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Author Topic: Blackmail  (Read 12434 times)


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Re: Blackmail / violent man
« Reply #15 on: 30 August 2011, 06:40:29 pm »

here we go again

...... mr nasty

OK so your off adultwork but your still on punterlink and the rest. We are going to name all the sites your on as well as your knocking shop address and your home address. We have had you under surveillance for weeks and have plenty of pics of you and punters going in and out. I'm waiting for a call back from HMRC to see if your claiming child tax credits. I have a good contact in the revenue office at The Pyramids in Bathgate. It's all going to come out in the wash. I've almost got enough for a 2 page spread. See you soon.

he has an email

this isnt the creep thats terrorising the girls in Scotland at the moment is he?


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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #16 on: 30 August 2011, 07:32:56 pm »
HMRC are not going to disclose details to a anyone unless needed for legal reasons and obtained the correct way.

This guy is just trying is hardest to frighten you.  Are you sure he is not someones boyfirned/pimp/brothel owner trying to frighten you out of business.   
Regardless of who he is go to the police as he obviously is not going to give up harrassing you.  Take your laptop with you so they can get his IP address.  I have found Police do take threats against escorts very seriously (I have had to use the police before due to a stalker) and the police know that many violent men start out by attacking escorts/prostitutes (whatever you choose to call our job) as they are less likely to contact the police.  These type of men gain confidence through this to then go on and threaten/attack girls more and more often.

I know some girls dont want the police to know what they do but sometimes it really is the safer option.  If you dont want to go to the police is there a support service near you who can offer help and advice and maybe contact the police for you?
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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #17 on: 30 August 2011, 07:40:51 pm »

@ Danielle

Thank you Babe,
what sort of support service?  I don't know of ANY in Edinburgh



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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #18 on: 30 August 2011, 07:54:30 pm »
You must go to the police huney, seriously. This guy is trying to frighten the hell out of you. My stalker threatened me with the press too, and he was totally full of s*it. The press don't care about you escorting unless you're a Hollywood actress or big time popstar. He needs to get a bloody life. Take your laptop to the police and get this sorted out.


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Re: Blackmail / violent man
« Reply #19 on: 30 August 2011, 08:16:42 pm »
I'm waiting for a call back from HMRC to see if your claiming child tax credits.

Pretty sure he wouldn't be allowed to gain this info (not legally anyway) without some kind of court order.

Go to the police with everything he's sent you.


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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #20 on: 30 August 2011, 10:16:46 pm »
It makes me really angry that there are men out there who get off on trying to frighten us girls.


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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #21 on: 30 August 2011, 10:32:45 pm »
It makes me really angry that there are men out there who get off on trying to frighten us girls.

Me too. I'd love to hunt down the little shits.


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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #22 on: 31 August 2011, 11:09:43 am »
Just for info,

how easy is it to take facial pictures off the sites?  Obviously things like McCoys which I didnt ask to be in and a magazine I think called Northern Babes (ditto) I have no control over

............  or is it a little too late?


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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #23 on: 31 August 2011, 11:16:28 am »

@ Danielle

Thank you Babe,
what sort of support service?  I don't know of ANY in Edinburgh


Eek sorry for the bold earlier dunnot what happened there.  Alot of areas have sex work projects and I am sure someone on here will know of one in your area. If not they can normally be found by searching online.  Please though which ever option you choose do so soon.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact

Anika Mae

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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #24 on: 31 August 2011, 11:59:12 am »
how easy is it to take facial pictures off the sites?  Obviously things like McCoys which I didnt ask to be in and a magazine I think called Northern Babes (ditto) I have no control over

Not that easy since there are probably a lot who've put up listings without permission, but the biggest ones are generally responsive, so you should be able to stop most casual surfers seeing them without too much trouble, and then work on the dodgy sites (you may need to complain to their hosts).

Do you know that you have a picture in McCoy's book? I've never seen it so I don't know how likely that is, but he'll take it off the website anyway. I don't think anyone's ever got anywhere with the contact mags though.


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Re: Blackmail / violent man
« Reply #25 on: 31 August 2011, 12:45:37 pm »
"I'm waiting for a call back from HMRC to see if your claiming child tax credits."

I'm replying to this particular bit again as I've just thought of something...

Even *IF* he could legally get hold of this info (which he can't, but let's just say he could), there is absolutely NO PROBLEM with you claiming tax credits while being self-employed. I've been self-employed under one job title or another since about 8 years ago, in that time I've claimed tax credits as a couple, as a single person, and as a single parent to 2 children of varying school/college ages (of course, the circumstances would change with each new claim as my children grew up, left home etc).

SO lets just say he DOES find out you're claiming tax credits - SO WHAT?? Self-employment doesn't mean you can't claim benefits - just because you don't work for someone else doesn't mean you're not entitled.

Anyway, I hope you've gone to the police about this creep - if he's stalking you now I dread to think what he'll be doing to other ladies a few years down the line.


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Re: Blackmail / violent man
« Reply #26 on: 01 September 2011, 11:06:58 am »
« Last Edit: 01 September 2011, 11:59:57 am by scottishgirl001 »


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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #27 on: 01 September 2011, 01:55:13 pm »
You have a pm.   :)


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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #28 on: 19 December 2011, 07:25:03 am »
Here I go again, not sure if this is the same guy or another one.

First Message
Hi  i have met u b4 i did work with news of the world just to let u know u r about to get exposed at the  flat in ********** st u work as a prositute take my advise and leave that flat asap as the police has been informed

Second message (sent minutes apart)

Iam telling u as i did work with the news of the world until friday if u leave the flat they cannot expose u they also know who owns the flat   

Apart from the usual emotions of fear, worry and stress,
why I am posting this up is to ask does anyone know if the statement of the NOTW is correct, as I thought it shut down months ago.  Any soothing words will be much appreciated.
I could do without this the week of Christmas.



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Re: Blackmail
« Reply #29 on: 19 December 2011, 08:52:46 am »
Th News of the World has stopped trading:

To me it sounds like its someone, possibly another working girl, who is trying to get you to stop working from your location.

Im not sure of the legalities in Scotland, but here in England if you are working legally then theres nothing the Police can do.

If I got such a text I think I would bluff it out and say that you are in fact reporting them for harrassement.

Hope you get it sorted .

Penny x