I'm too nice to my clients, that's for sure...
I have one guy and he constantly rings me just to chat about how things are, what he's been up to, what he's bought at the shops, and he's always texting and emailing me too. How can I say nicely that I can't keep chatting to him all day every day without losing him? He's a really nice guy!
Lol...you could always make up a new management system.
And send out an email to all of your clients: "We are pleased to announce that the service provider previously referred to as "Elle" (Henceforth, Latisha Lovely); in the interest of stream-lining services for all clients and maintaining the standard of service you have grown to appreciate, several features which you have become accustomed to will no longer be available: particularly, text/call-a-friend on demand and uncompensated time extension.
Best regards,
Anna "Big Pimp-ette" Darling.
And henceforth, get a look of genuine concern when time starts to go over and say "oh, dear me, I must call my manager" or hand over the phone to an especially gruff female friend when said client calls...
(Er, sorry, I was bitching about this to a friend in social work school and she jokingly suggested this.)
Otherwise, perhaps tell calling client that
a) you are quite busy with personal life/trying to earn enough income, and that if you are unable to answer the phone/an email, he shouldn't take it personally; or hint at some kind of financial arrangement which would give you the flexibility to do this?
Re. clients who overstay booking times, maybe something like
Elle: (still screwing, hour up) - oh dear me, we're almost out of time; would you like to wrap things up or extend this by another half-hour or hour?
Client: But we're having so much fun!
Elle: Oh I know--I love my job...too much! If I kept going as long as I was enjoying myself, I'm pretty sure all one-hour bookings would become four-hours and overnights; in which case, I'd never get longer bookings and I would end up homeless, hungry and with no life outside of escorting [laugh] So one does have to draw the line somewhere!