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Author Topic: Urgent: UK MPs trying to criminalise clients next week!  (Read 7701 times)


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Re: Urgent: UK MPs trying to criminalise clients next week!
« Reply #30 on: 05 November 2014, 07:18:33 pm »
Not sure if this is a stupid question but I will post it anyway,
If and when this law is passed would that make our earnings difficult to declare? I know we don't have to put on our tax returns that we are prostitutes but it might be difficult to claim for certain things like condoms, lube etc, also would accountants be criminalised doing our accounts?

The proposals were to criminalise the buying of sex, it wouldn't criminalise being paid for sex. All income has to be declared to HMRC.

Nia Hope

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Re: Urgent: UK MPs trying to criminalise clients next week!
« Reply #31 on: 05 November 2014, 07:31:40 pm »
Not sure if this is a stupid question but I will post it anyway,
If and when this law is passed would that make our earnings difficult to declare? I know we don't have to put on our tax returns that we are prostitutes but it might be difficult to claim for certain things like condoms, lube etc, also would accountants be criminalised doing our accounts?

The proposals were to criminalise the buying of sex, it wouldn't criminalise being paid for sex. All income has to be declared to HMRC.
Yes but how could you declare cash that is in effect illegal? We would have earned it by having sex, buying and paying for sex is the same thing, our earnings would be through that illegal transaction, x
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Nia Hope

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Re: Urgent: UK MPs trying to criminalise clients next week!
« Reply #32 on: 05 November 2014, 07:44:18 pm »
Not sure if this is a stupid question but I will post it anyway,
If and when this law is passed would that make our earnings difficult to declare? I know we don't have to put on our tax returns that we are prostitutes but it might be difficult to claim for certain things like condoms, lube etc, also would accountants be criminalised doing our accounts?

The proposals were to criminalise the buying of sex, it wouldn't criminalise being paid for sex. All income has to be declared to HMRC.
Yes but how could you declare cash that is in effect illegal? We would have earned it by having sex, buying and paying for sex is the same thing, our earnings would be through that illegal transaction, x
So Rosa, it's a fact that the government could potentially make it criminal for punters to pay us for sex then they would still want the tax! If that is true they are taking the piss x
If something is not perceived it doesn't exist.


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Re: Urgent: UK MPs trying to criminalise clients next week!
« Reply #33 on: 05 November 2014, 09:14:31 pm »
I tried to copy & paste but it wouldn't work, there's a section on Taxrelief4escorts which explains that even if it's illegal it's still taxable.

Examples given are ;

Shop selling fireworks to underage child, profit from that sale is still taxable.
Business buying and selling stolen goods, profit from this illegal activity is still taxable.

People running brothels are often sent tax bills after being raided, and after the police have seized all assets.

Nia Hope

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Re: Urgent: UK MPs trying to criminalise clients next week!
« Reply #34 on: 05 November 2014, 09:18:14 pm »
I'm gob smacked that would be the case! Greedy bastards, hopefully we will never have to worry about it, x
If something is not perceived it doesn't exist.

Just An Escort

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Re: Urgent: UK MPs trying to criminalise clients next week!
« Reply #35 on: 05 November 2014, 11:28:44 pm »
Well, that's why Al Capone was jailed - the IRS got him on not paying tax on his criminal gains!