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Author Topic: A bit freaked out  (Read 8092 times)


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A bit freaked out
« on: 14 January 2009, 03:01:59 am »

I know its not as bad as being outed, and im probably being a bit silly but I just got a call thats worried me a bit. I dont even know why I answered the phone at this time in the morning, im up doing some coursework though and thought it was about 10pm as I lost track of time. It was a young guy and i could hear others in the background so straight away I was thinking 'get rid of him asap' and he said can you come over now. I said no its far too late and he said 'oh go on, I will pay you double' I said no but if he wanted to pay me double tomorrow hes more than welcome lol. He started asking if im really a student and if I go to ...(I wont put my uni name here as im already worried of being caught)... and I said can you please call back tomorrow if you want a booking and hung up.

Im really worried its someone I know as theres a few uni's around here and he got the right one, and it was obviously not someone seriously wanting a booking as there were people in the background and he had offered me double, thinking I would turn up so he could see if it was me then obviously not pay.

Arghh Im really worried but I guess il never know, unless suddenly everyone knows im an escort, even then I probably wont find out who rang me  :-[

Amber xx


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #1 on: 14 January 2009, 04:31:56 am »
Oh dear, that is a bit freaky, but probably just a lucky guess on his part. I think we all get a little paranoid about this secret second life we have. So I hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about.

I had a couple of freak out moments, once when I had just added a picture of my bum to my website and a couple of hours later got a text on my private mobile from a number I didn't recognise saying "Nice arse" and stressed about how someone looking at my site got my private number. Nothing else happened.

Then a different time a client called to confirm our booking for the evening and he went funny when I gave him instructions to get here, but just said he knew how to get here. Minutes later he called back saying his mate lived on the same development and he would rather not risk getting caught by him so he cancelled the appointment. Fair enough. A few days later I was going to my car when two men came out a nearby building and one guy pointed in my direction and said some thing to the other guy. Now I didn't give that client my building or flat number, but I happen to be the only oriental woman on the development - so a bit of a no brainer. My heart just about stopped, but Ijust carried on and got in my car. Dont know if they were talking about me or not.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #2 on: 14 January 2009, 05:47:48 am »
Arghh Im really worried but I guess il never know, unless suddenly everyone knows im an escort, even then I probably wont find out who rang me  :-[

I know its easier said than done to be in such a situation, and I totally feel for you. Just last week 3 people, one of which was a regular acquientence found out what I do, although I pretty much broke down and told them  :'(

However, you must try you hardest to stand your ground. Worst case scenario if those uni jerks approach you (which I doubt)...Please practice the following phrase in the most rigid tone as possible...

My response to a true rumor would be, "yea and? Why you looking in the 1st place?  You look, you buy. Now stay the hell off my site because you probably cant afford it any how."

that should send them off with their balls in their mouth  :-X


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #3 on: 14 January 2009, 06:35:01 am »

God, that is weird cassie, I would definately be freaking out if someone had contacted me on my private number!

I doubt anything will come of this, I just know the next time I go out to the student union im going to be paranoid and looking around the place for anyone suspicious lol! I guess its just part of the job, but I often find myself worrying about who might spot me. I actually had a booking request from a guy from my uni not long ago, and before I had the chance to reply he gave me his address, he lived on the road that joins mine, that was a close call!  ;D I can just imagine bumping into him in my pyjamas at the cornershop, when im suffering with a massive hangover!

Amber xx


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #4 on: 14 January 2009, 11:52:15 am »
God, that is weird cassie, I would definately be freaking out if someone had contacted me on my private number!

I know and I was, that's a good few weeks ago now and I haven't heard from this number since - so trying treat it as one of those weird coincedences.

I doubt anything will come of this, I just know the next time I go out to the student union im going to be paranoid and looking around the place for anyone suspicious lol! I guess its just part of the job, but I often find myself worrying about who might spot me.

Yep, I'd agree it comes with the job, but unless someone has something concrete to say about it I would shrug it off and if they did know something I think Joey's advice is good, though I would probably phrase it differently, lol

I actually had a booking request from a guy from my uni not long ago, and before I had the chance to reply he gave me his address, he lived on the road that joins mine, that was a close call!  ;D
I can just imagine bumping into him in my pyjamas at the cornershop, when im suffering with a massive hangover!

Haha, phew! At least he'd know you scrub up well!  ;) ;D
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #5 on: 14 January 2009, 03:48:53 pm »
I had a text from a guy once who used my real name.  totally freaked me out, i was nearly crying on the phone to evie when i got it because i didnt know what to do.  Turned out he had gotten in touch with a couple of WG's trying to fix up an appointment and one of them happened to have my real name as her working name.  I didnt tell him he had used my real name but it did freak me out for a bit.

I wouldnt say whatever it was joey put,  I would deny deny deny!  but it depends how open you are about it,  Joey is a bit more open and he tells people what he does (i think anyway, im getting confused with you now joey im affraid) but if you want to keep it secret you should.  Its probably just some pissed up little boy showing off infront of his mates.  And to be honest he probably just guessed the uni and struck lucky.  I think if you advertise as a student its bound to happen from time to time that people ask that question, just be ready with a different uni name or just dont tell people you are a student, they dont need to know if you dont want them to.

