It's been my experience in the past that the better looking the man the less fun he actually was. That is not to knock the good looking chaps out there though, before I get slaughtered for that statement!
I really would take somebody with a personality and a brain any day. I am a bit of a brain girl myself. You know, the boss in CSI type of thing, I hate bugs (he is very knowledgable on bugs in case anybody does not know!) but man, could I go for him over the so called hunk of the show!
Please, give me some form of decent conversation and quit looking prettier than I do, it's annoying...
I have been trying to word a profile for AW but I am still awake now and still not got it right as I am very worried about being too tame and I am not prepared to offer anything I don't want to so I am stumbling and giving up, going for a coffee, coming back, lulling about to the radio, having another go and so on.
I am trying very hard to make myself sound as exciting as the others but I am not and that is the long and short of it. So, I am kind of stuck. I might have to give it up for tonight. It's getting very much into the early hours. Thank God it's Sunday tomorrow and possibly going to rain, you know, for a bloody change, so I need not get up early and go for a brisk August morning walk in the sunshine (what is sunshine by the way, anybody remember it? Seen it recently?) I can stay in bed and ponder this whole profile scenario.
I am fearful of coming across as 'a good girl' and getting nasty reactions from people. God knows why I am thinking that. I can't get across that whereas I will not do things like anal or group or any of that slap me there stuff, it does not mean I am a dead fish in the sack. God, It's doing my head in!
Argh. Maybe tomorrow I will find great inspiration and get this worded correctly. I could ask my writing group? Ha! Imagine their faces! God now that would be so funny....
'And this weeks assignment is provided by Jo...'
'Hi group! For this week I would like you all to come back with a profile for a woman escort who only does straight sex, positions variable, plus oral, without I might add and no, your wife can not join in and also the most you can do to her behind is squeeze it tightly, slap her and she won't like that and might possibly cry! Ok? Excellent! Now remember, try to keep this to less than 50 words if possible.. Oh, Mrs Smith, are you alright over there? Oh dear, a glass of water for Mrs Smith please, she appears to be having a moment... Young man at the back who only joined last week, please close your mouth, the catching flies look is not fetching...'
I think I am going to get lost in the sea of escorts on that place and nobody is going to bother with me at all. I am feeling very despondent tonight.