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Author Topic: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"  (Read 5708 times)


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hello Saafe members !

Would you like to be involved in shooting a video response to EWL's campaign to End prostitution in Europe ?
Original video :
We are looking for actors and actresses to be part of our video response to EWL video campaign. You can also contribute on our chipin page :

Dear friends, sex workers and allies,

The European Women Lobby has recently launched a campaign called Together For a Europe Free from Prostitution. Their view of the sex industry is once more reducing women to victims, and prostitution to a system of violence against women. Once more, some women sitting in comfortable chairs in some official EU building is deciding what we should or should not do with our body. Once more, we are being silenced and victimised. Once more, our voices are being confiscated and we are not sex workers anymore but prostituted women.
That's enough.
We want to show them that sex work is work. This is how we make a living. This is how we pay our rent, our bills, our sex changes and our children's studies.
Those are our decisions. Our bodies. Our voices.
We are from all genders and race.
Stop invisibilising trans women and men from the debate on sex work. Invisibilising us is a form of violence and discrimination.
Stop pretending that sex work is only male to female penetration. The services we offer are as varied as we are. Sex, companionship, BDSM, fetish.... Sex is not disgusting and the only thing that make us sick is your insulting and degrading video.
To stop exploitation and abuse in the sex industry, we need to be listened. We want rights, human and labour rights, not more criminalisation. Criminalising our clients will only force us to work in more underground and less safe conditions.
You care about sex workers? You want us to stay alive ?
Listen to us now!
Stop victimising us. Stop criminalising us. Stop silencing us.

This Chipin campaign wants to raise a a $1000 / ?500 to shoot a video showing the diversity of sex workers and sex work. Show us as humans with free will. Show us as actors of our own lives.
The money raised will go towards space and equipment rental, as well as potential advertising / campaigning. Any money unspent will go towards the Sex worker Open University project.
You can contribute by clicking on that link :

Thank you for your contribution and dont hesitate to email us with any questions !

Luca for Sex Worker Open university
SWOU - Branches in London & Glasgow!



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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #1 on: 10 July 2011, 07:19:28 pm »
sorry i think the right link is :

SWOU - Branches in London & Glasgow!



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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #2 on: 13 July 2011, 01:56:32 pm »
European Women's lobby? WTF???! They should speak for themselves, not claim they represent all or even the majority of women!


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #3 on: 17 July 2011, 03:05:06 am »
15:22 15 July 2011
Subject: Whoring!

Hiya campaigners..
I see you are running an anti-Escort drive.
But you are not tackling other issues
such as the importance of flossing after meals or sugary snacks.
Are you aware of how much of a blight tooth decay is on Europes population?
Some escorts like what they do. Other escorts like what they do and take a
very dim view of people telling us how to live our lives.

Personally, I think you need to get on with the important issues,
Like flossing.
And stop generalising over the whoring thing.
Any advice you need to help with your own dismal sex lives,
just ask. I'm listening. and very happy to help.

ps. did you floss this morning?  I need to know.   
« Last Edit: 23 January 2017, 04:50:57 pm by River »


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #4 on: 17 July 2011, 09:15:51 am »
lmao Jodie....BRILLIANT!!!!!!

Coty x


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #5 on: 18 July 2011, 10:28:47 am »
10:13 am 17 July 2011
Subject: More Whoring!

Hiya my Nazi friends
(Don't quote Godwins Law, ta!  :))

Further to my last email,
I feel that your aim of stopping all Whoring
is very similar to the attempts to ban porn, made by my predecessor.
I've attached a video of his failed attempt.

I look forward to your concise comprehensive reply
with great anticipation.

Angela Dorothea Merkel (Ms)


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #6 on: 18 July 2011, 10:42:47 am »
I like you guys.
Here's a video of my predecessor having paid-for sex

Angela Dorothea Merkel (Ms)


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #7 on: 18 July 2011, 12:08:30 pm »
Hilarious! Man there are sooo many of those Hitler text overs now...but they were brilliant!

Coty x


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #8 on: 22 September 2011, 03:15:34 pm »
Some of these replies are fantastic! Good stuff!
"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur!" - George W. Bush


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #9 on: 03 October 2011, 06:56:53 pm »
hahaha fantastic !!! love the reply :) ca we add it to the webpage we will create when we are done filming the video response ?  we have a workshop at swou to create a video response to that awful piece of propaganda !
SWOU - Branches in London & Glasgow!



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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #10 on: 09 October 2011, 07:32:38 pm »
Oh yeah!


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #11 on: 10 October 2011, 12:04:26 am »
Lmao.  ;D    Jodie your responses are just too funny.

The opening gambit, Friends, sex workers, allies just makes me want to say, 'Friends, Romans, Countrymen. Lend me thine ears.'
Oops. :-X
« Last Edit: 10 October 2011, 12:10:11 am by Lorissa Charles »


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Re: video response to EWL campaign "End prostitution in Europe!"
« Reply #12 on: 14 October 2011, 06:51:15 pm »
from   River@----------
date   Thurs, Oct 13, 2011 at 7:46 PM
subject   Re: Whoring!

It was brill to chat with you last week, on the phone.
I appreciate you confiding with me that the title of your campaign caused a few internal heated discussions about the way it and the video implied ALL ESCORTING is coerced or at best done begrudgingly. And that a number of people (a majority was my impression) in your organisation are in favour of choice and freedom and the right of women everywhere to decide what they do with their bodies.
That is also exactly the way both myself and lots of other escorts feel.
It seems your group has a huge number of affinities with sex Providers.

Thank you for clarifying that EWL is not anti- prostitution, per say, but rather it is anti coerced prostitution.  This is something I'm sure everyone is in favour of.

I hope this email will bring debate up again within your organisation
as well as encouraging you to communicate with groups who represent the very women
who are the focus of your campaign.
Your organisations campaign title:
Together for a Europe Free From Prostitution
 would certainly read better if it said this instead:
Together for a Europe Free From Coerced Prostitution
as this is EWL's aim.

Please come back to me if you feel an escort's input to be useful.
I could point you towards a couple of escort organisations in the UK whose thoughts I promise are less zany than mine (well, not zany at all really)
I would stress that I represent only myself though my views are mirrored {probably}
by lots of other escorts.


ps. I am actually a real life escort and despite my earlier emails I'm actually not really the German Chancellor, I don't really want to escort from your premises in Brussels nor do I hold any strong views on flossing (though perhaps I should)

« Last Edit: 23 January 2017, 06:48:06 pm by River »