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Author Topic: To old? To big?  (Read 2933 times)


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To old? To big?
« on: 31 August 2008, 09:20:51 pm »

I am very serious about becoming an escort or prostitute, whichever one wants to call it. Haven't got a clue how to start off and am slowly digesting all the great info on here and you have already saved me from parting with ?395 to sign up with escortopia who claim they have a possible booking with a client who knows no more than my vital statistics.

Back to topic:

Am I delusional that i think I can attract business being 42 years old and a size 18-20 with only a B-cup?
I am british-chinese which means I actually look younger and most people guess me to be about 35. I love meeting people and am a good listener and I love sex.

I am hopeful to work pretty hard for about 5 years and save at least half of my earnings, so that i don't have to worry about my financial security when I'm older.

What do you think guys gals am I crackers?  ???
  Cassie x

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"

Anika Mae

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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #1 on: 31 August 2008, 09:34:31 pm »
No, you're not crackers. There's plenty of demand for BBW and mature escorts (even if you say you're 35 you'll be considered mature in this industry!), and those who fit into both categories seem to do fine. If there aren't a lot of agencies in your area you might not find one that would take you on, but you'll certainly be able to find some work as an indie.


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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #2 on: 31 August 2008, 09:46:19 pm »
Some of my most successful bookings have been when I have lied and said I was older!   :)


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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #3 on: 31 August 2008, 10:20:13 pm »
Thanks for your positive replies ladies. :)

I was just starting to doubt myself a bit, you now the old hang ups about looks and age, cos I know I've got the personality for it.

Oh and nice one Hermione.  ;)

Watch this space!

Cassie x
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #4 on: 31 August 2008, 11:19:14 pm »
Hi Cassie,
Given that you'd be considered a BBW in the business I reckon this thread would also apply to you:


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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #5 on: 01 September 2008, 11:15:50 pm »
Hi Cassie !

Too old ? NEVER !!!!!!!!!
Too big? NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!

I was concerned when I started out escorting back in Feb 2007 at the ripe old age of 48.

I am now 49 and you know what ?  I was worrying for nothing

There is a great demand for us MILFs - personally I hate that term but it comes with the territory.

I see guys in their 40s who like to see an escort of around their age and I see a lot of younger guys who adore older woman.

So believe me when I say to you that you are NEVER TOO OLD nor TOO BIG as there is also a great demand for the big girls!

So I wish you luck and am confident that you will do well!
Alexandra xx


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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #6 on: 02 September 2008, 09:38:06 pm »
Thanks so much for your encouragement Alexandra and that link was very useful, thanks Brandy.

Now I have to work out how to set up a website - I've been looking at your sites to get some inspiration and wow do they all look professional. - or find an agency I feel I can trust.

Cassie x
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #7 on: 03 September 2008, 03:43:59 pm »
Hi Cassie!

I would tell the truth about your age, especially if you look younger. I am 35 and could pass myself off as 29 or 30, but it's much nicer for people to be pleasantly surprised when they first see you! Bear in mind that a lot of ladies do lie about their age so to counter this, more experienced punters often automatically add a few years on just as a general assumption; I say I'm 35, so a lot of them assume I'm going to be 40 - it doesn't take a genius to realise that if they then arrive and find me to look about 30, then they are going to be happier than if I'd just lied and said I was 30 in the first place!

You can build your own website for free - there are template sites like Moonfruit, or if you're not that confident you can get a nice professional site for less than you probably think (I often get compliments on mine and it was not that expensive). I would definitely put up an Adultwork profile to be getting on with too - it doesn't cost anything and is an easy way to start yourself off (even if the site is not generally for the squeamish!) Good luck!


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Re: To old? To big?
« Reply #8 on: 03 September 2008, 10:24:42 pm »
Hi Amy,

Thanks for the advice, you have an excellent point about the age thing, when I think about it I have experience that kind of reaction in social situations.

I'll have a look at moonfruit and see if I can get to grips with it.

Also had a nosey at your site and some of the other ladies here to get some inspiration - WOW, hope I can get anywhere close to them.

Cassie x

PS: This may really sound naive - but I'm so excited!
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"