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Author Topic: Help Needed Please- Someone Using My Photos/Intro  (Read 1009 times)


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Help Needed Please- Someone Using My Photos/Intro
« on: 23 November 2011, 12:26:11 am »
Hi Ladies,

I'm hoping someone can offer some additional help/advice. I have searched the topic but not gotten much back.

Using copyscape plagerism checker it came to my attention a little whole ago that my full website wording and photos are being used by someone else. I've googled the number they use and it has hits with a few other profiles too so seems like an agency job. I should mention that this is profile is being used in Norway where I have my own escort adverts.

I have sent numerous emails to the website showing them that this person is plagiarising my material (I have the originals) and photos but nothing!

The website has no contact just email which they are ignoring.

I actually called the number on the advert to which the person didn't understand a word I was saying so I text them in Norwegian (thanks google). They replied saying "haha". What do I do now?

I'm more frustrated at this person uespecially as they are advertising services I don't in a place I have my own adverts up. Grrrrrr. I own my images so they can't legally do this (qui?)  but maybe I have to just forget about it seeing as they won't take me seriously and I'm not planning on going to court or something!

Any help would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance ladies x


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Re: Help Needed Please- Someone Using My Photos/Intro
« Reply #1 on: 23 November 2011, 07:55:48 am »
Searching the forum, you would have found this is all too common, and there is advice on how to deal with it in most threads, but to save time.

Goto the main site here
Have a look at the section marked rip offs and try the advice there, usually making things a bit more formal sees people backing down.

Once thats done if you still have no look, then its time to contact the hosts using a site such as will let you see where the site is hosted, contact them direct and remind them they are responsible for all content on their servers and you will take action if they dont step in.

See how you go with that.


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Re: Help Needed Please- Someone Using My Photos/Intro
« Reply #2 on: 23 November 2011, 08:05:13 am »
I actually didn't get many search hits- I was probably trying the wrong phrases.

I have tried most of the advice on the main part of site so I think next step is to contact the host. Thanks Anjali


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Re: Help Needed Please- Someone Using My Photos/Intro
« Reply #3 on: 23 November 2011, 10:55:16 am »
I actually didn't get many search hits- I was probably trying the wrong phrases.

I have tried most of the advice on the main part of site so I think next step is to contact the host. Thanks Anjali

I've contacted hosting companies many times when my text has been ripped off and initial contact with the owner has been ignored. They generally take plagiarism very seriously and provided you don't mind jumping through hoops a bit (I've even sent them links to my site in the Wayback machine to prove how long the text has been there) they will have the site down in anything from 24 hours - from what I remember the owners get suspended until they removed the stolen stuff and you'll get an email telling you if it goes back up so you can check your stuff has gone.

You can report them to Google too.