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Author Topic: A once good regular on the verge of being murdered by a VERY riled escort  (Read 5958 times)


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This is REEEEALLLY LONG, sorry. A kind of half rant, half question for advice. Mainly a rant, as I know what I should do really.....

I?ve a regular who used to come once week, pay and go. He found me really early on, when my rates were lower, and I was happy to do half hour bookings. I changed my strategy and upped my price a bit about two months after he started booking me, as I was still finding my feet and trying to find a business model and rate which worked for me and my circumstances, but as he was a nice, simple and quick almost guaranteed weekly booking, I kept him on at this original rate and for the half hours. We all have them, right- a few we have different arrangements for etc. Not a problem.

So, one year on, and this is the current situation: he is becoming demanding and needy, and I am suddenly thinking ?woah there! You are a client, remember?!? I have also at times had to stop myself from swinging at him during a booking which something tells me is not a good sign??..

For example: he will arrange a booking on a Monday and then try one for the Tuesday and Friday as well, before Monday is even out of the way. Just a bit too much, you know? Especially as I am also a student and work another job, I don?t want to take up my escorting quota for the week with a client who is paying me half my going rate, for as much effort I would have to put in with a full paying client. I hope I don?t sound up myself, I am appreciative of any booking, but I am starting to feel like he expects to be able to see me when he wants, and that I will want to move my day around to fit him in, like we are almost a couple of some warped sort!

The half hour with him is tedious to say the least, a constant barrage of instructions ?kiss me. Roll over. Kiss me. Harder. Kiss me. Tell me you want me. Do it HARDER. Did you miss me? Tell me you missed me. You didn?t even miss me, did you? Talk to me. Kiss me? AAARGH! ONE YEAR OF THIS LADIES AND GENTS. And I am thinking ?one more instruction and I am going to THUMP you?.

And then the comments at the end like ?you seem like you are enjoying it a bit too much sometimes, I think you might become addicted to me?. Now, I can act as well as I need to, but these little comments where he has clearly crossed some sort of line in his head make me so irritated, I have to bite my tongue.

Another example: a few weeks ago, I was ill for a couple of days. He text and asked me if I had any escort friends he could meet that day instead. I was in bed sick, so I didn?t look at my phone for most of the day, and when I did I see this text followed by three phonecalls, and then another text saying ?I have upset you, haven?t I? You are still my favourite, don?t worry. I am sorry?.

I had to send a sharp message telling him I had been sick all day, not agonizing over the fact he wanted to see another girl. GET A GRIP MAN.

And the flowers on valentine?s day- sweet enough, but I had to chuck them because it was like looking at his face staring at me in the corner. And then the wine which turned up on my birthday week REALLY riled me. (I told him I was taking the week off, he asked if he could see me anyway, I said ?no, it?s a holiday? and he persisted, so to make him leave it I admitted it was my birthday week). He still text me twice that week to ?see if I was about?. It shouldn?t be the case that I am resentful when a gift turns up at the door! I am usually so taken aback, and it is the token gestures of a lovely client which make me love this job even more sometimes. His just feel like he is trying to wangle his way into my real life.

The last bit- I feel like, because he is becoming so demanding and I have essentially been doing him a bit of a favour by keeping the discount going for so long, I should scrap it and charge him the same as everyone else now. I can hear the his comments ?but we get along so well, but I buy you presents? but, quite frankly, I am on the verge of murdering the man. So, it?s either charging him double the price and seeing if he eases off a bit or goes away sulking for a while, or telling him I don?t want to see him anymore (something I should do I think, but just can?t imagine because I can?t quite predict how he is gong to act, apart from maybe stand outside my door weeping or kidnap me or something).

He is a little, weedy loner type who doesn?t speak much, and those are always the ones who have a load of bodies in their garden, aren?t they?



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AND THE CHRISTMAS PRESENT! THE BLOODY CHRISTMAS PRESENT! A perfume he always tells me he wishes I would wear, and so bought it for me to wear during his bookings. This didn't annoy me too much at the time but now thinking about it, I AM VERY IRRITATED.


