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Author Topic: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?  (Read 32032 times)


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Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« on: 24 January 2009, 07:24:24 pm »

Been reviewing the many Escort Ad Directories on the web and I wondered if there was room for more?

I was asked some time ago if I was going to create a 'link page' on my site, never really thought much about it to be honest until recently.  So, I'm thinking of creating an area where escorts can place their link ad which would require a reciprocal link.

Now we all know there no such thing as a free lunch and thought about developing this into something perhaps a little bigger.

So during my downtime periods, I started developing it, keeping it simple, easy to use but providing the opportunities for escorts to take advantage of 'premium' targeted ads for their particular areas of business, allow listings to have own dedicated control area to update listing as and when they require i.e. when going on tour, reviews and comments, google mapping, full profile area and stuff.

I have lots more ideas but thought to throw this in as an idea first and see what anyone else thinks i.e. what would they like to see made available etc or just keep it as a plain links page?

A few of my girlfriends kept nagging me and suggested that they help manage it which seemed sensible to me as they could also deal with messages from both escorts and 'visitors'.

What are your thoughts?...would welcome some constructive input ;-)


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #1 on: 24 January 2009, 10:08:45 pm »
Hi Ric,

What an excellent idea, there can never be enough directories to advertise on and if we have a clever site master who can keep it simple and is prepared to listen to us and tailor the site to our advantage, even better.

Can you tell me more about this idea and do you already have such a site on the go? Could I have a peek?
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #2 on: 24 January 2009, 10:43:59 pm »
Hi Cassie,

Been working on it for a few days now, have the framework in place and just sorting out what aspects would be available to Escorts i.e. banners, forms usual stuff, you know...Not ready for viewing as yet, I'll let you know and give you a sneak preview ;-)

Having looked at many escort directories (and I have seen loads so far) many of them I feel simply do not do justice in terms of projecting escorts in a more professional manner i.e just link loaded sites, banners all over, so it looks like a scramble..if that makes sense :-)

Anyway, what I am intending to do is to put together an all encompassing directory but what I could do with (I have my own ideas but don't want to get anal about!) is gather some 'fresh' ideas what we all would like to have available to us.  Soooooo many times escorts place ads for a lot of hard earned cash but little in return in terms of exposure and correct placement and little or no control over their ads and a bugger to get them off!

Now sure, I have to pay for all this and as I said, theres no such thing as a free lunch, so will offer some elements which a fee based but in the main, all free using a reciprical link approach.

Nothing heavy something like twenty quid a year or something like that to offset the cost and build up a marketing budget to place in mags and stuff.

We have ALL 'been there and seen that' and what I am proposing is nothing new sure, but from what I have seen and read over the years, its time for a fresh approach.

Also, I like this site and feel it too would not lose anything by some extra exposure for all the hard work Brandy and co put into it and since I am a member albeit a 'newbee', I intend to extend to all what the site offers for free.  Be a good jump start anyways ;-)

So, fingers at the ready please...throw your ideas at me...


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #3 on: 24 January 2009, 10:54:21 pm »
Hmm, it's easy to say I don't like a directory site, but more difficult what one would have differently, I'll have to think about it for a while.
Damn decent of you to offer free ad placements to saafe members.  :)

Just a probing question, how you will get your site to the top of SEO rankings? I think that is vital for maximum exposure, cos it doesn't matter how good a site is if nobody looks at it.

Have you got experience in building directories like this?
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #4 on: 24 January 2009, 11:13:49 pm »

Getting to the top of search rankings is all about 'votes' thats how all search engines work.

A 'vote' is counted as a link, so the more backlinks you get the more popular the site becomes as well as visitors.  I know the industry well as its a prime part of what I do to compliment my 'other ' work ;-)


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #5 on: 25 January 2009, 06:56:56 pm »
Great idea to get the ball rolling with this one Ricardo! For me, the ideal directory would have a way for me to change details of my advert without having to wait until my subscription ran out. Cherrygirls have a great pop-up feature for this (I assume cherry gents also has this- which you will know already if you advertise there so apologies if you do!) and it just makes the whole thing look more interactive and fresh. It also avoids the directory looking like an escort has had the same stagnant ad up for nine months without changing anything etc.

The problem is, how would this kind of thing work?!

Also, on a totally different note, what sort of client would you be marketing this directory towards? Are you going to focus on a particular demographic, in order to offer the punter and advertisers a reason to use you, and so save yourself from disappearing into the swamp of directories out there? Or were you wanting to be more open to everyone? There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to both I guess!


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #6 on: 25 January 2009, 07:10:21 pm »
Hi Carla,

Thanks for the feedback ...

Great idea to get the ball rolling with this one Ricardo! For me, the ideal directory would have a way for me to change details of my advert without having to wait until my subscription ran out. Cherrygirls have a great pop-up feature for this (I assume cherry gents also has this- which you will know already if you advertise there so apologies if you do!) and it just makes the whole thing look more interactive and fresh. It also avoids the directory looking like an escort has had the same stagnant ad up for nine months without changing anything etc.

The problem is, how would this kind of thing work?!

