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Author Topic: Is this MY responsibility?  (Read 2528 times)

Your Tera

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Is this MY responsibility?
« on: 18 August 2011, 10:42:41 am »
Every time I get a new request, I click over to read their profile--if they haven't made certain requests in the message. Too often their profile lists things I don't do and it ends up being my self-appointed duty to reply with something like, "I never do OWO and I can't promise French Kissing. If these are important to you, perhaps you're best looking for another escort."
Now, it really shouldn't be my responsibility but I do it every time. I think that I'm gunshy that I'll get in a room and they'll be expecting this stuff.
I know we've had men ASKING for things one clearly won't do, but this guy wouldn't have asked...

Anyone else politely send them in another direction?


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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #1 on: 18 August 2011, 11:24:45 am »
I would say what you're doing is a little destructive and negative. I could see it putting guys off. Just because its a like on there profile doesn't mean they expect it on every booking. Remembering also that filling in there profile might be a distant memory to some guys and they're bound to get carried away. Of course they all like "bukake"!

« Last Edit: 18 August 2011, 11:28:18 am by Friday »

Your Tera

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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #2 on: 18 August 2011, 11:30:27 am »
Good point, but he wrote back and said they were both important and that I should get in contact if I changed my mind.

 I was actually friendlier than I sounded, and I'm kind of distracted right now. But, I do think I will proceed with, "What would you like to do?" or something on that order.


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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #3 on: 18 August 2011, 11:31:01 am »
I get quite cross when guys email asking for bareback, hard sports and water sports, I normally direct them to the search page where they can look for girls by their likes list.

If I get a booking request with no prior contact I email them asking what it is they're after and advise from there, but just because they enjoy role play (for example) doesn't mean it's what they want from me.

I would always ask before saying "I don't do that" but I can see why you would not want Mr Watersports-Enthusiast at your door with his snorkel before mentioning it.


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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #4 on: 18 August 2011, 11:41:51 am »
No it's not your responibility, unless asked for something specific I never ever discuss services.

If they havent read my profile, and ask for something I don't do then I just say sorry and carry on with it, if they get arsy about it I say well it's not my fault that you didnt bother to check my profile properly and tell them that they are more than welcome to leave but they are not getting their money back as the misunderstanding is their fault. then if they try any funny business i ask them to leave


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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #5 on: 18 August 2011, 11:43:39 am »
I agree with MissArcaBunny and Friday in that with most services, I definitely don't think it's our job to check what a client's listed in his "Likes" and tell him which ones he can't get with us - but I think that with OWO and kissing being at discretion, because such a majority of escorts do both of those (or at least say they do, if asked - I've seen tons of FRs lamenting that services like these were promised but not delivered), it's more likely that a client will make the annoying assumption and end up wasting your time.

Not that this should change anything, of course! If I had my way, all clients would be given a special new brain cell that enables them to ALWAYS double-check rates and services before trying to book an escort no matter how much they might be distracted by their own penis. In fact, I'd probably implement a law that states that if you show up to an appointment without checking these things and decide that you don't want to stay because you should have checked, then you'd definitely have to pay for all the time wasted (including getting ready and travel time) at full rates!

But as the others have said, it's part and parcel of this work that you have to constantly ensure every single potential client is A) not a creepy weirdo, B) not a timewaster and C) is fully aware of what an appointment with you costs and entails. Many clients can, of course, take care of all these things themselves by being sensible people. But the rest, the ones who for some reason dislike reading words even when those words are really quite important, or who think that it's our job to sort them out with the correct booking with the right girl at the right price (a link to the AW search form is more than I'd even consider my duty :P), well, they're just what we call "One Of Escorting's Delightful Downsides" and we all have to put up with it.

Still. If I didn't offer OWO or DFK, I might be tempted to confirm services with all potential clients at the time of booking (i.e. pre-confirmation and definitely pre-appointment). Definitely make it super-friendly, though, and make sure to mention what you do do with huge enthusiasm, etc etc. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind

Your Tera

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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #6 on: 18 August 2011, 12:11:48 pm »
I think that sometimes I also use whatever excuse I can find to say 'no.'

For example, I got a booking request the other day from someone who positions himself as an escort. On his short list of things he enjoyed was "bareback" and his reviews were iffy. Rather than shooting someone down for offering/requesting bareback on their profile, I find some other reason to say no. I'd rather they NOT remove something like that from their profile so that we are all forewarned. I told that guy that--because I was in the middle of writing my dissertation- he was too far away for me to get to on that day.

This guy-- the clear non-reader-- just gave me the wrong vibe and I don't even know why. I have done OWO and French Kissing with clients but I'd rather say 'no' and loosen up than say 'yes' and deal with the ramifications of not wanting to do either with someone..


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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #7 on: 18 August 2011, 01:06:37 pm »
Think of it this way too, how many times have we been contacted by guys with everything they want to do and the outfit changes they wanted only to find one blow job and they're done?!

It's all about selling what you do do not what you don't do.


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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #8 on: 18 August 2011, 05:06:57 pm »
couldnt agree more   i alway say when someone calls  ok i do xxx xxx xxx  xxx xxx  ect ect the only things that i dont offer or watersports and anal  is that ok for you   its sales and the thats all right for you bit is closing the deal /appointment 
this  business is not much different to sales  of any type  were the sales people and the guys are the buyers  so in sales you always highlight all the postives and minimise any negatives 
   I mean if i was going to sale a secondhand car then i wouldnt say  well its a right old dog,  the engine is gonna  blow the minute you drive off the forcourt and  i wouldnt let my daughter drive it  and its only got a weeks mot,   No i would say its a really nice well looked after motor  just been serviced  its something my daughter is after and the last owner was a nun and it has a full years mot  even if it is a real dog and gonna die  you emphasise the good and minimise the negatives

   So  by  starting off postively and listing on the stuff you do offer and then at the end mentioning what you dont offer makes it a much easier sale for me  plus i dont get any misunderstanding during the appointment either,   i always ask then if there is anything that they particualry require when talking to them on the phone jsut to be sure
Also i guess your refering to adutlwork  as adultwork is only a small part of my advertising that i do i always stick to this rule of telling them what i do dont do , regardless of where the booking /phone call has orginated 

Think of it this way too, how many times have we been contacted by guys with everything they want to do and the outfit changes they wanted only to find one blow job and they're done?!

It's all about selling what you do do not what you don't do.

April Showers

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Re: Is this MY responsibility?
« Reply #9 on: 19 August 2011, 10:29:28 am »
I am much the same as paris as i started out from paper adds ....i am selling my self as far as i am concerened  my service consists of hand relief (covered) oral and sex  in a undressed state ................................but then i will ask if there is any thing particular they want if they say no that is what they get ( not so cut and dried though) ..............if they ask for eg  water sports i will say yes but only me on you at the end of the service... if they ask to do water sports on me i will say no.... if this is a deal breaker so be it ....but i dont mention every service (extensive lists) i do or dont as if i drone on it goes in one ear and out the other if they ask for services  i dont do i will always tell the truth at the point of contact .

I also always tell the client i am not skinny if they want some one slim i not for them as well ;-D

As for Aw i  never look at their likes as people like ticking everything in sight plus i get most of my buissness elsewhere  and i dont think its important to me  as i could never get through a list the size of some in a day never mind half a hour ;-) .

Just be really chatty friendly  on the phone and in the room and then your half way there it is not always about the sex some are just lonely , want human contact , feel loved ,attention etc