Hi everybody, thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to my post, you've all spoken some really sound words of wisdom which I've been in need of and I feel so much stronger with your kind words of support.
I don't go back to work until Friday, that's when I face the music and find out what the reaction is. The person who knows is one of the young guys, he definitely will have told the other young guys he socialises with at the weekend. I'm just curious to see how they deal with it. They could make it obvious they know by giving sniggers and comments, as if they're in on some big secret, or they could just come right out with the accusations/abuse. Or they might just cut off any communication with me ever again. The one who found out removed me from his social networking friends list only 2 weeks after he added me. I suppose time will tell and I'll come back on here and let you know how Friday goes.
The only pics I had on my website were amateur body shots, not fully naked, but with lingerie on, however, naively, I did send my face pic by email to clients who asked for it if I thought a booking hung on it. In hindsight, some of them I'm sure were some of the first nosey buggers on the scent in my hometown wanting to find out for themselves.
I'm not a great liar, but I am a survivor. I also have admitted it to people I thought I could trust in the past (years ago), so some people do know for a fact that I was an escort. Still, I don't think that that means I now have to go about broadcasting the truth to strangers I only work with. Could be Chinese whispers for all they know. I guess what people have already said is true, and I won't know how I will react until I am in the situation. But my gut reaction is to deny everything, but not protest too much, just laugh it off and act schocked/bemused and hopefully they'll let it slide as soon as they realise I'm not getting my knickers in a twist over it and become bored. At first I did think honesty would be the best policy, but it's true what another poster said - if they are truly going to out me good and proper in the first place, it's unlikely they're the knid of bunch that will understand my reasons for choosing to become an escort in the first place.
I suppose the bright side is that once it's out there it's out there, people can only be shocked once by something, so i don't have to worry about it again after this has passed.
Thanks again to everybody for all of your advice, I really appreciate it x