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« on: 27 January 2019, 10:49:30 am »
« Last Edit: 28 January 2019, 07:07:40 pm by veritycurves »

suzi sue

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Re: About to take the plunge
« Reply #1 on: 27 January 2019, 11:54:30 am »
go on main SAAFE  website loads of safety advice

im also BBW  n defo a market  just relax

my top safety tips personally

 money  keep seperate  if u doing mainly out call  only have the cash from that  on   meet with you at any point so   if worse happens  you only lose that  amount .
in call  bank regularly and have cash in defferent places  again so if   worse happens   you can say  here  this is all i have  and u dont loose    everything .

 same advice i gave my teenage daughter when she started going out alone  tho  if someone tries to mug you   don't fight them    yes  it sucks to loose £ or stuff but not worth  getting badly hurt or killed for  cash

 in terms of  following you  home or what ever  .. i generally like to go for a  post  game coffee or drink so  stop off at a coffee shop or bar .

i dont do full on ' hooker look ' when going to out calls   and make sure  guys know this   when they book  discrete is  my    word. ill look neat and professional   and  quick change   when i get there most appreciate  it those who want you to turn u nude  under a coat quickly get told to GTF

 Cam  i try to keep face out the way  in free view  and work on the premise  anyone recognises me   they  wont want it known  they paying for  sex  n looking at  porn .

but my   day to day look is very different to my work look folk might think that i look familiar but  when they see  frumpy middle aged house wifey  me they    will dismiss the thought  lol 

im doing nothing wrong  n if they have an opionin they can see if that pay my rent  lol

best of luck x


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Re: About to take the plunge
« Reply #2 on: 27 January 2019, 01:01:45 pm »
There is definitely a market for BBWs. As with any escort,  focus on highlighting your honest strengths, attractive features and skills and don't charge above (or that much above) the other providers offering similar things in your area, unless you only wish to be low volume. And even then its still worth staying in range. As well as local and generic advertising try looking into BBW directories. 

The best thing I can say about security on cam is, I know women who wear wigs  that are very different to their natural hair, make up very different to their day make up, or even wear masquerade masks. However cam is never going to be all that discreet in honesty, by its very nature.

As for security if you work from home...don't give out a postcode or street name to guys who book. When they book give them a landmark near that they can call you from and then direct them on the phone once they arrive. If they book in advance tell them to call an hour or so before to confirm and only then give the landmark, obviously in the initial comms you'll need to give them a general area so they can work out travel time, but essentially you want to minimize 'timewasters' (who could be anything from annoying, but ultimately benign fantasists, to local pimps or stalkers, although I think the former are thankfully more common) from having your exact location details.

In my experience most nefarious shit heads are not slick Ted Bundy types, and give themselves and their propensity for tomfoolery away on the phone, by which I mean, if they sound weird, reticent, mumbley or like a general jerk, there is a reasonable chance they are a git who will mess you around. Most reasonable clients will have the basic social skills to book an appointment with an escort with courtesy and clarity. Basically, go with your basic instinct, if they sound 'off' at all, don't book them in. Of course that means some genuinely shy guys will be filtered out... but you have to take care of you in this game.
« Last Edit: 27 January 2019, 01:04:46 pm by Ms Millie »