Omg Lexie, that must have been horrible, I dont know what I would have done in that situation!
The thing that really freaked me out was the fact I dont go to one of the main uni's in Nottingham I actually live in a town nearby and he got the right one, even though theres no mention of this uni or town on my profile! Oh well I guess its just one of those things!
I would love to say what joey said, but theres no way I would do that, I would just deny it till I was blue in the face! I think perhaps in the future I will be more open about what I do but at the moment the 19-21 year olds I live with/hang around with, wont understand and wont be mature about it, so im keeping quiet for now!
And thanks LittleDiamond thats nice of you, I couldnt get onto your profile but im sure I have seen you on punternet or something, do you ever say your working name on here or is it a secret?! xx