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Author Topic: Another agency question.  (Read 1935 times)


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Another agency question.
« on: 18 July 2008, 08:59:13 am »

Hello All

Sorry to bang on and on about this (and i did post it elsewhere but it went to the end of the thread and don't think people know its there so apologies if thats what anyones thinking) :-[

I could really do with peoples thoughts again regarding the agency that i joined last week. I have my photo shoot provisionally arranged for today but agency owner has not been in tough regarding the location address,time etc,they had said that they would get in touch with me yesterday but i still haven't heard from them.

This seems to strike me as quite unprofessional,especially considering i don't drive and the photoshoot is quite a long bus,then metro journey away. I'm not sure if i should get back in touch with owner,one part of me says yes,the other half thinks why should i when they were supposed to contact me!

Also my availability has been up on the agency calender this week but so far i haven't had a single booking,maybye business is just slow but do you think it could also be because she hasn't mentioned anywhere on website that Ive joined or given any details about me. I know some of you felt she might be selling me over phone first.
I worked briefly for another agency a few years back and i had bookings within my first week and good feedback,when i compare my situation now to then it doesn't look good,i do appreciate however that the credit crunch etc may be affecting business.

So what do you all think,do i hang on in there with this agency and see what happens? or do i cut my ties with this one and search for someone else to represent me?  This agency isn't as well established as some others in my area,would working for a better known agency make a difference? I'm feeling quite disheartend at the moment and any advice would be much appreciated.


Anika Mae

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Re: Another agency question.
« Reply #1 on: 18 July 2008, 12:14:50 pm »
Business isn't great at the moment, so that could be a factor.

I think it's quite reasonable to expect to know the details the day before, do call her if it hasn't been sorted out yet.

Some people will just waste your time, some people may b a bit flaky or forgetful but will come through in the end. If you're not happy to wait and see with this agency then go ahead and join another one, but you don't need to cut ties. Working for more than one agency at once is common, and after a few weeks you can see if you want to stick with both agencies or just one.


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Re: Another agency question.
« Reply #2 on: 23 July 2008, 09:20:07 am »
Thanks for the advice Anika Mae :)

Ive left the agency im afraid as no bookings in nearly 2 weeks,so now im looking for another to join.

Think my problem is im really organised (she says modestly ;) and i cant stand things left up in the air,a problem on my part perhaps.
