Oh gosh! I'll never forget my 1st client! I created an escort profile on Faceparty (lol) which was promptly removed, but before it was removed a guy from my town got in touch and wanted to come round that night. It was a Friday night, I necked nearly a full bottle of red wine for dutch courage before he came round, put my sexiest lingerie on and was chatting on msn to my gay escort friend for last-minute advice before he came.
The buzzer went, I opened the door and to my relief he was young and hot! He didn't want sex, only oral pleasure, that was over with in about 5 minutes. He wanted me to do it to him again. I was sure if either of us would've been up to it with no recovery time in between (my jaw was killing me), but thanks to the red wine I managed to pull it off. He didn't say much, he paid me the ?60 (lol) and gave me a snog at my front door before he left.
10 minutes later he sent me a text message saying that that was amazing, then preceeded to bombard me with text msgs over the next few days saying he wanted to go out with me and that he accepted that I was an escort and wouldn't mind me seeing other guys. I told him I was planning on going away travelling, that was why I first started escorting, he said he'd wait for me.
In the end I gave in and went out with him and broke the 1st cardinal rule of escorting - never get involved with clients! He was really lovely though and waited for me to come back from my travels.
In the end though, it was me that couldn't deal with it, it was unchartered territory for me, the first time we met he paid me for oral pleasure, how were we going to explain that to folk!?? I got all confused and paranoid and convinced myself that it was my "performance" he fell in love, and not me as a person so I ended it but we remained friends for a while afterwards.
Haven't seen him for years, I wonder what he's up to these days....