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Author Topic: A former client using my naked photos on escort website  (Read 6909 times)

Green Carnation

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A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« on: 30 May 2012, 10:37:05 pm »
Ladies, i just registered minutes ago to ask you an advice.
I know this is stupid/ not intelligent/ silly/ naive to allow someone take your naked photos 'for their private use', but i did, and now paying the price  :-\
I am not even an escort anymore, but a profile with my naked photos is on aw.
Basically, the guy ( a client) took lots of photos saying that they are for his private use. I had seen him probably 20 times, trusted, and felt comfortable in his company. He has a good job, nice flat, boring life.
3 years after he took the photos, i get a text message from another former client asking if i am on the website again.
The answer is - yes i am, but without even knowing about it.
The guy who took my photos, created a profile on aw, making money from the private gallery. And he'd got away with it for 3 years.
I did contact aw, the profile was blocked. I also contacted the poor f***er to tell him that i knew what he had done, and if he does it again, I am going to the police.
2 months on, and my photos are on aw again. I am depressed and i don't k ow what to do.
The guy obviously is fearless, and i am sure, that if i report this to aw, he is going tomake another profile sooner or later.
Now- there is my face in the private gallery, and i have family, boyfriend, and A LOT to loose.
Please don't judge me :( i need some advice.
Should i go to the police? Will they care? Should i get a lawyer to send him a letter? Is my case hopeless?
I know the guy's home address, mobile number, and work email address.
Please help :(  i feel used, abused, and really down.....


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #1 on: 30 May 2012, 10:44:19 pm »
Bloody hell, what a horrible situation to be in. I can?t even begin to imagine the stress this must be causing you. I think it?s worth going to the police ? his behaviour is harassment. I?ve heard of action being taken against ex- boyfriends who put up pics of ex girlfriends on porn sites etc. This is not too dissimilar. Hope things get sorted.


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #2 on: 30 May 2012, 10:53:29 pm »
How awful for you.  I wish there was a way you could get this b***ard to stop being such a pillock but I do not think there is
I am not sure what the police can do apart from tell him off if you are lucky (I may be wrong though).  If he took the photos he owns copyright to them and can use them in anyway he wants within reason.
I think all you can do is report the pictures to AW again so they take them down.
You could always save a screen shot as proof and then perhaps take him to small claims court for harrassment or something similar.

I am afraid this is the price we pay if we allow a client to take photos of us.  They then own copyright and can make money off of us without our knowledge if they want.

Its the reason why the only person who takes my pics always signs over copyright to me.

Sorry if I do not sound sympathetic as I am and I do feel for you as we all make mistakes and sometimes the consequences are absolutely horrible.  Hugs anyway
« Last Edit: 30 May 2012, 11:03:43 pm by Dani »
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Green Carnation

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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #3 on: 30 May 2012, 10:57:48 pm »
Can you tell me how can I see your private message? I am not quite sure how this forum works...

Green Carnation

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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #4 on: 30 May 2012, 11:13:36 pm »
Thank you both, i really feel a bit better knowing that someone also wishes him the worst  :P
I briefly spoke to a lawyer friend ( also a former client  ::) )earlier today, and told him exactly the same what you said - that i have heard that the person who takes the photos owns them, and you can't do anything about it. He said he will contact his friend who specialises in harrasement law.

I mean...FFS! This guy is using my naked photos, on a well known website, accessible to anybody and everybody, advertising me as an escort! With the most extensive 'enjoy list' you can imagine. Things i had never offered. This can ruin my life, and i probably deserve it :(


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #5 on: 30 May 2012, 11:20:18 pm »
This can ruin my life, and i probably deserve it :(

No you don?t deserve it. Nobody does. Unfortunately sometimes the price of an education is more than we want to pay. Don?t give up on it, I?m sure you have some recourse open to you, it?s about speaking to the right people and it sounds like you?re doing that with the contacts you have. Good luck!


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #6 on: 30 May 2012, 11:25:41 pm »
Ah, beaten to it.

Yes, this is the route to go down. It may not be easy / cheap. If anyone does find out about the photos, it will add support to the story that a bitter ex is using private photos of you to pretend you are/were an escort.

It's too late now, but this is why people who do allow photos often use their own memory card and only send the client ones which don't identify them.

