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Author Topic: 'Informal chat' with Police?!  (Read 3630 times)


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'Informal chat' with Police?!
« on: 26 November 2015, 02:34:50 pm »
Hi ladies, I need some advice regarding the PSNI (Northern Ireland's Police Service.)

Last night a police officer from my towns station rang my work phone and informed me that he had a duty to let me know that my neighbours are aware of me working from my home.
He explained that a male neighbour had visited the station concerned that people thought his address was being worked from and he wanted to let the police know that this isn't the case.

The constable assured me that there's been no threat issued against me, no complaints filed, this was just a neighbour keeping himself right and that he was correctly told I'm not doing anything illegal.

Obviously I was a bit shook up but I am also relieved to know that the police are aware and are supportive.
The constable has arranged for me to go into the station this Saturday morning to have a chat. I don't have to go, it was more offered as I was questioning the situation etc. He's assured me that no will be judging me and I am not being lured into an arrest.

He is being honest isn't he?

Also, I'm extremely curious as to this situation with my neighbour. My road is a long busy road made up of terraced houses facing terraced houses.

Why would anyone assume that it was a house other than mine being used?
Why would none of the neighbours approach me?

A few weeks back I had a 'walk out' who proceeded to call me saying that a neighbour approached him and commented a long the lines of 'you didn't stay long.' He then rang later to let me know that the neighbour must have taken his car registration as he had the police contact him.
This 'client' believes I live at a different door number than I do (he confused the numbers.)

Within minutes of him calling, I received a text message from someone claiming to be a neighbour saying they'd confronted the client but he got 'off side' and that a week prior to this they all received letters about me and my work and that I will be receiving one too and contact from the police.

Now, I totally believed this was the 'client' as this message used the incorrect door number and the neighbours I'm friendly with would have told me if they'd received a letter.

So, could this police contact be because this client has informed them? Could it genuinely be a neighbour? The police knew my street name but didn't use my door number and only used my work number and name.

Ps: this 'client' has since contacted my work numbers unaware that it's me he's contacting trying to book. He has form for walking out as he did similar to me years ago but thankfully it was only a car meet so no address etc. I only realised it was him when I checked his number on an old phone.

Thanks in advance ladies x

Nia Hope

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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #1 on: 26 November 2015, 03:54:04 pm »
I'm not up to speed on Northern Ireland laws but I'm sure if the police say you're not in trouble then they wouldn't lie. Are you sure it was the police that actually rang?
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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #2 on: 26 November 2015, 04:04:13 pm »
Yes, can you be sure it is actually the police calling and not client setting you up for a red face when you turn up at police station and they don't know why you are there or what you are talking about.
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Kendra Glasgow

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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #3 on: 26 November 2015, 04:14:25 pm »
I would phone which ever police station claims to have rang you to clarify.

I had something similar in Aberdeen once a few years ago where the police told me I wasn't breaking any laws but it was a visit I got from them, not a phone call.


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #4 on: 26 November 2015, 04:29:41 pm »
I have lived in Northern Ireland, worked in NI  and also own property there. I understand how PSNI work!

Should PSNI wish to talk to you, they will visit you.

I feel the call you received sounds very suspicious. Did the caller give you his name, rank, service number, direct line or other pertinent details? PSNI are very busy, under staffed and under resourced. Did the caller give you a time to come for this "informal chat"?

Northern Ireland is like a village and it's highly probable that people do know that you are working from your terrace house. Many of those homes will have long term residents who notice anything or anybody new, including your clients.  It's the land of the curtain twitchers!!!

Unless the caller called from an identifiable number (the police do!!!);  and unless you are absolutely satisfied that the call was genuinely from PSNI; then I would simply wait. My thoughts are with you. It's a hard enough place to work from without additional stress.


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #5 on: 26 November 2015, 04:46:50 pm »
Whenever the police calls you they always leave you their name, rank and let you know which police station they are calling you from. Any other than that is a joker. If this was not the case (he didn't leave you all this details) I would totally skip the going to the police. The next time joker calls let him know that you have his phone number, details, recorded call and you're going to the police to put a complaint against him for inpersonating a police officer. That's a very very serious crime that the cops don't take lightly.
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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #6 on: 26 November 2015, 04:53:45 pm »
Thanks for the replies girls.

I believe this caller is a police officer. He told me his rank and the station.

If he was a neighbour he'd have used my first name not my working name and my door number surely?
He'd have scared me by telling me there is threats against me etc.

I believe it is the PSNI.

I'm just not sure what to make of it all :/


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #7 on: 26 November 2015, 05:31:05 pm »
I also live, and work in Northern Ireland, and the police officer who deals with sex workers is female to my knowledge, I have dealt with her with the problems with my ex partner.

Like the others said, they always give their rank, name and station they are calling from when they speak to you. You have done nothing wrong and being called in for a "chat" is unusual to say the least, if they want a chat they will come and see you.

Don't worry about it, carry on as you were, you aren't doing anything wrong.


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #8 on: 26 November 2015, 05:36:22 pm »
Princess, the guy gave his rank and surname, the station he was calling from and offered to visit with his female colleague last night but as I was picking my boyfriend up I couldn't so we arranged Saturday morning when the female is back in with him. Thanks lovely

Kendra Glasgow

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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #9 on: 26 November 2015, 05:42:53 pm »
Too many idiots out there think that we are too scared to go to the police about anything and too many think escorting is illegal so therefor it's fair game to try and scare or harass what they believe to be a vulnerable woman and too many think that if we did go to the police that they won't take us seriously. Any time I've ever went to the police about anything, they have been very supportive and completely non judgemental.


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #10 on: 26 November 2015, 05:46:04 pm »
I believe this is a police officer as he didn't try and scare me and assured me I'm not breaking the law, they aren't judging me etc. If he was a 'client' or neighbour he could have scared me by telling me threats have been issued etc.


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #11 on: 26 November 2015, 05:55:29 pm »
Should I arrange to meet the constables elsewhere than the station? Should I take a solicitor?
Do I have to give them my real name and my address? They only stated my street, not my door number and they referred to me by my working name.


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #12 on: 26 November 2015, 06:04:18 pm »
I would think the police station is by far the most appropriate place, and it's better than them coming to your home.

As for giving them your personal details, you don't have to - you're not under arrest and your work name should be fine. You can leave at any time, and if you're not comfortable with anything you're asked then make this clear but I'm sure they want to help.

I would certainly keep anything you've received in terms of texts, emails and call logs from anybody who you think might be trying to cause you problems - that's something they may well be interested in :).


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #13 on: 27 November 2015, 01:11:56 am »
I am not from your parts so don't know the ins and outs. My advice would be to call the police and check this person is a real officer and is based at your local station. If that is not confirmed then don't attend. What if this is a previous punter who wants you out the way so he can break in and rob you?

I have had dealings with the police, but they have always come to my house and been fantastic about advice on keeping me safe, not once was I told to attend the station.

I know you girls might think I am paranoid, but this could well be another sick scam those dickheads think of since we have wised up to all the usual ones. I might be wrong though but something about this just doesn't add up and don't want you to be fearful.

Regarding your walk are scornful arseholes and take great vengeance if they walk out...are you sure it's not this guy trying to put the creepers up you?

Good luck with it chick and be careful, but I am thinking I smell a rat here who wants to make you suffer xxx


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Re: 'Informal chat' with Police?!
« Reply #14 on: 27 November 2015, 09:58:18 am »
I've sent you a pm. xxx