Thanks for the advice everyone. I know I need to be firm- I have no trouble turning off my phone for good when I finish (and the date has been finalised for about three months now!)
I have four more regular meetings left- all really long meetings of betwen 6 hours and an overnight. At least two of these have been preceeded in the last few days by text messages at 2am and emails saying "I am beside myself" and "I want to have a really deep chat with you during our final meeting", oh, and "I am desperate to be friends, I will be desperately lonely without you etc etc".
I am just a bit furious that these men are being so selfish and putting their emotional problems on me when I have done nothing to provoke such feelings apart from bloody well being good at my job. Yes, the odd extra hour or cooked meal or bloody birthday cake etc have been provided by me over my career as a show of gratitude to really good regulars who pay brilliantly and have helped me immensely with their regular visits, but I have NEVER given a hint that it has been anything more. Miss Alex, you said about the light at the end of the tunnel idea- I completely agree, and I think this is the main problem as they are all elderly. This is another reason I don't want to hurt them though, they are just little old men.
I just do not know how to handle the last meetings with them though. They have obviously gotten confused- I have even said that I have a partner and that is one of the reasons I would like out of escorting for a while at least- NO way can thay misconstrue my feelings for them if I am bloody well saying this. But still, I am dreading these last meetings- do I say "I have just been doing my job really well and feel nothing" or should I be kind and admit that I am fond of them, but that this is a just a job and I wouldn't have seen them if money wasn't involved. Orrrrrr, do I try to swerve the conversation away from anything serious? Do I even owe any of them an explanation?!! The human side of me says chat to them and indulge their little desires to "talk things over", but the business side says fuck 'em, they are the ones who have ruined it in the end by acting so petulantly. HOW DARE THEY make me feel like I owe them explanations!! Grrrrrr.
Oh god, I am so ready for this break!! Thank you for all of your advice and for putting up with my increasingly irritated posts lately. This is quite possibly the most wonderful support network ever. Thank you. xxxxx