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Author Topic: At amber light....  (Read 3646 times)

Welsh Lass

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At amber light....
« on: 21 August 2008, 02:22:41 pm »
Hi guys,
As header states. I am almost nearly ready to go. Green light will be soon.
I have got a website that is nearly finished. I am about to put a profile on AW. I have everything I need here to get going and I simply await the finishing of the website next week.
It's done me no harm and a lot of good to take my time and read things and learn things. To think clearly and remember what is important for me as a person and for my family as well as making money. I have a good idea of what I need to make to get by and have a budget drawn up for myself to know where I am going and what I am doing.
I have learned that I might be on the somewhat tamer side, shall we say, than a lot of other ladies are but, I am not prepared to advertise services I know I am not going to like performing. If this means a slower kick off for me then I will take that and wait until I get the right man for the job, so to speak.
Perhaps this is not quite the right attitude to have, but, I sit here thinking to myself, 'Wow, I am so going to have some sex! I have not had any for 1 year and certainly not any I wanted to perform for over 2 years if not longer with the ex person! But I have my sensible hat on and am overriding that thought with basic safety precautions and the solid grounding of this is going to be my proffession for the next few years, not my pleasure all the time!
I just wanted to publicly thank Amy for all her help and advice as she has been a star and had guided me selflessly through my set up phase.
I am very much looking forward to this and also very nervous of client number 1, but I say that with a smile as I am tapping my fingers to get going here.
There is now not long before school returns and I think the kids going back and my beginning this job will merge nicely and that is for the best for everybody concerned!
Just wanted to let anybody that replied to my first post know, I am almost there, I am happy about everything and I am confident with all my choices and decisions up to this point. If your interested that is! Ha!
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #1 on: 21 August 2008, 04:10:32 pm »
Much respect on the issue of tamer services.  I am so SICK of the "nastier the better" myth, which has little basis in reality. The overwhelming majority of my clients want fairly basic services and I suspect this is true for many people.  Even my fetish clients are pretty tame!  Many clients may be put off if you do offer kinkier things, especially if you make a big to do about it.  As someone who offers an extensive fetish service, I have to be careful how I advertise this, because I do not want to scare the majority of my clients away.  Good luck and and kudos for sticking to your principles! 

Miss Penny

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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #2 on: 22 August 2008, 11:20:27 am »
I hope all goes well for you and wish you the best of luck.
I wish I had been as sensible as you when I first started out. I will cross my fingers for you that your first client is a sweetheart and good looking.....the second is a rare bonus lol.
Above all have fun and stay sharp.
best wishes
Miss Penny xxx

Welsh Lass

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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #3 on: 24 August 2008, 12:34:00 am »
It's been my experience in the past that the better looking the man the less fun he actually was. That is not to knock the good looking chaps out there though, before I get slaughtered for that statement!
I really would take somebody with a personality and a brain any day. I am a bit of a brain girl myself. You know, the boss in CSI type of thing, I hate bugs (he is very knowledgable on bugs in case anybody does not know!) but man, could I go for him over the so called hunk of the show!
Please, give me some form of decent conversation and quit looking prettier than I do, it's annoying...

I have been trying to word a profile for AW but I am still awake now and still not got it right as I am very worried about being too tame and I am not prepared to offer anything I don't want to so I am stumbling and giving up, going for a coffee, coming back, lulling about to the radio, having another go and so on.
I am trying very hard to make myself sound as exciting as the others but I am not and that is the long and short of it. So, I am kind of stuck. I might have to give it up for tonight. It's getting very much into the early hours. Thank God it's Sunday tomorrow and possibly going to rain, you know, for a bloody change, so I need not get up early and go for a brisk August morning walk in the sunshine (what is sunshine by the way, anybody remember it? Seen it recently?) I can stay in bed and ponder this whole profile scenario.
I am fearful of coming across as 'a good girl' and getting nasty reactions from people. God knows why I am thinking that. I can't get across that whereas I will not do things like anal or group or any of that slap me there stuff, it does not mean I am a dead fish in the sack. God, It's doing my head in!
Argh. Maybe tomorrow I will find great inspiration and get this worded correctly. I could ask my writing group? Ha! Imagine their faces! God now that would be so funny....
'And this weeks assignment is provided by Jo...'
'Hi group! For this week I would like you all to come back with a profile for a woman escort who only does straight sex, positions variable, plus oral, without I might add and no, your wife can not join in and also the most you can do to her behind is squeeze it tightly, slap her and she won't like that and might possibly cry! Ok? Excellent! Now remember, try to keep this to less than 50 words if possible.. Oh, Mrs Smith, are you alright over there? Oh dear, a glass of water for Mrs Smith please, she appears to be having a moment... Young man at the back who only joined last week, please close your mouth, the catching flies look is not fetching...'
I think I am going to get lost in the sea of escorts on that place and nobody is going to bother with me at all. I am feeling very despondent tonight.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.

oz sandi

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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #4 on: 24 August 2008, 01:00:42 am »
Good luck with your venture.
You have been wise and put a lot of thought into your entry to the trade.
Your decission to be honest about the services you will provide is the right way to go although you will get those that will promise the moon if you will "Just do it for me"
Stick to your selective menu and you will do OK ...Oz Sandi

Anika Mae

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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #5 on: 24 August 2008, 12:13:53 pm »
Be different, Jo!