Good luck.x

Little Diamond

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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #6 on: 14 January 2009, 03:55:31 pm »
Amber, I agree with Lexie. I have noticed your profile as we live in the same area and as you well know , its not that big!! So I think they did an East Midland search and you would have come up and lets face it ,some of those local profiles are pretty grim!! ( Amber will know what I mean)  you would have shone like a star!!


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #7 on: 14 January 2009, 04:08:34 pm »
Omg Lexie, that must have been horrible, I dont know what I would have done in that situation!

The thing that really freaked me out was the fact I dont go to one of the main uni's in Nottingham I actually live in a town nearby and he got the right one, even though theres no mention of this uni or town on my profile! Oh well I guess its just one of those things!

I would love to say what joey said, but theres no way I would do that, I would just deny it till I was blue in the face! I think perhaps in the future I will be more open about what I do but at the moment the 19-21 year olds I live with/hang around with, wont understand and wont be mature about it, so im keeping quiet for now!

And thanks LittleDiamond thats nice of you, I couldnt get onto your profile but im sure I have seen you on punternet or something, do you ever say your working name on here or is it a secret?! xx


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #8 on: 14 January 2009, 04:19:10 pm »
It was horrible and you would have probably done what i did which was stand in the middle of a tesco carpark staring at my phone saying 'shit!   shit!   oh shit!  shit!   shit shit shit!'  before phoning another WG to get some perspective. 


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #9 on: 14 January 2009, 04:54:27 pm »
Eak, that does sound scary, but yea, I wouldn't worry too much. Like most people are saying, if someone asked you directly, I'd just laugh it off, and deny it, and if someone does want to catch you out, then I'm sure the fact that they are visiting escorts is a lot more shameful than actually being one. We are in business, getting paid to have some fun, and they are the ones paying for company with us gorgeous girlies. Plus the way I see it is, we're not doing anything worse than the average drunken girl who goes out on a Saturday night, n has a one night stand with some random stranger. For a start we're a lot safer, n we are getting way more out of the situation - if only people actually sat down n thought about it like that for a while. I know which position I'd rather be in anyway, and it's not paying for it, or the drunken tart, lol - what we do really isn't that bad when you look at it that way. Seriously, don't worry, if someone starts spreading malicious rumours there are always ways to get your own back.  :P


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #10 on: 14 January 2009, 05:39:45 pm »
Us girls tend to be be more paranoid than we need to be, but to be honest, that is no bad thing.

I would guess that he has read from your site that you are at a "top university", then looked at the areas you cover, and made a lucky guess.

Luckily you do not show your face or have any identifying tattoes and so it is unilkely he actually does recognise you.


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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #11 on: 14 January 2009, 08:40:12 pm »
I wouldnt say whatever it was joey put,  I would deny deny deny!  but it depends how open you are about it,  Joey is a bit more open and he tells people what he does (i think anyway, im getting confused with you now joey im affraid)

Well, some people do, some dont. Depends on the person. Most my friends know, because its hard not to discuss something related to it. One of my friends knew all along and waited for me to fess up because I had always mentioned going to these bougie neighborhoods all the time, with no exact purpose...

What else am I to talk about other than work at happy hour  ???

Little Diamond

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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #12 on: 14 January 2009, 09:13:39 pm »

I am a master of disguise!! due to the East Midlands incestuous posse!!
I have many names ,many facades!!( in the style of David Blaine!!) No , really , there all a bunch of nosey old bastards up here aren't they! every one knows everyone!!   



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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #13 on: 14 January 2009, 11:16:20 pm »
I agree with you Lauren, plus every single client ive met has treated me with more respect than any one night stand ive had. I usually walked away from those feeling cheap and rubbish, but when I leave after a booking with a client I usually feel good about myself!

And little diamond, I must be seriously out of the loop because I dont know anyone up here lol! do you think clients read this site?!



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Re: A bit freaked out
« Reply #14 on: 15 January 2009, 12:10:15 am »
every single client ive met has treated me with more respect than any one night stand ive had. I usually walked away from those feeling cheap and rubbish, but when I leave after a booking with a client I usually feel good about myself!

Thats the point girlfriend. Thats why Im so against one night stands. Whats worse is meeting men who may actually have money, and you may be broke, yet they want you to have some fun with them for free and send you home broke. Doesnt work like that.

Just an example and pardon if Im going off on a tangent, but long ago when I was much younger and dumber...I was carrying on a conversation with a man for weeks who lived 2 hours away in an upscale neighborhood in Florida. We finally met, and had sex...yet afterwards turns out he only wanted a one night stand. Yet, he didnt even bother to offer to reimburse me for food, gas, or travel expenses the morning I left. And this was after I had gotten an asthma/allergy attack because he had a yucky cat  >:(

Thats why nowdays I dont give a shit what anyone says about what the hell I do for work. They can kiss my ass and go to hell if they dont like it  >:(