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Author Topic: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?  (Read 32026 times)


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #30 on: 26 January 2009, 01:00:55 am »
I would, however, like a straight answer to this:

Also, on a totally different note, what sort of client would you be marketing this directory towards? Are you going to focus on a particular demographic, in order to offer the punter and advertisers a reason to use you, and so save yourself from disappearing into the swamp of directories out there? Or were you wanting to be more open to everyone? There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to both I guess!

I have insisted on being removed from three directories because they were sloppily written, poorly designed and laid out or just downright repulsive - this being a fine example: I am no snob, but aiming for the lowest common denominator is not how I do things. The original response given is an brief and unrelated statement describing the sites structure and navigation/search facilities and has nothing to do with Carla's question.

I would still like an answer for this, and I assume Carla would like one too, otherwise she would not have wasted her time posting it. Also this:

so how do women find you? 
No i cant find him either.  I throw the challenge out to everyone else.  Ive done  - male escorts uk, male escorts england, male escorts west mids, male escort wolverhampton.  i then did the same but changed the word escort for prostitute and i only went to page 6 on any of them.  I found mostly directories, a couple of gay guys but no straight men.  I dont know what else you would put in to a search engine really.

My clients find me easily because I am listed on all the popular directories and my site is consistently top in the Google rankings for my area (my blog is second). Your site does not appear to exist as far as the most powerful search facility in the world is concerned; forgive me if I have my doubts about your SEO and promotion skills. Could it be possible that you have had a recent name change, and we are all barking up the wrong tree? You don't even seem to be on AW, unlike a couple of dozen of your contemporaries.

One idea would be to offer two levels, basic listing - no link required

What would be the point? Virtually all of the free sites require reciprocal links, and without them we have no way of getting traffic to our sites - and depending on how 'basic' these ads are, this normally means four unnecessary hours on the phone each day describing our appearance and explaining our rates and services. Most of us have moved on a bit from the days of the one-line newspaper ad. I have pulled one of my ads tonight because I am sick of punters being given no opportunity to access my website, with tediously predictable results.

global ads to cover the whole UK etc.

Now THAT is the funniest f*cking thing I've seen all day - are we absolutely sure it's not George W. Bush? He does have a bit of time on his hands nowadays  ;).
« Last Edit: 26 January 2009, 01:25:29 am by amy »


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #31 on: 26 January 2009, 01:07:53 am »
Now THAT is the funniest f*cking thing I've seen all day - are we absolutely sure it's not George W. Bush? He does have a bit of time on his hands nowadays  ;).

And the avoidance of answering tricky and challenging questions.... it all adds up!  Mr President is joining the oldest profession ladies!!!!   :D


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #32 on: 26 January 2009, 01:55:45 am »
Hi Lexie,

Making them is no problem, but figured if you guys already have some I could throw them in the banner rotating system and see how they work/look.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #33 on: 26 January 2009, 01:59:29 am »

The basic links would still have all the usual info such as name, description and web link, just no banner or images.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #34 on: 26 January 2009, 01:59:38 am »
I wouldnt add my banner or my name (working or otherwise) to anything i wasnt sure was completely legit and i would hope the other ladies around here would feel the same.  You've been around for 3years havent you?  so you will know that sometimes it can be harder to get your details removed from sites than it is to get them added.  Id say you would have more luck making testers.  


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #35 on: 26 January 2009, 02:03:32 am »
Hi Lexie,

I wouldn't add my banner or my name (working or otherwise) to anything i wasnt sure was completely legit and i would hope the other ladies around here would feel the same.  You've been around for 3years havent you?  so you will know that sometimes it can be harder to get your details removed from sites than it is to get them added.  Id say you would have more luck making testers.

