Aghh this is soo frustrating, as I was waiting for some important emails, but on the other hand I had planned to take the day off to rest, and having AW down will really help me to switch off properly. But I agree, it is worrying, and I hope they sort it out ASAP.
I think it may be offline all day. Its not as if they will be able to get software/hardward - sorry I'm a technophobe - if everywhere is closed for bank holiday.
I thought it was Bank Hol too, but I was speaking to my friend earlier and he put me's not today, it's been moved to June due to Queen's Jubilee.
The 28th is normally Spring Bank Hol but this year public hoiday dates are as follows:
Spring Bank Holiday Mon 4 June*
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Tues 5 June
* substitute day
(Just checked on Directgov website)