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Author Topic: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?  (Read 11863 times)


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Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« on: 10 January 2009, 11:31:48 pm »
Hi everybody, happy new year!

I was just wondering what you all think is the best attitude to have when the fact that you used to be an escort becomes common knowledge in your regular job?

I work in an workplace of around 30 people of both sexes and all ages. I realised today that 1 person has found out about my past through the grapevine but it won't be long before word spreads because 1 person tells 1 person who tells another, so there's no question of it not coming out.

It's only a part-time job to pay the bills while I'm going through university, that's my full time thing. I retired from escorting around 3 years ago and I really thought it wouldn't be such hot gossip and that people would have more exciting things to talk about by now, but apparently not (I live in a small town), and I was just starting to feel comfortable with being out in public again. I know I should never have done escorting if I was ashamed of doing it in the first place (hindsight is a wonderful thing) but I did and think this is just going to be another setback I'll have to overcome. I'm getting a bit older now though, and my 'bouncebackability' is diminishing.

So the options I can think of are:

1. Quit the job
2. Deny all knowledge (if anyone says anything)
3. Be strong, admit my past if anyone questions it & ask what the big deal is with my head held high

It's a pretty "primitive" working environment with a definite pack mentality, I don't think there is anyone that works there that is open-minded enough to accept it.

What really annoys me is that people are happy to watch porn, buy adult magazines, look at page 3 girls, or have casual sex at the weekend, yet when it comes to escorting, suddenly people can't understand what kind of women would do such a thing. Where do they think the glamour models and the girls they sleep with come from? It's not just a bunch of molecules... they are actually REAL people, and so are escorts. Why do the majority of the ignorant population equate escorts with "sluts" and "prostitutes". What's your response when you're branded any of these names?

Aaaargh. People are hypocrites, taking the moral high ground when they're just as bad, if not, worse.

Any advice or opinions much appreciated!

Thank you x


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #1 on: 11 January 2009, 12:51:20 am »
My gosh...I dont know where to start  ???

All I can say is if it were me I'd hold my head up high, although I'd be careful. I can imagine something of that nature may very well have a negative impact if the manager so happens to be totally against it. Quitting isnt necessary because thats just fear and anxiety and who knows it may never get far enough...although a company with 30 people (I been there before) rumors get around amazingly fast. They are so bored all they have to do is sit around and be nosy in peoples business and gossip. Vicious Games  ::)

Finally, why are people ignorant about escorting? I dont fucking know. You made a good point though. For example, I have a friend who knows what I do and he mentions stuff about what I do occasionally and yesterday I had just told him OFF and told him, its my fucking life and business and I know what decisions I need to make.  >:(

Why do they feel that way? Because the 1980's image of drug addicted, abused hookers walking along dark alleys continues to penetrate people's attitudes torwards it so it will be that way for quite some time. There is a stigma about prostitution and casual sex....but ours deals with more darker, risker, elusive side that some just dont understand. And its not even like that.  ::)


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #2 on: 11 January 2009, 08:09:37 am »
When i happened to me, i really went with option 3 with a touch of "whats it to do with you anyway arrogance" which tended to mean people thought i was a miserable bitch and dropped the subject,

quiting your job, I wouldnt unless things get too difficult, as Joey says a small environment like that its gossip heaven till the next scandal comes along

deny everything, that could be an option depending on how the person found out, could you turn it around to somebody starting a malicous campaign against you?


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #3 on: 11 January 2009, 09:47:18 am »
I would be tempted to deny all knowledge and turn it back on the person telling the story. 

You could say in jest to people "I wish I could sell my body not to work here, but probably wouldnt get much" and then fall about laughing. Most people would believe that. 

Just make sure your working phone has a different number than your normal mobile phone in case someone rings just to check.


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #4 on: 11 January 2009, 10:18:52 am »

Just make sure your working phone has a different number than your normal mobile phone in case someone rings just to check.

The OP said she used to escort 3 years ago, why would she still have her working phone?

