... [the clients] confirm on the dot, turn up thrusting the right money at me and leave on time with no hassle whatsoever.
*dreams* Oh, for a life where all clients are like this! I would only add in the middle, "and have a great time without trying to do a detective number into my past and current life (for surely I was/am/will be an abused addict at SOME POINT RITE?!?!) or being otherwise weird or odd; just being genuinely nice and fun and then leaving on time with no hassle whatsoever." ...ahh, bliss! No one wake me from my daydreaming please.
For me there is Absolutely No Physical Attribute that does or does not indicate how the client will behave. I wish they honestly were easier to judge on appearances (thus making us all safer at work and able to make quick decisions about whether or not a client LOOKS like a murderer!) but unfortunately in this job, a client's height/weight/age/job/wages/background/ethnicity etc are meaningless and you can only judge 'em by what they do. Luckily, idiots tend to out themselves quickly and an escort's weirdo-radar is quickly fine-tuned. (If a client of mine complains that he didn't hear back from another escort he wanted to see, I always start by recommending he re-email, this time only writing three lines or less as the more they rabbit, the more likely they are to set of a sensitive creep-detecting system! But I phrase it more tactfully, of course.
That all said, I tend to deter very young guys (18-19) from seeing me if I am able to guess their young age by witnessing immature behaviour from them. I mean, as said above, if you're going to call me and squeak, "Heya babe! Do you wanna go cinema wiv me?" then you're pretty much shooting yourself in the foot. But if I can't guess their age because their behaviour is perfect then there obviously isn't anything for me to object to, so I don't.
I don't really get any no-shows (though I've probably just jinxed myself horribly) or at least not ones that matter - if I don't get the morning confirmation call for a booking made in advance, I just take another appointment or go and spend the afternoon with my friends instead. I guess maybe I'm just not surprised by any no-shows as I assume it's a no-show until I get that *definite* confirmation call right on time so don't bother wasting my time getting ready if I don't hear from them. I also have a few regulars by now who know my system so know when they can call and see if I've had any cancellations that they can have instead. And of course, a good system is fine-tuned to focus on rewarding the good clients, the regulars and reliables, and just dismissing the no-shows and timewasters without a hiccup so that ultimately, you end up healthy and happy with lots of money and relatively little stress! Mainly I stalk Amy's posts and copy her stated screening/booking methods - definitely a recommended way to improve your biz. And obviously this entire forum is full of everyone's best ideas and input, too.
I don't think that many young (again, ages 18-19) guys get through my screening and although I've had a few odd emails requesting I take someone's virginity, I take instead the whole thing with a pinch of salt and reply that no, I'd really rather not. Ick! Major turn-off and I think, in the case of the fantasist, more about dominance/submission or power-play sex which isn't something I really offer. I don't even really think it's a good idea for a guy to perhaps refuse to wait til the right girl comes along to have a bit of a relationship and a caring 'first time' the old-fashioned way - I mean, I don't count work sex (paid physical acts) as personal sex (passionate and loving with a special person - I am secretly innately boringly monogamous!) so for me, if I lost my virginity to a sex worker I'd still want to lose it to a 'real person'. But I might just have a weird attitude about sex and what makes it either a physical thing, or an emotional one, or both, or neither(?) - I dunno!
Oh, I'm going on loads of tangents here. Must stop rambling. Er, time for a cuppa!