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Author Topic: agency blues  (Read 1065 times)

mia 1000

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agency blues
« on: 01 August 2010, 10:53:26 am »

I've decided I'm only escorting during the summers (when i'm permanently back from uni). However, last summer when I told my agency I wasn't going to be continuing as I was going back to uni (in a different part of the country) the owner sort of pressured me into staying on her books, and convinced me I would only be coming down for 'big' bookings..which never materialized. Instead I was always being harrased and asked to come down for 1hr bookings (even though from my uni its approx 2hrs travel time!!) but she knew I would do it as I needed the money..The worst part was that I HATED living a double life at uni.

So my question is when should I tell my agency that I plan to leave (but possibly come back next summer)?           2 months notice? A couple of week notice? I'm worried that if I tell the owner she'll be pissed off and give all the work to other girls? Although I think saying I'm leaving should increase my bookings with the couple of regulars I see outside my agency no?

x x


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Re: agency blues
« Reply #1 on: 01 August 2010, 11:13:26 am »
I wouldn't bother telling the agency. Just do your summer, earn some money then give her 2 wks notice. Be firm and tell her that it's too far to travel for bookings, but when you're in the area you'll let her know.
Then if you do want to continue when you're in uni, find somewhere a bit closer. There are loads of agencies and if you only want to do a bit of work, the indi route may be a more viable option.



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Re: agency blues
« Reply #2 on: 05 August 2010, 07:10:01 am »

Agencies & Parlours don't actually care about you or your life, or your plans! So always just have a business attitude towards them, neutral & firm. Don't give them any thing after all they don't go out of your way for you. They care about there books & there cash, & that's it! So buck up & face up, you are in control.

Good Luck :)

H xx