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General Category => Questions and Answers => Topic started by: Helen4444 on 11 February 2014, 10:11:29 am

Title: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: Helen4444 on 11 February 2014, 10:11:29 am
Hi just recently I split and got back together with my partner after he found my profile on AW..
I'm resenting him atm as I still want to escort but I know I can't hurt him again and start escorting again behind his back.I know it's wrong and don't want to hurt him again so what am I to do?!!!
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: KimberlyC on 11 February 2014, 10:13:35 am
You have to choose. And when you make the choice, accept the consequences as freely as you can. If you choose him, then no resentment - he is perfectly normal to not want to date an escort.
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: sourgrapes on 11 February 2014, 10:24:13 am
You have made a choice from free will, presumably because you love him and don't want to lose him. Resenting him for it will poison your relationship.
I'm afraid he is being perfectly sane not wanting to go out with a sex worker. I couldn't go out with a guy who f***s two, three or four women in the course of his working day. It would simply mess with my head too much. No point pretending hooking is a "normal" career choice.   :'(
Maybe some guys can handle it, but frankly, I'd worry if he accepted it.
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: happyhappyjoyjoy on 11 February 2014, 11:11:00 am
No one can make this choice for you. You will need to make your choice and stick to it. Having your cake and eating it will bite you on the arse again.
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: roseanna on 11 February 2014, 11:31:51 am
This is bordering on being a troll. I wonder if the OP ever thinks about any other aspect of escorting to share with others.

No-one else can make your mind up for you. You have to be responsible for your own decisions at the end of the day.
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: sammy s on 11 February 2014, 11:38:02 am
I'd say choose your boyfriend. But then again if you truly loved him and respected his wishes then the decision wouldn't be so difficult for you to make so maybe you should finish with him and stick with the escorting. If you have financial difficulties then perhaps explain to him you'll do it for a couple more months whilst also looking for a new job at the same time and then quit for good.
It sounds like a messy situation and I definitely wouldn't recommend doing it secretly behind his back. If he finds out it could destroy his happiness and trust in people
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: Helen4444 on 11 February 2014, 01:42:20 pm
Hi yes it's a horrible situation to be in as my daughter gets on well with him too..if I told him I was doing it for just afew months he'd still go mad so can't really do's hard and don't know how long till I've got to make the right decision :-(
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: Pink~Princess on 11 February 2014, 01:59:13 pm
In my honest opinion, you cant have your cake and eat it  :-\

Many escorts (many on here infact) have partners but their partners know and accept what their occupation is and therefor can have both BUT if your lying and trying to wangle having a boyfriend and escort at the same time then the truth will always come out.

In your case, you've already been found out so he would really be on your case if you started up again and obviously he doesn't accept you working as an escort so really its decision time........him or escorting?

I was in a loving relationship with someone who ticked all the boxes before I started escorting, pitty I had been thinking about escorting since long before I even met him and the thoughts would just NOT leave my head and I didn't feel there was any other way to clear my debt and get what I want (my own salon and a big deposit on a house and a little tucked away for a rainy day) through being a hairdresser/beautician working in a salon for next to no money and working really long hours, my credit score was terrible so couldn't get a loan and there was no way I was getting a mortgage.

Now although I was in a loving relationship, I kept thinking what if this ends a year or 2 down the line (like all my other relationships) and I am left in a worse situation than I am now with no money and still working for someone else when my dream is to be my own boss? I want to be able to depend on myself and NOT a man like some of my friends do, they put up with so much shit from their boyfriends cheating on them etc because they like the lifestyle their boyfriends give them.......fuck that! So I ended up breaking off the relationship before it got too intense (as he was talking about engagement) and it broke my heart, I cried myself to sleep for a long time and don't think I have ever really got over him but probably because it helps to move on when you meet someone else whereas that hasn't been an option for me as I decided if I cant have him then I don't want anyone while I do this job. Lying and deceiving someone like that who your suppose to love is just not fair.

So I know its hurtful but you have to weigh up the pros and cons as being an escort or being in this relationship and figure out which is best for you. You say you resent him as your not able to work so I think that shows a lot about how you feel and it will only get worse, resentment is a horrible emotion. If you decide to choose work then you will be sad for a while but it does get better.

What ever you decide, I hope its the right decision and I hope you can find happiness.

Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: tvhappiness on 11 February 2014, 03:01:54 pm
Personally, the fact you have asked the question, to me shows you aren't ready to give it up. But yet again, maybe you just need sometime. If I was you give it a month or two, if you still feel the same, maybe it's time to reevaluate you decision...
Title: Re: Boyfriend or Escorting
Post by: Helen4444 on 11 February 2014, 07:55:01 pm
Hi yeah I was thinking a month and if I still feel the same I'll just have to move on from my partner and tell him it's over..I also have lots of good feedback and don't want to lose my profile on AW!
So I think that's the right thing to do thanks