This is a difficult one, because nobody really knows what they're going to do until they're in that situation. Me personally, I would brazen it out and deny everything but in the meantime start looking for another job. Once something like that gets out, even if you do deny it and nobody can back up their accusations, it's still out there, and you'd be looked at differently from then on. Especially in an environment with such a small town attitude. It could be an awkward atmosphere to say the least.


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #5 on: 11 January 2009, 10:40:26 am »
I really feel for you, it's a horrible situation that I hope I'm never in. I'm with Brandy on this one however:

Me personally, I would brazen it out and deny everything

Are there any face shots of you lying around? If not then hopefully there should be no solid evidence, then you can blame it on nasty chinese whsipers or something?

Best of luck with whatever you decide to though

x x x x


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #6 on: 11 January 2009, 10:44:39 am »
Honestly, I would probably quit. but thats just me and I would rather walk away than feel like everyone was talking about me. If I had the guts I would stay and just deny the whole thing, and make a joke out of it like pandora said. I think to most people, the ignorant ones anyway, you wouldnt fit their stereotypical image of an escort, so they might not even believe it to begin with. Ive had numerous conversations with my housemates about escorts and their view of it is so wrong, I know they woudnt believe me if I told them I was an escort!
Haha, something that made me laugh the other day was a story my friend told me about his friend who saw an escort in Amsterdam, apparently he paid for the hour but...ahem...finished in 5 minutes, and heres the 'unbeliveable' part...sat around talking to her for the rest of the time! My friend was so shocked about this part and I had to pretend I was too, so it goes to show that for the most part people have no idea about what goes on and you might find people find it hard to believe you were ever an escort!

Welsh Lass

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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #7 on: 11 January 2009, 10:53:18 am »
Please don't quit your job until you know you have another one.
Not in this current climate.

I hate environments where people are so bloody sure of their morality they feel they have the right to judge another person and almost round up into a pack to do it.
This must be a terrible time for you.

I would deny it I think, if there is no way anybody can gather proper evidence on you that is. If you think that there might be a chance that a person could prove it, like a face pic or something, then admit it, it will be better in the longrun for you, that aside, deny it. Say something along the lines of, 'What do those girls earn an hour? Some of them are not cheap are they? If I could earn that much, do you think I would be working here?'
What a nice bunch of people you work with.
Go ahead and look for another job, this is only to pay your way through Uni - just don' quit until you know you have one and keep your head up high. You have done nothing wrong.
Good luck.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #8 on: 11 January 2009, 04:47:35 pm »
I agree with the above, i would deny it and act shocked and inocent.  Say you watched the Billie piper thing and if it was really as good as she made it look you might have a go once your degree is finished but until then you'll stick with your ?'s per hour and struggle through.

If you do choose to deny and stick it out just try and put your self in the shoes of someone who really never has been an escort and has those rumors going on.  As soon as the rumor gets to you, if it does look like its going to cause trouble and people are beliving it you might want to look in to making an appointment with your HR department or representative.  Every company, no matter how small or large has procedures in place for discrimination and bullying and they all have the ability to take the rumor mongers aside and put them in their place.  I know this because i have at times worked in HR departments. I dont know exactly what would be done but i do know that everyone in the UK has the right to work in any environment without feeling harrassed or bullied.  so if you like your job or if its a valuable job for experiance in what you want to do when you graduate or whatever, stick it out and deny deny deny!  You have rights whether you deny or admit so keep strong whichever way you go.

You did what you did, there is no going back and no need for regrets.  We all make mistakes in life and although escorting is right for some, its not for others.  No one has a right to judge but we are all human and at times we all do it.  chin up, walk tall and you might be suprised at how quickly the gossip passes.  Good luck.



