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Author Topic: A client has paid for my breast implants  (Read 9007 times)


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #45 on: 24 August 2011, 02:35:29 pm »
So you say that if your husband wanted you to stop seeing this other man and just go back to regular escorting then you would... But what if you're enjoying the position that you're in and you like being 'exclusive' to him and you dont want to escort?  What then? When you're single doing these things, its easier. You only have to think about about yourself. But having a partner... A jealous partner... That changes everything.
Make sure you save and hide the money so you have something to fall back on when things go pear shaped!
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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #46 on: 24 August 2011, 02:43:23 pm »
So you say that if your husband wanted you to stop seeing this other man and just go back to regular escorting then you would... But what if you're enjoying the position that you're in and you like being 'exclusive' to him and you dont want to escort?  What then? When you're single doing these things, its easier. You only have to think about about yourself. But having a partner... A jealous partner... That changes everything.
Make sure you save and hide the money so you have something to fall back on when things go pear shaped!

It's all hypothetical, but if i was enjoying the position i was and enjoyed being exclusive with the client and had no interest in going back to escorting, and the client was enjoying it, and it wasn't damaging my relationship with my husband i would certainly question with him why he would want me to go back to being an escort.


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #47 on: 24 August 2011, 02:45:55 pm »

It's all hypothetical, but if i was enjoying the position i was and enjoyed being exclusive with the client and had no interest in going back to escorting, and the client was enjoying it, and it wasn't damaging my relationship with my husband i would certainly question with him why he would want me to go back to being an escort.

But it's already damaging your relationship, surely?


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #48 on: 24 August 2011, 02:49:03 pm »

It's all hypothetical, but if i was enjoying the position i was and enjoyed being exclusive with the client and had no interest in going back to escorting, and the client was enjoying it, and it wasn't damaging my relationship with my husband i would certainly question with him why he would want me to go back to being an escort.

But it's already damaging your relationship, surely?

I dont know about that to be honest, our relationship is a good now as it was prior to me becoming an escort.  The only change has been his work patterns and working away a lot over the past few months. 


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #49 on: 24 August 2011, 03:03:43 pm »
if Electra agrees to his terms and she becomes exclusive to him and cuts off her other clients, when things do go sour, she's got to start from the beginning. You cant call up all your previous regulars and beg them to take you back.

This is a very good point, and one Electra should bear in mind.  As with anything, she needs to weigh up the pros and cons.

Electra, rather than having a contract, it might help to get a sizeable deposit from him, which you can bank and leave it there.  That way, if things do turn sour in the future, you are not left high and dry.  That's what I would do in your situation.


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #50 on: 24 August 2011, 03:21:04 pm »
if Electra agrees to his terms and she becomes exclusive to him and cuts off her other clients, when things do go sour, she's got to start from the beginning. You cant call up all your previous regulars and beg them to take you back.

This is a very good point, and one Electra should bear in mind.  As with anything, she needs to weigh up the pros and cons.

Electra, rather than having a contract, it might help to get a sizeable deposit from him, which you can bank and leave it there.  That way, if things do turn sour in the future, you are not left high and dry.  That's what I would do in your situation.

Thanks Angela,

That's a very good suggestion and one i am going to tell him will need to happen if i am going to go ahead with the trial x


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #51 on: 24 August 2011, 07:09:46 pm »
I think the deposit idea is excellent and I would ask for 6 months upfront.

That is the only positive aspect I have heard throughout this discussion and IMHO makes me feel quite sad ( for your husband )

I am with Kitana all the way I'm afraid  :(


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #52 on: 24 August 2011, 07:16:06 pm »
but the sex life between them is non existant and they are not close anymore.

If I had a quid for every time I'd heard that. Oh wait, I actually get paid way more than that...

Sorry to be flippant Electra but it seems to me that your mind is made up and you just want us all to agree with your choice. Either that or you're just having a lovely time getting us all to respond to your drama...



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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #53 on: 24 August 2011, 07:47:10 pm »
If I had a quid for every time I'd heard that.

That's exactly what I thought  ::) Always a sure sign of a bullshitter.


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #54 on: 24 August 2011, 08:07:14 pm »
but the sex life between them is non existant and they are not close anymore.