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Hi Carla,

I think deep down you have made up your own mind, gosh isn?t he a pain or what! I have also had my fare share of what I call ?sicko-fantics? but at least they were paying my current rate! I know it?s easy for me to say but ?if I were you? I would tell him that you can no-longer accept half hour bookings, and the minimal appointment is 1hr+ at your current rate. So he gets to see you and have loads of fun for twice as long. You shouldn?t need to explain yourself any more than that. I don?t know if your working from your actual home (and perhaps you may have previously told him so) but tell him a little white lie to stop him turning up or sending gifts to your door. Tell him you share your room from an agency and rent the room out by the hour, informing him you have never mentioned this before as the agency also provides protection and you never go into security arrangements with anyone (as a oath to your agency) and hopefully this will make him realise that you are not so alone nor reliable to him (like he likes to think as much in his own stupid head) along with this little white lie, tell him your room rates have gone up so if he wants to stay for just the half hour then the ?sss will just be the same as for the hour regardless!!!! Good luck, I reckon its best to offer him an appointment with your current rates (with no exceptions to him) so hopefully he will be out priced and decline and if that is the case he will be out of your hair for good! Its better than outright banning him, let his wallet do the talking on this one.

 ;) ;)


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Hi Carla,

I have no patience when it comes to men at all, let alone clients so if one does something that makes me mad in any way i am the kind of person to just tell them to f@ck off leave me alone and never answer their calls again! However, as tempting as that is, i wouldnt do so in this case. As long as safety with him is not an issue, i would try to talk to him. Give him any sob story- for example, your agency has put their commission prices up/insist all girls only charge a certain amount. Tell him it is out of your hands,and that you now can only do a booking for X amount of time and for X amount of money. Yes he will moan etc but make it clear that your cost to the agency has gone up and so you have no choice. maybe also mention very nicely that your other clients havent had a problem with this if you feel you can say this.

Just be prepared to lose him as a client. I have done this so many times and have only kept one client through it, and he didnt turn out to be a regular or anything either. When i first started on aw i met a few nice clients and my price was fairly low. I was also only aying ?500 rent a month! so, as i went to a few agencies, got a more central london apartment of my own there is N WAY ON EARTH  could live by charging them such low rates. so i told them and many just said thanks for the lovely times, but i just cant afford you now love!

oh well.

Just bear in mind though, at these terrible financial times what with the credit crunch we need our regulars :) With my agency right now, its not so good, at all. and im so glad for my regulars because without them rght now i dont know whati would do. xx 


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Woah, sorry about this everyone. I was just sitting there earlier thinking of a nice way to ignore his texts for the day enquiring about my health, and realised I was actually starting to stress out about him quite a lot in my personal life. And then I got thinking and realised quite how annoyed I have become at the whole situation without even noticing. And so the spew above spilled forth, freely and dragon like. Eeep! Must calm down.

I think I am questioning so much whether to let him go, because I don't want to be morphing into a greedy "I deserve more than THAT" type of up myself escort without even realising it, which hopefully my post didn't make me sound.....

LE1984, you are right in that I should be prepared to lose him- regulars are our life-blood and I am pained to lose one, especially as I know we all have to grit our teeth and smile for even the best regular from time to time just to get the reward... but seeing as I am the first to jump on my high horse and advise people to lose the money and keep their sanity by shaking off a nightmare client, I will heed your advice and do this asap.

JessicaJ, I think the idea of letting his money do the talking is a good one- as he knows me as an indie, I can give some bull about the new tax year etc. This would definitely oust him painlessly without having to let on that he is starting to make me feel creeped out (and irritated to the point of murder,) provided he couldn't afford my higher rate. If he can, I can maybe tell him it is now a million pounds an hour? I would also prefer this as opposed to entering into a conversation with him about stopping the bookings, which, knowing him, would boost his standing weirdly enough- he'd probably twist it to see it as in intimate chat bringing us closer together, which I am somewhat keen to avoid!