Sorted, already in  place! ;-)

Also, on a totally different note, what sort of client would you be marketing this directory towards? Are you going to focus on a particular demographic, in order to offer the punter and advertisers a reason to use you, and so save yourself from disappearing into the swamp of directories out there?

Has all the usual search methods and clear and concise directory structure, easy to navigate allowing also for maximum ad exposure for advertisers.

Or were you wanting to be more open to everyone? There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to both I guess!

Its pretty much an all encompassing system offering a wide range of opportunities not only to the punter but to escorts alike.

Appreciate your feedback, a preview will be available soon but only on here so we can see if it covers all expectations.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #7 on: 25 January 2009, 07:13:49 pm »

Its pretty much an all encompassing system offering a wide range of opportunities not only to the punter but to escorts alike.

Appreciate your feedback, a preview will be available soon but only on here so we can see if it covers all expectations.

 Is it going to be particular to the UK or England or...?

I saw a few directories that were for the uk, featured uk escorts, uk domain, and 90% olf the traffic came from India! Don't know how that happens  ;D


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #8 on: 25 January 2009, 07:26:36 pm »
always good to have another directory

from personal experience,
if you had considered adding one, forums are a pain in the arse and more trouble than they are worth, so if i built another site thats one thing i would never add again  :)

self updating is handy,

and silly things, like the recipricol link, make it simple, I add a lot of links for ladies and some sites give you the code to cut n paste, then say dont hotlink our image download it etc, fine, but for somebody who doesnt understand what hotlinking is, how are they going to know that they both need to download and, where to add the banner
its so much easier to just give a banner and for people to save, or the full code with hotlink

thats all for now, before i start ranting


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #9 on: 25 January 2009, 08:08:11 pm »
I was asked some time ago if I was going to create a 'link page' on my site, never really thought much about it to be honest until recently.  So, I'm thinking of creating an area where escorts can place their link ad which would require a reciprocal link.

How do you normally advertise?  Have you always had a website that has stood alone or been with agencies or registered with Directories?  Just trying to establish if its generally the same practice for guys as it is for ladies.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #10 on: 25 January 2009, 08:13:19 pm »
UK Belles
Captain 69
UK Escort Search
Select An Escort
Adult Contacts Direct
Open Adult Directory
Northern Pleasures
UK Independent Escorts List
The Adult Zone
Escort Directory
Girl Directory
Adult Companions
Yorkshire Adults

I am/have been on all of these and a good few more which I've forgotten - I am so sick of trying to keep track now that I automatically bin the emails I get every day inviting me to yet another piss-poor Adultwork clone which will revolutionise the way we advertise, and get X amount of hits for my website, X amount of new business - if everything they claim is true I would be a millionaire several times over (and more than likely needing a transplant  ;D). Its a total crock. The only one on this list which is not free is Punternet, and the majority of my business from there comes from the FRs (which obviously don't cost a thing). The Top 4 on this list account for more site traffic than the rest all put together - a lot more, and no amount of extravagant marketing-speak is likely to topple any of them. Heard it all before.

I would, however, like a straight answer to this:

Also, on a totally different note, what sort of client would you be marketing this directory towards? Are you going to focus on a particular demographic, in order to offer the punter and advertisers a reason to use you, and so save yourself from disappearing into the swamp of directories out there? Or were you wanting to be more open to everyone? There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to both I guess!

I have insisted on being removed from three directories because they were sloppily written, poorly designed and laid out or just downright repulsive - this being a fine example: I am no snob, but aiming for the lowest common denominator is not how I do things. The original response given is an brief and unrelated statement describing the sites structure and navigation/search facilities and has nothing to do with Carla's question.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #11 on: 25 January 2009, 08:44:38 pm »
Hi Evie,

The geographical coverage will be dependent on demand, so initially there will be England, Ireland & Scotland to start the ball rolling with their respective towns and cities.

The way this one works is that if you add your ad and cannot see a town or city that matches your particular coverage there will be a 'suggest a town or city'.

Also, as a late thought actually, when you go on tour, you can login and shift your ad to 'that' area.


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #12 on: 25 January 2009, 08:45:31 pm »
Hi Anjali,

Noted with thanks, points covered


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #13 on: 25 January 2009, 08:47:18 pm »
Hi Lexie,

In the main pretty much stand alone which, to date, has worked well for me.

I get emails asking for a link so thought why not create a directory, can only be good for both parties


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Re: Ad Directories - Is there room for more?
« Reply #14 on: 25 January 2009, 08:53:05 pm »
If you think setting up a directory is easy money, then it is not. Most girls will not pay unless the site is well established so you may need to be free for a good while to build a worthy directory.

With sites like UK Belles on which a basic ad is not only free but brings in huge amounts of traffic, there is little need for a new directory but Adult Work came out of nowhere and is now well established so there is always a potential gap to be filled.

A more upmarket looking AW with no barebackers, fake profiles etc could do well but AW has so much functionality now, it will be hard to compete.

As Amy suggested above, most of the work comes from a few main sites so any new general directory will find it tough going, but not impossible.