Louise, if you can cope financially without resorting to sex work, I'd urge you to think about it very carefully. It has a huge impact on your life (personal and professional), and all your current relationships. You will either have to lie to friends and family, which means you no longer have close, trusting relationships with people who love you, or you tell the truth, with the result that many of your current friends back away or worry about you, and family will freak out with worry every time you don't pick up the phone when they ring, imagining something awful has happened to you. Your parents will wonder what they did wrong in raising you and how they may have failed you, any brothers and sisters won't want their kids to have a prossie auntie. If I had been lucky enough to have daughters of my own, I'd rather sell a kidney than let them go down the path into prostitution. My neighbours, who initially were chatty and friendly, now ignore me. They're not rude, but it's obvious I'm not considered part of the community here.
I have decided to lie about what I do, and I find it so exhausting that I now avoid socialising altogether and feel really lonely. Like most sex workers, I only planned to do it for a short time in order to pay back debts, and then found that it's very difficult to give up a steady cash income. I now have a gap in my CV so wide you could drive a truck through it, so "straight" work and a normal life are no longer an option for me. The job has meant attracting all the wrong men: nice genuine guys don't want to start a family with a hooker, and those guys who think it's "cool" to have a girlfriend who sleeps with other men for a living are often very damaged, addicted, expect you to pay the bills, and are frankly f*cked up.
As for this work giving you more confidence - my self-esteem really suffered from allowing hundreds, if not thousands, of men to use me as a glorified sp*nk bucket. Eventually you realise that you've fallen into a dreadful trap to be used by strangers who forget about you the minute they walk out of your house. I have known many colleagues who resorted to drink and drugs to deal with their unhappiness.
I don't know how old you are, but I suspect you are still rather young. As you get older, your high sex drive will reduce and not be so distracting any more. Also, are you sure that it's really a matter of being highly sexed, or do you simply seek male approval, flattery and admiration by making yourself sexually available? I know that was the case with me, and is often a result of insecurity and abuse. It was in my case, and I wish I had somebody at the time who helped me to address these issues in a healthier, more healing way. Please think about it very carefully! It sounds as though your friends think it's a bad idea, and I very much hope you'll talk to somebody you trust before you make a decision. Speak to your GP and get a referral to a counsellor, speak to your priest if you go to church, or ring the Samaritans for an anonymous chat with a non-judgmental stranger. Prostitution is not glamorous, it's not particularly safe, it's not personally fulfilling, and there is no career path.