now people post those ads in other sections of "Services"...
I tried CL in the past and to me it is not good (I am not UK based).
Might the removing be related to sesta/fosta and/or the new European laws on privacy?
The new EU laws on privacy have nothing to do with FOSTA, in fact they're the total opposite. Why would CL remove a full section that offers services that 1) are perfectly legal in europe and 2) doesn't make the directory liable for it's content (thanks to EU law) I have no idea. Me thinks it has more to do with protecting CL as a brand. You have to remember that nowadays CL are getting all their money from the US paid sections: real state section in the big cities, plus car ads, plus the employments section. Whe're talking thousands of daily ads at 25 dollar per ad.
That's almost 125000 US dollars a day in profit. the therapeutic section in Europe was free (so no income from there) and it had the potential of hurting their brand so they got rid of it. Makes sense to me.
The good ol days where you could sell a pram and a blowjob in the same directory are long gone. Times are changing, laws are changing and we just need to adapt.