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Author Topic: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy  (Read 3457 times)


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1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« on: 06 November 2017, 04:21:50 pm »
 ;D ;D taking personally is part of my job?? or i am too emotional..
i do not like when a punter say `1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy`

 :P :P
i am the only one that do not like it? it is not for my diary or how to schedule the next one..but it is more heart/ego side???

what you think?

when a punter say it to me is a young punter! nothing agaist young people but i really find it so....weird..
how we can do..we using a bell when finish 1hr and then you say to me what next???
no gentlemen anymore on this planet  ;D ;D :D :D :) :) :)


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #1 on: 06 November 2017, 04:35:24 pm »
If they say this to me I just say it will be for one hour maximum as I don't do longer than an hour with new clients.This normally takes the wind out of their sails.I find it a vaguely rude way of hinting that they may wish to extend and it is almost like they think I will make extra effort to secure an extension from them which won't be happening,they get the same service as anyone else.From a business point of view then obviously you need to know how long they are booking for so you know what time to book other clients in afterwards.
I generally find guys that use this phrase are often dicks or timewasters or when it comes to it they pop in 2 mins and can't go again and for sure can't extend anyway.
Genuine guys usually just book for a set time and if they happen to want to extend they will ask if this is possible during the actual booking.
« Last Edit: 06 November 2017, 04:36:56 pm by BibiofLeeds »


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #2 on: 06 November 2017, 04:39:12 pm »
If they say this to me I just say it will be for one hour maximum as I don't do longer than an hour with new clients.This normally takes the wind out of their sails.I find it a vaguely rude way of hinting that they may wish to extend and it is almost like they think I will make extra effort to secure an extension from them which won't be happening,they get the same service as anyone else.From a business point of view then obviously you need to know how long they are booking for so you know what time to book other clients in afterwards.
I generally find guys that use this phrase are often dicks or timewasters or when it comes to it they pop in 2 mins and can't go again and for sure can't extend anyway.
Genuine guys usually just book for a set time and if they happen to want to extend they will ask if this is possible during the actual booking.

Completely agree.  Don't think I've ever had a client who's said "at least an hour / half" ever turn out to be a genuine enquiry.  If you have lots of good feedback there's no reason for them to doubt they won't enjoy their time with you.  They also can't expect you to hold out extra time for them "just in case" they want extra time.  Don't mind extending if they want to and I have the time, but not blotting out chunks of my diary for a possibility. 


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #3 on: 06 November 2017, 04:40:41 pm »
I tend to tell them i need to book taxis or something and have to plan my day so if they would like an hour i can do an hour, implying i should leave time in case he wants to extend if im deemed good enough really pisses me off tbh. Its like they think we dont have a life or other clients, I have a bad habit of being extra clock watchy (when i usually just rely on my internal clock) if they inply the hour is a test drive for a longer booking. 
Im not a fan of extentions anyway unless i genuinely am enjoying the booking myself so its their loss. 


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #4 on: 06 November 2017, 04:41:38 pm »
thank you Bibio!
I was thinking that i am too moody...
i find rude it! ahah i didn t take a booking today for it!

he had some good feedback on aw..but that really upset me!

yes, i do have more than 100 feedback all positive! i can understand if somebody has a doubt but if so ask just for 30mins or 1hr without asking for more...i am sure if he ask it when is at mine will be different...
but sounds negotiation by text and so rude!
« Last Edit: 06 November 2017, 04:47:15 pm by mySecret »


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #5 on: 06 November 2017, 04:46:56 pm »
I say they have to decide when they arrive, as I take the money upfront. If he dithered, depending on how I felt about him, I'd suggest an hour.
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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #6 on: 06 November 2017, 04:51:14 pm »
Yeah for sure not you. Its always best to pre arrange a time and know the payment which you will get. Like most things you book for, you always agree a length of time. Not rude at all!  :)
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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #7 on: 06 November 2017, 05:30:08 pm »
I agree. It's not you, MS.  Some men phrase things without thinking how that might come across to service providers.

I didn't bother replying to someone, who didn't know how tactfully phrase things (it came across blatantly rude).  Being respectful is essential.  If he wasn't in a message, he probably won't be in person!  Think about that.  You simply avoided someone not worthy of seeing.  You did the right thing.  :)


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #8 on: 06 November 2017, 05:45:38 pm »
They do say this sometimes it just shows many don't think and realise we are trying to run a business here and don't have all day on the offchance for their whims and preferences.  Time is money.  It just doesn't dawn on plenty of clients does it!!


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #9 on: 06 November 2017, 05:51:07 pm »
we are trying to run a business here and don't have all day on the offchance for their whims and preferences.  Time is money.  It just doesn't dawn on plenty of clients does it!!

The former is probably TWs and fantasists.  Wake them up by giving them the bright red neg for messing escorts around.  Not joking.   8)


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #10 on: 06 November 2017, 06:01:28 pm »
I had the "an hour and if i enjoy maybe more" type of men on the phone a few times and the way I dealt with was to tell them that one hour is the max I can offer a new client but that we will see how it goes. They agreed but not one of them went on to extend their booking.  Happy me, am not clamouring for long bookings and an hour is just fine with me.

What niggles me more is when I ask how long they want to see me for and I get "hmm not sure, what do you think?"  Eh? these are the men who tend to be time wasters in my experience as I am sure they are waiting for me to say oh you need two hours with me or something. No thank you I am not like that, keep the meetings shortish if you please.  I had enough of long bookings years ago.

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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #11 on: 06 November 2017, 06:06:17 pm »
A lot of men that say this dont usually book longer its a way to get you to perform better although i have had some that have or ones that say i moght go for longer when i see ypu which means pf your attractive enough they could


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #12 on: 06 November 2017, 06:14:40 pm »
thank you for all replies! really appreciate!


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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #13 on: 06 November 2017, 06:29:51 pm »
I always say I need the be able to plan my day so I need to know either way or I can't take the booking.

This pisses me off too MS, I used to take it too personally and I'd just get upset! I used to say I'm not desperate enough to over work myself. I work for my money but I dont need to stress thinking I need to be good enough for the possibility of more money, I'm better than that!
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Re: 1hr or maybe longer if i enjoy
« Reply #14 on: 06 November 2017, 06:56:09 pm »
I always say I need the be able to plan my day so I need to know either way or I can't take the booking.

This pisses me off too MS, I used to take it too personally and I'd just get upset! I used to say I'm not desperate enough to over work myself. I work for my money but I dont need to stress thinking I need to be good enough for the possibility of more money, I'm better than that!

thank you!