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Author Topic: Disagreement with escort friend  (Read 2304 times)


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Disagreement with escort friend
« on: 04 March 2013, 01:07:37 pm »
I have a friend who is also an escort, in fact I introduced her to escorting,we live reasonably close together so yes our clients overlap and we do usually tell each other if we have met a client that uses us both. We are also each others security checkers.

I commented the other day that I was having a booking with a mutual client today and she never said anything.
Last night she asked if I had heard from him, I said nope not a word, she replied that's cos I text/ranghim and bollicked him out of it. She told him if he could afford my full fee, then she wasn't giving him a discount anymore....

I asked why she had interfered in my booking and she said she had met him twice recently at discounted rates cos he was saying he cant afford her full fees, and he wud be a regular if she did this.

A) I feel it's totally up to her that she did discount his fee.
B) She never told me this (being sneaky, I feel)
C) How dare she interfere with one of my bookings
D) I now feel the trust is gone in our friendship as well as our escorting as no way can I confide or talk to her about escorting work again, and that will have an impact on our day to day friendship also.

When I tried to tell her this last night she was dismissive, so ladies what would you do or say to her? Apart from keeping my mouth shut about my clients in future lol ...

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: 04 March 2013, 01:29:49 pm by curvywench »
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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #1 on: 04 March 2013, 01:22:25 pm »
I totally agree with your points and to me it sounds like she is jealous of your business.

IMO it is time for a parting of the ways.  Its sad when things like this happen but you have to look after number one.
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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #2 on: 04 March 2013, 01:34:58 pm »
been there and had it done to me.  The best thing to do is just tell her you no longer trust her and feel it is best if you part ways.  She may well start to slag you off to clients but that is something you will have to put up with for a while. 
It happens I am afraid and it is one of the things with working with someone who has the same clients as you.

It is sad but there is nothing else you can do bar walk away or she could really affect your business.  After all how many other clients has she done or said this to so that they no longer visit you.

As for discounts that is up to her and all she had to do was say no.  I think she will find she will have also lost this client for doing what she did as most would be horrified to receive a call/text out of the blue telling them off for basically seeing someone else.

Look after you and your business and block her out of your life
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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #3 on: 04 March 2013, 01:37:40 pm »
Thanks for replying Lady, I am just sad that she felt the need to be sly about it and wish she had told me rather than confronting the client, which is embarrassing and so unprofessional. I can only imagine what he thought  :o
She tends to get very bolshy with people (men) when she thinks they are pulling a fast one on her, in the past it has never affected me, however this time it has, and I won't allow it to happen a second time.

The client knows we are friends, and was possibly using that to play us off against each other as well, and it has worked well if such was the case.

Either way we are escorts and no one client belongs to either of us, maybe that is the trap she is falling into. My attitude has always been I am glad one of us is getting the client, doesn't matter which one...

But yes you may be correct, a parting of the ways may be a coming as I am fuming over her actions and since she cant recognise what she has done wrong, then I feel it's impossible to move forward with her in my life.
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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #4 on: 04 March 2013, 01:43:00 pm »
Thanks Dani

I can cope with her slagging me off if she goes down that route, men are uncomplicated creatures lol, they run from this kind of nonsense, so if she starts that well she will find herself losing clients fast.

You have made me think with the comment you made about how many other clients she has done this too, hmmmmmm that is food for thought, hopefully none, cos I defo would not do that to her, BUT!!!!

I don't blame the client for running as fast as he can away from her, she is very scary when she goes off on one, have witnessed it before, she has her own brand of logic and there is no arguing with her..

Sad but yes I think its time for a sorry, its you not me chat

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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #5 on: 04 March 2013, 01:46:51 pm »
Curvy, this may not be the first time this has happened although it is the first time you have found out.  How many other times could she have done it, no one bar her will know.

You are correct in thinking that clients dont "belong" to anyone but obviously the other person doesnt. 

She wont last long in her business if she carries on in this matter.  No one will want to see her.  :(
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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #6 on: 04 March 2013, 01:51:00 pm »
She is definitely jealous. I've been in a similar situation myself and it isn't pleasant. Infact, it entirely discourages me from making friends with other escorts. Don't let it get you down huney x


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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #7 on: 04 March 2013, 03:10:16 pm »
Jesus, if we don't stick together as girls, then what hope do we have ??? XXXXX


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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #8 on: 04 March 2013, 03:10:31 pm »
Ahhh... Mixing business with friendship is never a good idea cause this is what happens a lot of the times. And I'm not talking "sex work", as THIS happens in all professional fields  ???
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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #9 on: 04 March 2013, 03:18:39 pm »
I think it's a bit of a rush to decide to cut ties with this girl completely over this. It's unfair to criticize how she runs her business beyond this time where it has affected you. I think the best bet would be to lay down ground rules with her, eg. 'please don't discuss my business with mutual clients', if these rules weren't already agreed up on then I think it's fair to give her another chance. Find out what things she's okay with and you're okay with and start afresh from there. It's hard working in what she obviously sees as direct competition with someone if her confidence is suffering atm she's likely assuming you're more appealing than her that there's something wrong with her and she dealt with those emotionally badly and confronted the client, it's hard not to take clients choices personally, you don't know what he said to her or how she was made to feel. What she should have said was 'I no longer want to offer a discount accept my full price or leave it' but it's hard to leave it at that i'm guessing the client badgered as to why etc. Admittedly she shouldn't have offered it in the first place but once she had it was probably hard to retract it without admitting to why she wanted to.

I think the best tact would be to go in as supportive, remind her as to the importance of her boundaries and that this unfortunate event was likely the consequence of her letting them slip. If you go in supportive and consoling she'll be less defensive and you can address why you're upset and she'll more likely be open to taking it seriously. At the moment she feels like a victim, that the customer was taking the mick and for some reason you're now mad too when in her eyes she probably thinks she helped you ditch someone she perceived as a bad punter. She's in the wrong but currently she can't see that because she'll still upset.

If she doesn't agree on not doing that again etc. then maybe just be friends outside of escorting and stop working together that could still function fine, life can get lonely fast and there will always be rough patches with friends/bfs sometimes if it's worth riding it out a few weeks because the pay off for your happiness is worth it, ofc if she continues to make you miserable don't but give it time to clear first.


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Re: Disagreement with escort friend
« Reply #10 on: 04 March 2013, 03:19:19 pm »
Perhaps try talking to her and expressing your concerns, let her know a true friend would not behave in this way. the good thing is that at least she was honest with you when she admitted to 'bollicking him out of it' so you know she is not a liar and admits her mistakes, and it seems she feels she had a valid point, as he was clearly lying to her and saying he couldn't afford her service but then agreeing to pay a lot for her friend..I have been in both positions, I have a wealthy businessman who comes to see me and insisted he could only afford a cheaper service, I gave him a discounted rate as we were friends first but then he let slip he'd been to see another girl in the area. when I had a quick look her profile was at least 50pounds more than what I'd charged him so I felt sort of used as if he'd just manipulated me, I shouldn't have lowered rate same way she shouldnt have as clients can lie. I think you two need to discuss it as all points are valid. she probably doesnt have malice towards you, especially if nothing like this has ever happened before.. my friend whom I live with for part of the week also shares customers with me and one of them pays her 30 for half hour but pays me 90 for half hour yet we all get along like a house on fire dont be too quick to judge..

hope this helps , remember friends are more important than clients but dont bother with fellow escorts who care only about money and not friendship they are a waste of time entirely