Hi Raven and just read your post, I know I couldn't stand a job in the civvy realm. Escorting has given me so much control over my life and apart from the men who enjoy my time and pay for it, I love that I don't feel pressure to be in a relationship with a man for financial security and I support my family alone as a single parent and a ex that doesn't support my kids . Like any job I do have one week a month I don't want to work and I can afford to do just that. I choose my working hours. Escorting turned me off men but not because of any negative experiences from Escorting but because I actually have had better treatment and gains from men I interact with Escorting than when I was dating guys, I know get more respect and better sex.
When you start you will take a while to find your feet and your own boundaries and how to market yourself and all you have to offer. I started alone with no help or advice and I had to learn the hard way and had some negative situations but you learn. Having saafe and all the great advice on here you can avoid some mistakes newbies can make and with age brings confidence and men find that very sexy in a older woman and 50 is not old, I'm 42 and I feel better than when I was 32 and now have less stress and spare cash to take care of myself and if something breaks at home I know I can make the money and not take out a loan or stress about it. Escorting gives me peace of mind.
Negatives are like any form of self employment, If I'm ill, Get thrush or a coldsore then I can't work or have to offer limited services, Have to pay out for working accommodation and work hard to keep it a secret from people in my life and that's the hardest thing is the stigma. But I don't do casual sex or sleep around I just sell my assets and skills and provide therapy and help men harness feel good endorphins.
And camming can't replace what the guy's I attract want, They want a womans touch and company in person and I see guys up to 70 and they still get horny.
I can make from on a good day working 9.30 to 6pm Escorting what I wouldn't working 3 days in a 9-5 job.
I entered escorting with the idea I'd try it and see if it was something mentally and physically I would be OK with because your mental and physical health is what comes first and for me Escorting feels easy for me when I make sure I rest when I need to and refuse that last job if I'm tired and need to be home cuddled with my dogs and a chill.
I hope you have got lots of advice to help you decide.