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Author Topic: When life gets in the way of work  (Read 1240 times)

Dexi Delite

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When life gets in the way of work
« on: 05 October 2012, 11:47:54 am »
My head is all over the place right now and what I need is some advice right now.  Breifly the story goes...
My mum in law was diagnosed with cancer back in Jun (despite mother in law jokes, I am closer to her than my own mum), and although she has been on chemo the family found out on Thurs that there is a further tumour in her brain, so have decided to stop with treatment and try and get her home so she can live out the rest of her days there.
The last few months have been like a waiting game, and we're all in limbo at the moment.

As selfish as this may sound I still have to work as the cost of going back and forth to Hull from Manchester is costing us a fortune in petrol, and then theres the cost of living as well.  But I'm finding these last couple of weeks (as my mum in law has rapidly got worse), I'm having to cancel clients at the drop of a hat and without much notice to go over there. 
I'm beginning to worry that these guys are thinking I'm just flaky or a tw, and that it will ruin my reputation.  I'm telling most guys due to unforseen circumstances I am going to have to cancel our appointment and apologies for the short notice, as I don't really want to be telling them about my problems (We are after all a fantasy for these guys and these kind of problems are a real passion killer). 
I know I'm making myself worse by stressing about something so small compared to what my mum in law is going through, but after she's passed I still have to carry on and as I say am very worried that this is going to give me a bad reputation.

Pm me if you wish.  I just need advice on what I should do as I just can't think logically at the moment.
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Re: When life gets in the way of work
« Reply #1 on: 05 October 2012, 12:59:20 pm »

My opinion for what it's worth is to decide whether you are going to concentrate on work, or concentrate on personal life. The last thing you need is a battle with yourself, so make a decision and   both sides distinctly separate otherwise you'll end up going around in circles.

I had an ill relative not too long ago and felt awful not always being able to help, but anyone in any other job would be the same - thing with being self employed is that you think, "Well I can chose to work or not, so I should be chosing not to". Whilst we can do this remember we don't get holiday or sick pay like an employee would, so it's not as clear cut as that.

I know you can't predict these things but can you try and get as many bookings as you can for the days you know you can, then use the quieter days get down to see your Mum? I sometimes plan my days off this way - look at the firm advance bookings I already have, and decide I'm going to take a day with no advance bookings as my time off. Doesn't always work as sod's law is the advancers will all cancel, and you'll get loads of last minute requests for the others but I find it helps.


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Re: When life gets in the way of work
« Reply #2 on: 05 October 2012, 01:07:43 pm »
its hard to focus on work when you have so much happening with youre sick mother in law.
I cared for my mum when she had cancer and coulnt focus on work at all.
Most important you take care of you because as a carer you can get stressed alot and forget yourself. If you have time to see clients and you can the money helps but dont loose them or let them down. Can anyone else help so you arnt doing all the trips to hospital .
Give you chance to see clients and not have to cancel.
Hope that you will manage ok x


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Re: When life gets in the way of work
« Reply #3 on: 05 October 2012, 03:39:34 pm »
Would it be practical for you to book hotel in area your mum in and work from there at moment x
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: When life gets in the way of work
« Reply #4 on: 05 October 2012, 06:04:12 pm »
Lady thats a good idea  :)

Dexi Delite

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Re: When life gets in the way of work
« Reply #5 on: 08 October 2012, 10:55:03 am »
Thank you ladies for the advice.

I have been going around in circles debating what to do Strawberry.  It's been driving me nuts.
I'm hoping at some point in the next week it will all be over (more for her sake than mine), so for the moment I'm just going to do the bare minimum in order to get by.  Hopefully that way I'll be letting less people down should I have to go over to Hull again at short notice. 
Although your idea was a good one LOTM, sadly it isn't practical as hubby still has to work here in Manchester too.  They've been good allowing him time off when he's needed it, but somehow I'm not sure they'll give him time off whilst he's waiting for her to pass.

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

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