I offer a tantric and naturist massage and make a good income out of it, have done for 5 years now. I charge about ?60 for a half hour and ?120 for the hour, they are high fees, however I am qualified and I don't want to see lotts of clients s day so aim for 1 hour or 2 half hours 7 days a week which is good and consistent, there's also plenty of requests though and I often have more demand than I'm able to physically manage (a good tantric massage can take it out of me quite a lot)
Guys that visit me tend to be repeat customers who arnt Intrested in a full service at all, most of them comment they'd never see an escort for a good massage, so I'd say to be really successful having a profile dedicated to massage is best, I'd say 80% of clients are married, most over 30 and some with ED, I am qualified and have a spare room with massage table and a pretty high spec bathroom. I market my massages as tantric and naturist massage with a lingham massage. I'd recommend doing done research and marketing tantra, once you have a good rep guys will come and see you from all over, especially if you advertise in the naturist mags.
Ultimately clients use my service to have a happy, chatty, soft and sensual time with the added bonus of a lenthy edging lingham massage.
Not sure if you do NURU but guys love it and it's a TOP TOP seller!
Feel free to pm with any questions xx