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Author Topic: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.  (Read 3974 times)


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #15 on: 11 February 2013, 08:26:49 pm »
     Do you need to do it to pay for your child?s school fees?
    ?   Have to been through a recent divorce and struggling to pay the mortgage?
    ?   Are you living in London, and housing benefits will not cover all your rent so resorting to prostitution?  Etc?????..

    I have to say I feel rather offended by the above assumptions and stereotypes.  :FF

People into this type of work for all sorts of reasons. I went into it for completely difference from the above. Those are just examples so I dont know how stereotyping comes into the equation.

The examples you chose and the langauge you use paint a picture. It says to us you are looking for women that need to do this because they have no other choices or avenues to make money.
Perhaps if you had used examples of women making a career choice to be escorts because they are independent business women, who enjoy the freedom of not being tied the 9-5 grind for example, you would have had more success.  :)


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #16 on: 12 February 2013, 11:28:23 am »

I would be interested in helping but would be concerned if you are planning to use video and audio on your channel that my anonymity would be compromised. I understand I could submit information without divulging my name etc but my voice... Am I right in thinking you'd want to use my own voice?

Feel free to get in touch,

A x

I prefer people to use their own voices becuase its more personal. However if you feel unconfortable with that You you prererd to send me a transcript then I could read it out. The problem with that is, if 5 people come back to me wanting to read their story then listeners may get bored of hearing the same voice and I dont have the most exciting voice in the world either.  Send me your story in writing if you prefer.

If those who do want to get involved have no wish to be recorded surely they could send in something and you could get a variety of people like actors or voice actors to read it out?


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #17 on: 13 February 2013, 10:13:03 am »
  ?   Do you need to do it to pay for your child?s school fees?
?   Have to been through a recent divorce and struggling to pay the mortgage?
?   Are you living in London, and housing benefits will not cover all your rent so resorting to prostitution?  Etc?????..

I have to say I feel rather offended by the above assumptions and stereotypes.  :FF

People into this type of work for all sorts of reasons. I went into it for completely difference from the above. Those are just examples so I dont know how stereotyping comes into the equation.

.........then as well as being a fraud, you are a complete imbecile.  Not only are you as authentic as an orgasm during a phone chat booking, you have neither the presence of mind nor initiative to adequately empathize with the demographic you attempt to falsely infiltrate so as to preserve any tiny possibility there ever was of you being taken seriously.

Thank god you're as relevent to the REALITY of prostitution as Rhoda Grant, as you'd be a fucking embarrassment to me and the rest of my colleagues if that was the case.
"If you seek to know the truth, cease to cherish opinions"