I agree what your saying, buggers to get off once there on sure but, the idea would be to provide a 'control panel area'.  You would be able to make any/all changes you wish without having the grief removing them i.e. uploading and deleting banners, content etc etc.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #36 on: 26 January 2009, 02:06:08 am »
well im sure if anyone wants to help you with that they will.  i wont thanks, im happy with the directories im on for now and it seems from the rest of the thread there are still many unanswered questions which would make me reluctant to participate in the 'trial'.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #37 on: 26 January 2009, 02:21:58 am »
Hi Lexie,

No mystery, its just an idea thats all...just thought some may wish to make suggestions what they would like to see on such an idea.  I'm nearly 80% there now anyway... ;-)

Thanks for your opinion though.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #38 on: 26 January 2009, 02:28:44 am »
I wasnt suggesting it was a mystery.  I can see what your doing.  I just mean that others clearly have questions unanswered and they seem pretty valid so i will watch out for the answers.  Who, knows, i may have a change of mind and be the first to sign up... i doubt it though.  im on many of the list that Amy (i think it was amy) sent to you and like many ladies, i dont pay for advertising at all so it wouldn't be for me.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #39 on: 26 January 2009, 02:31:18 am »
Hi Lexi,

I wasnt suggesting it was a mystery.  I can see what your doing.  I just mean that others clearly have questions unanswered and they seem pretty valid so i will watch out for the answers.  Who, knows, i may have a change of mind and be the first to sign up... i doubt it though.  im on many of the list that Amy (i think it was amy) sent to you and like many ladies, i dont pay for advertising at all so it wouldn't be for me.

No worries, thanks a anyway :-)


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #40 on: 26 January 2009, 02:43:20 am »
I would, however, like a straight answer to this:

Also, on a totally different note, what sort of client would you be marketing this directory towards? Are you going to focus on a particular demographic, in order to offer the punter and advertisers a reason to use you, and so save yourself from disappearing into the swamp of directories out there? Or were you wanting to be more open to everyone? There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to both I guess!

 The original response given is an brief and unrelated statement describing the sites structure and navigation/search facilities and has nothing to do with Carla's question.

I would still like an answer for this, and I assume Carla would like one too, otherwise she would not have wasted her time posting it.

Hi again Ricardo,

Yes, Amy is right, you didn't really answer my question- I was asking what demographic of punter and escort you are aiming this directory towards. I only ask because you mentioned that you wanted to take a "fresh approach" to creating a directory- and so I assumed you were suggesting here that the idea of creating a directory which was a free for all, would lead to it becoming "just another directory" and failing before it began, which I totally agree with. Therefore, I wanted to know how you would be different to the rest- what can you offer that is not already out there?

I think on google nowadays, there is a lot to be said for a clear marketing strategy, creating a USP, and aiming a directory towards specific groups, because then you are more likely to rank higher for a specific few things, rather than lower for a hundred different things. I'm thinking, for example, is there a BDSM only directory, or say, a directory only for Wolverhampton escorts?

You see my point here- if you segment the market, your new directory is more likely to succeed as you won't be taking on the big established, all-encompassing directories and failing, but instead tailoring yourself to reach an audience who are searching you out specifically. This in turn will obviously encourage escorts to sign up to you because it seems more likely that your directory will lead to bookings for them. At the moment, taking into account what you have said so far, I sorry to say I am not convinced of many fresh approaches.

I think it would help this discussion to move forward if we could see an example of your directory so far, so we could test it out for ourselves and make suggestions accordingly.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #41 on: 26 January 2009, 02:50:00 am »
You see my point here- if you segment the market, your new directory is more likely to succeed as you won't be taking on the big established, all-encompassing directories and failing, but instead tailoring yourself to reach an audience who are searching you out specifically. This in turn will obviously encourage escorts to sign up to you because it seems more likely that your directory will lead to bookings for them. At the moment, taking into account what you have said so far, I sorry to say I am not convinced of many fresh approaches.