I have analysed it to death (as I love to) and I feel like I have been seeing him to keep HIM happy and not me. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! I feel a bit bad but god, this has gone far enough.

Anyone want to snap him up?

Thank you for being a such a compliant, captive audience whilst I work through a problem, love you all! xxx


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hi this is funny in an awful way cuz we probably all have the same-ish man in the same-ish circumstances. Basically what i told an escort friend is this: once a client gets so annoying that you are spending most of your personal time stressing and being angry and irritated then it is time to say goodbye.  Goodbye stress and hello your freedom and personal happiness/life back.  When one door closes another door opens and other adages.  Is his money really worth the stress and irritation you go thru in the actual booking and what about all the stress and irritation in your own personal time? Honestly honey its just not worth it! you really ARE worth more than all that crap!  I have had plenty of clients i have said goodbye to.  They either were like your guy: irritated the hell out of me and didnt respect boundaries and got creepy.  My warning signs are: when i am spending my 'free' time feeling trapped and stressed and pissed off!  one guy leaves another guy comes after, and know what its a better guy who comes after.  Once any client starts behaving badly: alert them that they are not respecting your boundaries and if they dont shape up they will be banned and you mean it.  Sounds like this guy would probably be a 'non-listener' no matter what you say to him he wont listen or heed you.  what do you think of this comment: one client i told to go away he laughed in my face and said: you dont tell me to leave! i book you! you are a whore, i use you and give you money, and that's your job! you believe you as an escort have to put up with crap because you 'need the money' or 'that's your job' ??? you have a CHOICE all the time! You have FREE WILL to do what's best for you and for your sanity. You well know he's taking advantage and crossed many boundaries. He needs to be stopped-dead stop.  my advice to you is that this man is damaged goods and you have to say a short message of 'you've crossed boundaries you have no respect you are banned.  Do not contact me again. you have brought up fears for your safety, and i'm not sure you are working from your own home, which is not good! but if you are, then think up a best strategy for getting him out of your ilfe.  Honestly, I am sure that once he sees his little victim has gotten assertive and strong, he will skulk away to find another one....remember, he got you when you were new....i am sure that was pre-meditated on his part.  Good luck! and i really feel for you! xxx


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tell him to act right or else dump his ass...I had one before, the type that instructs you to 'do stuff to them' and be all aggressive.

Like they have said, there isnt much to add. Either drop him or put up with the obsessiveness. I'm the type who can put up with behavior like that as long as Im getting the coins, but sometimes you need a maybe once every other week.

Dont kill him cause SAAFE cant write you if you're in jail!


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This guy obviously really likes you, so when you speak to him i wouldnt make it sound personal. Be firm with what you want, but also in a non attacking/mean etc way. The last thing you want is to hurt his pride and ego too much. I say this because this is what happened to a good friend of mine (I stress that im sure this is a rare case, one in a million probably but CAN happen)

So my very good friend, had one of these clients. Who liked to text too much about random day to day things, sent her gifts of flowers and chocolates etc, very lovely charming, certainly was crossing this escort/client line. The bookings she didnt enjoy as he was very demanding, liked the do anal play stuff which she hated, but went along with for the regular bookings and money. Anyway, one day she just couldnt take it anymore. He would always call her at VERY short notice to say he was coming over for an hour, like 30mins beforehand. This time he did it she just was sooo mad because this particular day was her day off, and she had told him this in advance and he stil text her to say he was ''on his way'' without asking or anything!!! and giving her like 1/2 hrs notice! so she called him up there and then and just said EVERYTHING!!!! How is crossing the line, she sees him as a client nothing else, she cant stand to put on any more fake smiles on bookings when shes not enjoying a single second etc. basically she was very honest and blunt, of course had she not had a lot of anger built up inside her she probably would have gone differently about things and chose her words more carefully.

anyway this guy was like 'how dare she', 'who does she think she is' 'how can she say all that stuff to me, i really liked her....' basically thought 'bitch'.