Every married man I've fucked has come up with that line lol...  ;D
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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #55 on: 24 August 2011, 08:22:02 pm »
personally i couldnt do it  i have met some fabulously weathly gents over the years and have had a few offers of being exclusive to them but  its always no no matter what im being offered,
  i like to be in control of my life  and the thought of somene else  being in control of my earning power would be a  big no  for me   No matter  how  I  look at it  i think the negatives far outweigh the postives elements of it
what about when you want to go away  on holiday, or spend some time with husband or family and   not be availble  the fact that he is paying you to be availble and exclusive  would mean that you more than likely  have to  be availible  even if you dont want to  you would feel that you have to cos he own your  ass literaly if you want the money to keep rolling in   - at least being independent you can choose to work when you want to  
i  have never felt that i was prostituting myself in all the time i have done this work but to see one client and be exclusive  i would feel cheap and truly feel that i am prostituting myself  for money  
he might say that he only wants to  see you a few time a week ect but i would be wary that it all of a suden  became more
the thought of one single individual person being able to control my fiances for 1 week 1 month or 3 months  
 nah sorry but   i would rather f.... .20 guys a week  than one person for the same amount of money  
at least with those 20 guys i call the shots   with  one  i dont  he controls everything  

However  if your going to do it get a lump sum up front from him to cover you  for when he becomes infatuated with the next escort   (he will he is a man )
Make a plan and put it in writing how many times you are expected to see him each week   what is expected from you with him     are you expected to drop everthing to be availble  What happens if you cant see him

Bareback sex  well  if he wants it  and you go ahead with it,    it i would be of thinking   im a prostitute and he is f... .me without a condom  and his wife as well and probalby other prostitutes as well  so what the risk for me  and for my poor husband as well  and it shows how little he thinks of his wife and his family if he is happy to sleep with a prositute knowing that she has unprotected sex with her husband  ( im assuming  that he know that your married if not apologies ) but  still the fact that he is happy, if your happy to sleep with you unprotected with not a single thought to his wife of xxxx years says it all really   - total disregard for anyone but himself  

oh and he says he dont sleep with his wife   -  please dont take this the wrong way,  but  i know your blonde from your picture but you dont have to be dumb with it,   ;D  thats the oldest and best line in the world along with the dog ate the homework used by schoolkids,   actually i would be more inclined to believ the dog ate the homework  than that old chestnut  

he will be sleeping with his wife ,  she is his wife,  maybe she dont give him blow jobs and stroke his ego as much as you do but whether its once a month, once a year, or once a week he will be sleeping with his wife at some point  
the fact that he has to mention it says it all



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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #56 on: 24 August 2011, 10:00:49 pm »
Well said, all of you!
I think everything has been said now. Just got to wait for the next episode of Electra90210...!
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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #57 on: 25 August 2011, 01:10:14 am »
In any case it makes a great script. Please keep us posted with the second chapter :-)

Welcome to the REAL"sex & the city"!!  ;D
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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #58 on: 25 August 2011, 02:19:12 am »
Just a teeny point about the 50%more money to go bareback - break that down to your average hourly rate of ?100 per follow up  hour/?50 per extra half hour ( my rates anyway ). If someone asked me to whip off the condom towards the end of a session and they would give me ?25 extra for the half hour,  I would remove the condom alright-and kick their uncovered cock to kingdom come..

As has already been mentioned, you seem to be quite proud of all this man is offering you and have already made up your mind ..Your point about this man paying for your implants and now booking you more often says it all really ( as does the title you chose for this topic..)

Please don't be taken advantage of in this way Electra. You are vulnerable and this man is rubbing his hands with glee that he has finally found someone to believe the bullshit ( you are not the first Escort he will have tried this with and you won't be the last..and he WILL see other Escorts I am 100% sure.  Maybe not this month or this year - but he will because- as Paris said- he's a man ( who cheats on his wife with a prostitute ).. ::)


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Re: A client has paid for my breast implants
« Reply #59 on: 25 August 2011, 03:19:56 am »
Just a teeny point about the 50%more money to go bareback - break that down to your average hourly rate of ?100 per follow up  hour/?50 per extra half hour ( my rates anyway ). If someone asked me to whip off the condom towards the end of a session and they would give me ?25 extra for the half hour,  I would remove the condom alright-and kick their uncovered cock to kingdom come..

As I said ON PAGE 2 OF THIS THREAD I can't believe he's been given the choice.

Exclusive or not, he's still a PUNTER.