my phone, I had over 20 missed calls and about 18 of them were from the same person. Obviously I got back to all the other callers and didn't respond to the phsyco with the serious cock emergency but then my phone started ringing again and I answered it because I was curious to find out WTF all these calls were about..................

Me: Hello!

Him: Whats your address?

Me: I am not giving you my address!

Him: Well how the fuck do you expect me to get there if you wont give me your address?

Me: Do you honestly think I would give my address out to a complete stranger who has harassed me with constant phone calls, hasn't even said hello to me, hasn't asked if I am available and who has now swore at me?

Him: So you going to give me your address?

I put the phone down, then the texts came through............

Him: Whats your address?

Me: Fuck off you headcase!

Him: I WILL get a booking with you but I will use another sim and by the time I am done with you, your going to need a top surgeon to put you right!

 :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :( I never text back after that since I just about shat a brick  :(

He had a really distinctive voice so I think I would recognise him again!


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #13 on: 14 February 2014, 10:29:42 am »
I've said it many time Internet advertising has become sadly just like the newspapers

When I had my first website back in 2005 callers were polite , well mannered and had 99 percent of the time taken time to read my details / website ect   They knew what you did what you looked like

At that time I still used to advertise in the papers so the difference in clients on the phone and how they spoke what questions that they asked was very very noticeable

However in the past 3 years it seem that as more and more girl no longer advertise in the papers and on  websites those paper clients have  moved over to websites to find escorts

Now when I do viva st or trade it i have them both on different numbers to my main website number because you do get very different client sometimes from them.

My website if I get 10 calls then  8 out 10 of them turn up ( not saying that I do 10 a day )

Viva st / trade It advertising 50calls might get me 3 bookings a day etc

When guys call I give them all the details and the postcode for the lit up like a Xmas tree at any time of the year car park Cabot circus I'm literally 30 seconds walk from there
I send them a text with postcode of car park and st name and in the text I tell them to get to the round floor by the vending machine and lifts so that I can direct them to me easily

98 percent of them are fine with this


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Re: Can I have your full address?
« Reply #14 on: 14 February 2014, 11:43:14 am »
Don't let them keep asking questions, or you will get more questions. Stick to your script of ME: "this is my post code (use map or google), this is the street, when you arrive you will see ....... Call me up then i will instruct you to my front door e.t.c ". Them: "But I want you full address!", Me:  "this is my post code (use map or google), this is the street, when you arrive you will see ....... Call me up then i will instruct you to my front door e.t.c "  Ask, if they have google or map, and if they do, they will have no problem finding you, then " if you are interested in booking let me know, all the information you need is on my website if you want to call back later x"

Normally I find repeating something stops people from keeping asking the same thing cause they see you won't budge.

I am tempted of putting vital information on pictures, at the bottom, so they are forced to read it!