When I started I thought that I should appear perfectly plastic like the girls on the websites I'd seen. I realised quite soon that there are enough clients out there that you don't need to mould yourself into anything, and now my website is just an expression of myself. People often tell me that they chose me because I don't look like all the others.

Adult work is full of gaping holes and all that nonsense but trust me, there are plenty of men who don't find that appealing. Let them know that you're not a porn star, you're a nice girl who's fun to be with. The ones who are looking for that will be relieved to find you and will probably book without a second thought!

That doesn't mean it's not hard, writing about yourself is horrible. Try writing about the sort of dates you enjoy, that might come easier.


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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #6 on: 24 August 2008, 06:23:17 pm »
Best of luck Jo. I just got started this week and was so nervous. Saw my 4th client today and wasnt even the slightest bit nervous. All have been lovely.


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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #7 on: 24 August 2008, 07:12:14 pm »

Well done, you are really moving on well and to think you posted shortly here first time not knowing what to do so it is great to witness you on this journey and I am entirely confident that soon you will be earning and doing well in this profession.

Yes on AW there are so many profiles and I too was concerned that I would be lost in the sea of so many and particularly young stunning ones, but you know what I went with my gut instincts and whilst I have to confess that I have done some things in bookings that I would not do again, I still went with my own personality on the profile.

I never felt comfortable with the hardcore in your face sex thing so I played on my maturity and I would like to think style and hence appeal to a certain type of gentleman but funnily enough another escort who was trying to get me on a duo booking for another guy said that he said i was too full of myself and yet he does not know me !!!!!

So you see, we can please some all of the time or all some of the time or whatever the saying is but all I can say is write what you feel comfortable with.

I again confess that in the early days my profile was more open and explicit because I thought it had to be but after not feeling comfortable with it, then I changed it and yes there are men out there who want me for what they read and see and the same will happen to you.

I reworded mine to what I felt happy with and as hard as it was in the beginning, once you have it all done, then you can sit back and always make changes or add in the future or even delete things if you want to.

But my advice would be to go what you feel comfortable with - dont think too much about what the others say on there or rather dont say - just say what feels right for you.

If you want any tips or helps on the profile I am more than happy to look at it and let you know my thoughts, but remember we are all unique and so are the clients. 

I am flattered when my clients say they love my profile and it just goes to show not all guys want the full on exposed yes we are having sex rammed down their throats in a profile - but then there are some that do, but I play on seduction and that has worked for me.

You will find something that works for you and you will do well.  You have passed so many hurdles now and we are all so proud of you and how much you have achieved.

Alex xx

Welsh Lass

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Re: At amber light....
« Reply #8 on: 28 August 2008, 12:10:25 pm »
Thanks all your replies!
I have been laying horizontal for the past couple of days and it has nothing to do with a booming start to my new career!
I cooked a fish pie. I am never eating fish pie again. I fed it to the kids as well, oh dear me, it's hell when your on your own with offspring and you all get accidentally poisoned by a cod!

I am upright today though and am sending my web stuff off, albeit late, once I have had a final read of it. When that is set up, then I will put the profile onto AW as I want to get the website linked to it somehow.
Whilst laying about with a bowl and the alka seltzer (spelling?) I have given thought to the structure of the time with client, something I perhaps had not taken the time to do before. As in, what to do to fill in the time and so on. I think I have a plan all set up in my head.
Sometimes my desire to really think things through drives me insane. There is only so much preparation you can do and I always need to be the good girl guide and get preparation right. It's little wonder I have ended up alone? Ha!
While spontaneity is a brilliant thing, it does no harm to have a plan should I get an attack of nerves or have a rather nervous client.
I can not wait for school to start back next week. It seems things have fallen together nicely timing wise for me here. I am now terribly keen to get on and get the first experiences over with.

The personal questions on AW. Well, I have not been too truthful on that. Nothing that is an outright lie, just the sort of questions where they ask who your fav celeb is and so on. I don't feel the need to be honest about that stuff, that's me, it's not Joanna, so, there you go. Everything else I have told to be the truth.
I can't go on there and claim to have been Meatloafs wife in a previous life, got all excited this morning at hearing AC/DC new song on the radio and love the opera and wild flowers and cheesecake and beer as I am afraid of giving too much personal info away. That's me, it's not Joanna, so, I have improvised on those questions.
I gave correct stats and so on, I am not misleading anybody on that! I am no Amy in the boob department (God damn it!) so can not claim to be!
Also, I went online last night and got some porn films bought.  I know this is a personal choice and not everybody goes for that sort of thing, but I was thinking of the day I am really not in the mood, I know who is coming by and he does not float my boat, what can I do? Well, I thought, watch one of these before he arrives. That is going to work for me, I know it does not for everybody but it's a healthier way to approach that sort of situation than a shot of vodka or three! So that's that really.
I don't think it takes long to get the web page up and running.
My phone is charged and ready to go. I think when it rings that first time I shall feel all stuttering and so on, but will bluff it!

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.