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Author Topic: Women's Hour BBC Radio4  (Read 1360 times)


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Women's Hour BBC Radio4
« on: 16 March 2014, 12:41:32 am »
Anyone hear this debate re proposed law changes i.e. criminal offence to buy sex.  it probably aired originally in the week but i only caught it today.
Apparently 'balanced' though I think it only paid lip service.
Several quotes from those escorts who think it will not help - and some valid points made.  especially regarding withheld numbers if this goes through.
On the other side an interview with a lady who while I have a lot of sympathy, spoke from a victims point of view.  understandable but given the target audience, hardly a fair representation of escorts - retired or otherwise.  playing absolutely to the stereo type of young street walking abuse victim.  Which she undoubtedly was, but in this debate does that really lead to 'balance'? Or does it give the impression that a change in law will save those in that situation and that they represent a common experience.

one point that left me incredulous is that trafficking exists because prostitution does so we need to wipe out prostitution.  no one has managed it yet and assuming it wont be managed now, how does driving it further underground help trafficked women?
Some quotes taken from some truly disgusting men regarding their 'true' attitudes toward us.  e.g. she looked so miserable she must not have been doing it of her own free-will or was trafficked, so he did her doggy so as not to have to look at her miserable face.
Disgusting specimen and surely that's rape.

Next they will be interviewing men who pay for sex.
It didn't impress me with it's fairness and balance so far.  Anyone else hear it?

Holly T

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Re: Women's Hour BBC Radio4
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2014, 12:33:03 pm »
Here it is, http://www. More of an interview than a debate.

They'll be talking with clients on Monday.

I agree with what you're saying, Kizz, and I can't really add to what you've said about the programme.
« Last Edit: 16 March 2014, 04:05:32 pm by Holly G Taylor »