He basically wasnt going to let her speak like that to him (although she was just honest and very blunt she wasnt mean or nasty etc as such in any way) so what he did he wrote a letter to her estate agent and landlord (she had at one point mentioned briefly who her estate agents were) saying 'Do you know who your tenant is? shes not really an account executive...shes a prostitute. see her on!

This was a central london apartment in mayfair and saying the landlord was a stuck up horrible woman was an understatement! She had to move, had to stop doing incalls not to mention the embarrasment!!!!!! I remember her crying for weeks it was just terrible! Plus she lost a few thousand pounds for breaking the contract and using the flat for ''immoral'' use which is stated in the contract as not allowed. It was just a nightmare. Im not saying at all this will happen but i have also heard of other cases where ego-hurt clients have gone to report the girl to the tax man or even become more stalker like so please please be careful xx


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He's overstepping the line, and he needs to be put back into his place, as a client. This relationship is taking a different turn, and it's not good.
Personally, regular or not, I'd kick him to the kerb. It's easy for me to say but this job is stressful enough as it is without clients thinking their entitled to things they're not, just because they've been seeing you for a while. But then he sounds like he has an obsessive personality. I guess he's the type not to take no for an answer?
Can you think up a good excuse not to see him anymore?


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Someone I know wrote an article called 'Memo to my clients: how to keep your job'. 

It was about how, towards the end of their time as an escort, she looked at who was worth the money vs  the effort involved in seeing them, and who was not. This one sounds like a combination of two who failed the test - one who wanted to be more involved in her life and one who was 'do this, do that' during sessions.

I feel like I have been seeing him to keep HIM happy and not me. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! I feel a bit bad but god, this has gone far enough.

While there's obviously a temptation to keep taking the money (and the more desperate you are, the greater the temptation) don't feel bad about it, because once it gets to this stage, it has.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Winding down


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Well like they said Carla I mean its definently worth getting this one in check. I still have one such as this back home, although not as aggressive. I know I could walk away after the booking and be left alone, but anytime in person I tend to want to back off. In addition the distance between us stopped what could have been obssession. But he's a good person though so I wouldnt knock it.

Oh, and the thing you said about "do you have another girl who could take your place" question he asked, well someone asked me that for the first time when I moved asking, "Do you know anyone who could take your place?" I told him it was "rude to ask that, besides no one could take my place anyway". So I know what you mean by that


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He sounds like a he has a few problems, and you are probably the highlight of his week, but also there is resentment for feeling this way on his part, so he compensates for it by being bossy in the session. I had one like this, and I turned the tables on him, and every time he would demand I do something, I wouldn't, I would tell him to do it. I wouldn't kiss him, and when he tried I hit him! He absolutely loved it! I am not suggesting you go so far as to physically abuse him(tempting I know), but you need to recalibrate the dynamic of the session.
Plus, get him out of your head, he isn't that important. Good luck Violette


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Familiarity can sure breed contempt and it sounds like this client/WG relationship has run its course.

Personally, I'd tell him that things have got too intense as you've been seeing each other for so long and as a result you dont want to see him anymore (or for a while if you want to soften the blow). Then just ignore his texts and calls.

He possibly thinks he is special to you because he is still getting you at the lower price and maybe that is driving him to act in this manner.

Knock him on the head for sure, as I cant say enough times, sanity is always more important than profit, no matter what the economic climate.


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Oh, and the thing you said about "do you have another girl who could take your place" question he asked, well someone asked me that for the first time when I moved asking, "Do you know anyone who could take your place?" I told him it was "rude to ask that, besides no one could take my place anyway". So I know what you mean by that

Getting territorial or tounchy about clients seeing other people is not a good place to be. The whole point for clients is that they can choose who they want to see when. Most clients probably have to dance to their partners tune a fair bit at home or some even avoid relationships becuase they dont want to answer to someone and so they certainly do not want that sort of vibe from a sex worker.

Whats the saying? Clients are not  paying us for sex, they are paying us to go away after the sex.


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Whats the saying? Clients are not  paying us for sex, they are paying us to go away after the sex.

Oh my god, I am so getting a t-shirt with that on...
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling