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Author Topic: UPDATE PLEASE READ!! A call for Sex workers in WARWICKSHIRE for research project  (Read 1368 times)


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Hi everyone,

I am currently working with MBARC a research organisation, that is working with Warwickshire public health to see whether or not sex workers within the area are accessing sexual health services.
This is really important research, as we need to identify whether services are being accessed if not how can we work to make services more accessible.

I have a short 10 minute survey i would really appreciate you answering.
Please be assured all of your answers will be kept completely anonymous and confidential, and treated strictly professionally!

For everyone who fully completes the survey, we will reward the participant ?25 (available in voucher format also) as a thank you for taking time out to take part and helping us with this research. Contact for the payment and it will be arranged as soon as possible.   

Here is the link to the survey

please share this with anyone you think would be happy to support this research, and if you would like more information about the work please see the link below:

Thank you for your time.
« Last Edit: 13 January 2016, 01:57:38 pm by Reeah »


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Hi Reeah,

Could you please identify which project you're from? Googling 'reeah sex work project Warwickshire' doesn't bring anything up and it isn't clear from your post.


  • Media/Research
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Hi Amy,

I am working with MBARC, it's a research organisation - which you can google.

Here's a link to the project

[link made non-clickable, moved to appropriate section]

« Last Edit: 21 December 2015, 04:59:26 pm by amy »


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Then it is not appropriate for you to post in the SWP section - you're not a sex work project and nor are you offering people anything. The rules for the board are at the top, but this thread belongs here.