Good point, i heard a while ago that someone was working on a new bbw site.  it was one of the women on one of the other forums i think but ive not heard anything since.  Maybe it didnt take off even thought there is really only one other bbw specific site but if anyone hears anything, do share with us wont you.  Ta.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #42 on: 26 January 2009, 03:02:16 am »

Sorry, got distracted ;-)

Yes, Amy is right, you didn't really answer my question- I was asking what demographic of punter and escort you are aiming this directory towards.

I only ask because you mentioned that you wanted to take a "fresh approach" to creating a directory- and so I assumed you were suggesting here that the idea of creating a directory which was a free for all, would lead to it becoming "just another directory" and failing before it began, which I totally agree with. Therefore, I wanted to know how you would be different to the rest- what can you offer that is not already out there?

Well, looking at the global trend, would aim it to both local and national areas.  The idea would be to offer something a little more than whats on offer such as a greater control over over the listing instead of waiting for admin to respond.

I think on google nowadays, there is a lot to be said for a clear marketing strategy, creating a USP, and aiming a directory towards specific groups, because then you are more likely to rank higher for a specific few things, rather than lower for a hundred different things. I'm thinking, for example, is there a BDSM only directory, or say, a directory only for Wolverhampton escorts?

Agreed, aim towards specific groups.

You see my point here- if you segment the market, your new directory is more likely to succeed as you won't be taking on the big established, all-encompassing directories and failing, but instead tailoring yourself to reach an audience who are searching you out specifically. This in turn will obviously encourage escorts to sign up to you because it seems more likely that your directory will lead to bookings for them. At the moment, taking into account what you have said so far, I sorry to say I am not convinced of many fresh approaches.

Appreciate your views and to a point I agree. Sure it will be a uphill battle in terms of 'confidence' in a new directory but like many, rather than just have a plain link directory with pages and pages of banners, offer something a little more special, more constructive and easy to use.  Now, if it happens that this gathers pace in terms of popularity then I hope that those links/banners would benefit.

I think it would help this discussion to move forward if we could see an example of your directory so far, so we could test it out for ourselves and make suggestions accordingly.

This will be available soon, just finishing up some loose ends and working out banner targeting for cities and towns etc etc

Hope I have covered your points, let me know otherwise.

Many thanks for your feedback ;-),


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #43 on: 26 January 2009, 03:14:59 am »

Well, looking at the global trend, would aim it to both local and national areas.  The idea would be to offer something a little more than whats on offer such as a greater control over over the listing instead of waiting for admin to respond.

Appreciate your views and to a point I agree. Sure it will be a uphill battle in terms of 'confidence' in a new directory but like many, rather than just have a plain link directory with pages and pages of banners, offer something a little more special, more constructive and easy to use.  Now, if it happens that this gathers pace in terms of popularity then I hope that those links/banners would benefit.

Ok, my last word for now.  1st.... i feel completly happy about the amount of control.  I already can edit some of my directory listings and with the others i never have to wait longer than a few hours from my experiance.  Also, i sort of use a directory listing as a lead to my site so the listing generally stays the same and its my site that is edited the most (which of course i have complete control over).

And as fo the pages and pages of banners, Can you give us examples of which directories you mean because i wouldnt describe many of the ones im on as being pages and pages of banners so im a little confused as to what you mean.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #44 on: 26 January 2009, 03:19:08 am »
Well, in an odd kinda way that kind of brings me to my next question.  We hear all the time on this forum and on others about stolen profiles and photos being used and tampered with on new sites.  I always presumed this was to bulk out a site and make it look more creditable in its early stages, no one wants to be the first to a party and all that.  So if your not going to fill up in this way (I'm going to assume you have no plans to steal others profiles etc) then how do you plan to market the site and get escorts signing up.  Especially if your charging for the privilage.  You must get the same amount of emails that we do every week asking us to sign up to yet another directory, how are you going to get people to not just ignore it and delete?

And i just remembered this from earlier.  Marketing and getting the site filled, hows that going to be done then?