Oh, it may be like talking to a brick wall, but it may be worth asking AW if there are any other accounts associated with the ones you know about. You're probably not the only one he's done this to.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Green Carnation

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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #7 on: 30 May 2012, 11:54:45 pm »
I will ask about other accounts.
The guy is so cheeky though, that he was leaving feedback for 'me'. I mean he was the inly person leaving positive feedbacks, claiming that we met, and i was great in bed. Other guys were leaving 'feedback only' saying 'never responded' ' fake profile' ' tried to contact hermany times, never replied' etc. i knew his aw nickname, and that's how i know it's 100% him using my photos, and not some mystery hacker who broke into his computer and accidentaly stole my naked photos taken in the poor guy's flat.
Just the thought that he is making money from advertising me as an escort ( from the private gallery) makes me sick. I know it's not much money, but let's say ?300 a year. 3 years- almost a grand. I would happily blow ?1000 on Zara's sumer collection.


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #8 on: 31 May 2012, 12:25:05 am »
Yes he owns the copyright to the images, but unless you signed a model release form saying he can use them in adverts or the internet to make money you have a case. Private use (what he told you they were for - fraud) vs public domain for gain. See if you can contact a professional photographer in your area and ask them about it. See if your lawyer friend knows anyone that specialises in publishing/commercial law.


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #9 on: 31 May 2012, 08:24:45 am »
Yes he owns the copyright to the images, but unless you signed a model release form saying he can use them in adverts or the internet to make money you have a case.

Depends which country this is in, if its the UK a model release has no legal standing.


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #10 on: 31 May 2012, 08:47:45 am »
He's still commiting an offence because he's deceiving paying customers by impersonating you and/or falsely advertising. Isn't impersonating / identity theft a crime?


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #11 on: 31 May 2012, 08:53:33 am »
If that was me he was doing it to my discretion towards him would go out of the window. He obviously has no respect for you and your privacy and has put profit before anything else. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander if he wants to play dirty take him to the cleaners. Make him feel all jumpy and worried about his own privacy.
Hello nice to meet you :)


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #12 on: 31 May 2012, 09:55:26 am »

That is a horrible thing to have happen.
I had someone do the same thing to me, back in my modelling days I did a shoot with an amateur photographer, the photographer then put me and 5 other girls up on Adultwork as ?1000ph escorts with lots of made up details about me, I only found out when someone called me to see if I was now escorting (this is before I had even heard of Adultwork or had a profile on there myself)  Although I was a model and didnt mind my face being out there I freaked out that someone was posing as me on that site, potentially ripping people off for booking deposits etc.

I contacted Adultwork and told them it was a fake profile, and they immediately took it down, he then did it again a couple of days later, and once more Adultwork took the profile down.  That was the last time he did it, I dont know what they said to him but I never heard from him again and he never used the pics again it was the last fake profile of me on there.

If anyone saw this ad, I would just say it was a mad ex trying to get back at you.  Thats if anyone actually sees it, if the profile has been up for 3 years and you have only just had someone contact you he is probably getting virtually no one viewing the gallery, also,  is he putting you up as an escort in your home town?, if not there are so many profiles up on Adultwork it is unlikely anyone will see it that you know especially if your face pics are in the private gallery.  I know you are in a panic right now but in my experience as a model who did a lot of work, I dont find I get recognised by people viewing the private galleries on Adultwork that I am in, it was the glossy professional sites I worked on or the free porn tubes that get huge amounts of hits, the amateur photographers with their own adultwork profiles make peanuts and are lucky to get many viewers at all.

Green Carnation

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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #13 on: 31 May 2012, 05:07:12 pm »
Yes- he is advertising me in my town - London specifically. To be cheekier in my borough.
My family would probably not recognise me, as I don't think my dad knows what I look like naked, but my boyfriend for sure would recognise, as I have quite distinctive features + the face photos in the private gallery. The front photo shows my body, my hair, and a bit of my face. My boyfriend HAS looked on aw in the past.
I am meeting the lawyer tomorrow, and until then i will leave the profile unreported. I will see what he says. I copied the photos to my ipad, but i don't know if that's any useful.
Last time I contacted this scumbag, when I was informed about my photos on aw, he dropped a hint, that if i go to he police, I must be prepared to go public with my lifestyle, and how i was funding my life. What he ment was - he would expose me to my family, and the second part is probably about taxes.
I want to throw up on his face  :-\


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Re: A former client using my naked photos on escort website
« Reply #14 on: 31 May 2012, 05:33:42 pm »
It would be good if you've got copies of his responses, because blackmail is something the police are very interested in.

Whether this crosses the line is something you can ask the lawyer about, but on first glance..

.. he's making a demand (let me use these pictures)
.. with menaces (if you don't, I will out you)
.. and the demand is 'unwarranted' (it is unlikely that he thinks he has reasonable grounds for asking you, given the basis on which the pictures were made, and that threatening you is a proper means of getting you to agree)
.. and he's doing this to make money (it doesn't matter that it's not directly from you).

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."