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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #9 on: 11 January 2009, 05:17:16 pm »
I really feel for you, it's a horrible situation that I hope I'm never in. I'm with Brandy on this one however:

Me personally, I would brazen it out and deny everything

Are there any face shots of you lying around? If not then hopefully there should be no solid evidence, then you can blame it on nasty chinese whsipers or something?

x x x x

I haven't shown my face in a couple of years, so I don't know if there are any more of my about. I would still try and brazen it out. I would say something along the lines, I took lingerie/bdsm shoots for a catalogue and my pics were nicked. It happens all too often on the world wide web, people stealing pictures.
I never had a private members area and I never had any pictures of me sucking cock on my website, or in any other uncompromising positions, thank god. So yes, I would brazen it out.


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #10 on: 11 January 2009, 11:29:03 pm »
Please don't quit your job until you know you have another one.
Not in this current climate.

she said it...even when the economy is booming, still dont. But I understand, its easier said then done. You probably spend 8 hours a day dealing with these people. If something gets out, its not good. In fact, let me tell you something. When I was teenager I worked in a place and a rumor came out that I was gay. And although I never dealt with any guys in the town I lived in, nor was on any personal's websites. (Nor was I an escort of course!) I went through hell. It was an immature, minimum wage job and every single day I went through hell dealing with those idiots. EVentually I took it up with the manager and it was bought up in a meeting. Did it help? Nope. It  did a little, but it still went around when the manager wasnt present. I didnt quit but evenutually found another job which had nothing to do with the rumor.

I never had any pictures of me sucking cock on my website, or in any other uncompromising positions, thank god. So yes, I would brazen it out.

thats the ultimate blow right there! (no pun intended!) I've seen some people do it, but I have no idea why anyone would want to do that.


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #11 on: 11 January 2009, 11:40:42 pm »

thats the ultimate blow right there! (no pun intended!) I've seen some people do it, but I have no idea why anyone would want to do that.

But i saw some pics of you and although there was nothing really bad like blow jobs they were still pretty graphic.  If you had a rumour go around about you at work and being a rent boy it would be pretty hard to deny it.... considering the site was called rent boy and you were full frontal nude and your face was shown!  I know you have said you took your face shots down but if they were out there once they could still come back to haunt you at some time.

My pics are so lame no one would recognise me from them anyway.  I dont mean they arent a true reflection of me or a good likeness just that I think that if anyone who knew me outside of escorting suspected me of escorting they would automatically assume that there would be no way i would post pics like that.  I'm the sort of person that would go out and have proper glamour shots done to hide all my flabby bits and be much more sleek than the home produced, self taken shots i have.  Well, that will be my argument anyway lol


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #12 on: 12 January 2009, 12:09:46 am »
I have to be honest and say that I haven't got a clue what I would do, I would like to think that I would brazen it out, but have learnt that until you are in that situation you can never really tell what you will do.
For instance I always said I would never stay in an unhappy marriage and I would be out of it like a shot - in reality it took me 5 years to finally kick him out.

I am really sorry for your situation, at the end of the day all I can recommend is to try and sit back, relax a bit and listen to what your inner voice tells you - listen to advice, but do what you feel is right for you.

I'll be thinking of you and i think I can speak for everyone here - we are all here for you if you need us.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #13 on: 12 January 2009, 05:13:51 am »
But i saw some pics of you and although there was nothing really bad like blow jobs they were still pretty graphic.  If you had a rumour go around about you at work and being a rent boy it would be pretty hard to deny it.... considering the site was called rent boy and you were full frontal nude and your face was shown!  I know you have said you took your face shots down but if they were out there once they could still come back to haunt you at some time.

Big deal. And Im sure the hundreds of guys who did a one hit porn movie would be too. 

My response to a true rumor would be, "yea and? Why you looking in the 1st place?  You look, you buy. Now stay the hell off my site because you probably cant afford it any how."


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Re: Best attitude to have when you've been 'outed'?
« Reply #14 on: 12 January 2009, 06:42:32 am »

My response to a true rumor would be, "yea and? Why you looking in the 1st place?  You look, you buy. Now stay the hell off my site because you probably cant afford it any how."

Pmsl...not a very grown-up response. :)