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Author Topic: A once good regular on the verge of being murdered by a VERY riled escort  (Read 5954 times)


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Whats the saying? Clients are not  paying us for sex, they are paying us to go away after the sex.

Oh my god, I am so getting a t-shirt with that on...

Depending on whatever urban myth you want to believe, either Clark Gable or Charlie Sheen or maybe both said it: "I'm not paying a hooker for sex, I'm paying for them to leave afterwards".


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When I first started I had a very clingy, needy client. He actually wasn't very demanding physically, but he became extremely emotional during the appointments as well as leaving voicemails when I couldn't answer the phone. I saw him at my starting rate even after I upped my fees significantly. He would over stay a lot, and it came to the point where I couldn't take it any more. I had my own problems and with him staring into my eyes, contorting his features with "love" for me I just broke down and cried in front of him. Later when I sorted out my own life I phoned him and told him it was too much and I couldn't see him anymore. I was really scared of his reaction - but in fact he just said "ok whatever you say babe".

About 6 months later he called me and surprisingly told me he had realised how stupid he had been, and had forgotten it was all just about sex really. I agreed to see him again although told him my rates had increased slightly. I still gave him a discount and he behaved implicitly. He was too scared to have to miss seeing me again.

So, I would say - tell him he's too overbearing and see what the reaction is.


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About 6 months later he called me and surprisingly told me he had realised how stupid he had been

Its amazing how much clearer things can become to us with some space between us and any worrying incident. We can always be more objective from the outside looking in and its great this client was able to be like that once you removed him from the core of it.


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Oh, and the thing you said about "do you have another girl who could take your place" question he asked, well someone asked me that for the first time when I moved asking, "Do you know anyone who could take your place?" I told him it was "rude to ask that, besides no one could take my place anyway". So I know what you mean by that

Getting territorial or tounchy about clients seeing other people is not a good place to be. The whole point for clients is that they can choose who they want to see when. Most clients probably have to dance to their partners tune a fair bit at home or some even avoid relationships becuase they dont want to answer to someone and so they certainly do not want that sort of vibe from a sex worker.

Whats the saying? Clients are not  paying us for sex, they are paying us to go away after the sex.

Just to clarify- I was cross that he was hassling me all day asking me to sort him out with another girl and when I ignored him because I was sick in bed and couldn't be bothered to reply, he started apologizing for asking for another girls number and interpreted my silence as anger that he was looking somewhere else! I was certainly not upset at him looking elsewhere- I very much wish he would diversify his WGs a little bit and get some perspective.

I think the advice here has been great- thank you everyone. I kind of needed to hear it from some others- I know he needs to go, he is far too dependent, I am resentful at not being paid very much and then feeling like I am having the piss taken out of me for my trouble at keeping his rate low. I actually told him the other day that I needed a break in general, and so lets not arrange anything for a month at least. He was relatively ok about it, and I was actually quite surprised at how calmly he reacted... which can either mean he has written it on his calendar to call exaclty one month from my speech, he's going to go and obsess after someone else for a while... or he's gone to sharpen his axe, eeeek!

Jokes aside- this is proof: SANITY OVER MONEY. Especially if it's not even much money :)


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I'm glad you've reached that conclusion Carla, it's sanity over money for me every time too.

I have a client at the moment who is veering so close to a slap to the chops it's unbelievable.  >:(

Same thing, completely overbearing, in my face and on my phone at every available opportunity.
Last week I was really quite harsh with him when he called for the second time that day and I bellowed
down the phone "I'm spending my DAY OFF with my daughter."

I think he's got the message as he's only called once since.  :D


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Depending on whatever urban myth you want to believe, either Clark Gable or Charlie Sheen or maybe both said it: "I'm not paying a hooker for sex, I'm paying for them to leave afterwards".

Man, if a guy told me that I'd be like,  nah bitch you paying me to walk inside the door ho  :D