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Author Topic: Emotional Leaches- are they dangerous or just a nuisance?  (Read 2148 times)


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Hi all, I'm new here and only been escorting for a few months. I'm 51 and I like to offer services other than purely kissing, hugging, chatting. So many lonely people out there.
Trouble is as I'm so kind and caring by nature I seem to be getting a few emotional leaches. I'll see them a couple of times and listen to all their life stories (I'm forever play Grace Jones Private Life these days!...can't think why!) Then I get bombarded with texts and emails....and then they expect me to meet with no payment with words along the lines of, "But we're good friends now, we are more than escort and client now"
When I tell them I'm not a charity  and in this to keep a roof over my head, they either cut me off completely (suits me!) or turn nasty.

I don't want to turn into a hard hearted bitch but I feel I'm beginning to get that way.

I'm really gonna have to learn to not get so drawn into their private lives I think. There is only so many times i can stomach, "My wife doesn't understand me!" anyway!

But getting back to my question, has anyone had any of this type of client turn dangerous, or are they just a time wasting nuisance?

Thanks, and it's good to be here :-)
Daisy x


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Re: Emotional Leaches- are they dangerous or just a nuisance?
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2010, 09:36:47 am »
Hi Daisy

Ive personally never had a client do anything dangerous but Ive had one very much along the lines of the guys you are describing turn very insulting and creepy when i made it clear to him that he wasn't my 'friend'. Its best to nip guys like that in the bud as early as possible or the stress can really get to you.

You don't have to turn into a hard hearted bitch to do this job but its very important for your own sanity to make sure that your clients realise that they have to pay if they want to spend time with you and you aren't their free dating service/counsellor.
You will always get the cheeky bugger clients who try and ask you out for a coffee etc as 'friends'. In such cases i would advise that you make it clear in a friendly but firm way that you prefer to keep your work on a strictly professional footing. Don't fall for a minute for the ones who pretend to be hurt or upset by that. They know bloody fine well already that they have to pay to spend time with you,they are just taking the piss in the hope that you will give in and say yes. If they turn nasty or abusive then that's their problem for being an arse and not yours. Don't answer your phone to them again or indeed even waste time thinking or worrying about them and their feelings (cos they sure as hell don't worry about your feelings,clients like that couldn't give a toss about you as a person,you are just a means to an end for them)

With regards to the clients who want to pour out their most intimate details during bookings i find its always a tricky one to deal with. Personally i don't want to know if their wife hasn't let them have their leg over since she had their 2nd baby etc etc but sometimes its hard to shut them up. I find not asking questions and changing the subject onto something more lighthearted usually does the trick. Your not a local branch of your Samaritans as well as their ideal bedroom companion and frankly its far too emotionally draining to have to act like one ;D

Ella T

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Re: Emotional Leaches- are they dangerous or just a nuisance?
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2010, 12:52:48 pm »

I have only had one of these types of client. It was a couple of years ago now, but I still remember him. The first time I saw him he'd had a drink or two, and so all of his woes came pouring out. The next time I requested that he didn't have a drink, but that didn't work either.

As Simone said, I changed the subject at every opportunity, and he did mostly respond but it was also his general 'down' demeanour that was draining. I only saw him 3 times before he moved to another part of the country, so didn't have to really sort the situation out, but I didn't think that he would have turned nasty if I had. 

sammy s

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Re: Emotional Leaches- are they dangerous or just a nuisance?
« Reply #3 on: 24 May 2010, 02:09:54 pm »
I HATE these types of clients. I would say 1 in 10 of my clients are like this.
Im one of those people that is always overly nicey nice to everyone and I think a lot of my clients pick up on this and try to take advantage. I never let them though and would rather lose the income from them then have to put up with their depressing drivel.

I have one at the moment who I met up with and he was a lovely guy but I could tell he was a bit depressed. He now texts me a lot and I never reply to them. Some of the texts I have received from him have been "Hi going out for a drink later, would be good to have some company. Fancy it?" or "I think Im doomed to always be lonely, I hope you know that the man who ends up with you is incredibly lucky".

I know he's just trying to be nice but I hate when clients start contacting me as though im one of their mates. If he continues to contact me Im going to send him a nice but stern message telling him that my phone is strictly for work calls and if he wants to chat he is welcome to book me again.

I never understand why men cant keep their emotions to one side and see us just as escorts and not as their saviour in life or the one person they can unload all of their problems on to.

I think if  you have a client whose crossing the boundaries, you need to just be upfront with him and send him a message saying you dont feel comfortable having a friendship with a client and discussing personal matters. If they are genuine then they will realise they are being silly and will respect what you're saying and book you again. If they get pissed off then they are manipulators and best ignored!


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Re: Emotional Leaches- are they dangerous or just a nuisance?
« Reply #4 on: 24 May 2010, 02:15:41 pm »
I have chaps who will tell me the background to their seeking an Escort but most are absolutely fine - simply want to explain things a little before jumping in. I have come across those who want 'attention' sometimes this can be constant communication and/or think they have the right to information on your private life often making inappropriate comments or gestures.

These guys can get quite nasty when you suggest it really isn't right to expect a texting/emailing penpal and a few assume you should give them free time etc because you have a 'special' relationship!

I sometimes want to say to these guys "Suprisingly enough those who are nice, polite and make simple bookings(less demanding) are the ones for whom the clock might accidentally stop or find themselves having to forget that ?10 note part of my fee". They are also the ones for whom I might chose to go for a coffee with. Some after several bookings start to become actual real friends BUT at my instigation - just as any business client would have to be.

Funny how they don't get that their scary, presumptious, arrogant behaviour actually means they are less likely to become what they seem to be asking for!!!!


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Re: Emotional Leaches- are they dangerous or just a nuisance?
« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2010, 03:31:02 am »
Thanks for all the answers girls. I can see I've really encouraged this so I'm going to have to start being less interested and nice, and change the subject as you suggested.
I have several clients who text a lot and get quite aggro if I don't reply, and silly me then goes an apologizes for being too busy to reply when they text...Der! Grow some balls Daisy! lol

It's amazing how they claim to be in love with me and I'm their soul mate and all other kinds of crap, and then as soon as I tell them the texts have to stop and I won't be meeting them for free, and I won't be having an affair with them, then all of a sudden I'm a nutcase and a whore and an uncaring bitch! (Hmmm... a couple of  texts earlier I was the love of your life and your soulmate lol)

I really have to toughen up and treat this as a business.  I mean you wouldn't keep texting your dentist or doctor would you! (And you also wouldn't get away with being a time waster with a doc or dentist either which they all seem to think is perfectly ok to do!!)

Thanks again girls...this site has been a god send to me:-)