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Author Topic: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled  (Read 5530 times)

abbie indie

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Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« on: 08 January 2014, 04:15:38 pm »
I just got the email from the National Ugly Mugs scheme to say that the funding had been pulled and they won't be able to continue beyond April with current finances, and just thought we should all be aware, in case anyone wishes to make a one off donation or a regular amount through their'just giving' to help keep sex workers safe.

Sorry if this has already been posted about previously!


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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #1 on: 08 January 2014, 05:41:22 pm »
The government funding for National Ugly Mugs ended months ago, and it has been relying solely on donations and fundraising ever since - nothing's been 'pulled', because there was nothing there to be pulled. For anybody who hasn't had it, the full email is here:

Dear NUM member,
I?m writing to you to wish you a happy new year and inform you about our current funding position.

Unfortunately, we recently received some bad news which has left us in a very difficult funding position and it?s going to be a real struggle to continue the scheme. On current funds we will have to close the scheme before the end of April this year.
The scheme has been a huge success and has already:

    Provided sex workers with information to avoid dangerous individuals. 16% of sex workers in our evaluation said they?d avoided specific individuals as a direct result of NUM.


    Helped to lock up at least 11 serial offenders who target sex workers


    Changed attitudes in the police. We delivered police training to around 400 officers warning them about the consequences of enforcement and enforcing the fact that sex workers have the right to access their protection. 69% of the officers trained said they?d change their practices in some way as a result.


    NUM has been a vocal national voice for sex worker rights, regularly appearing in the media locally and nationally, challenging stigma and warning about the dangers of enforcement as well as opposing any further criminalisation of sex work.

It is really important that NUM remains a free service for sex workers and as long as I?m in charge that will always be the case.  But, I know from the constant messages of thanks and support we get from sex workers that the scheme would be really missed if we had to close it so, though I hate to do this, I know that some NUM members might be able to contribute a small amount to keep the scheme going.
I have never been part of anything that I believe in and care about as much as NUM and I have never worked as hard in my life as I do now.  We have a small but devoted and thoroughly committed team and we put everything we have into running this scheme.
We also strive to keep our costs to a very minimum but even just sending SMS alerts to sex workers costs us around ?1,000 per month.  We already have sex workers donating to us regularly but if all of our individual members that can afford donated just ?10 per month (or any amount) then we would be able to continue the scheme for the long term and enhance the service we offer.
So, if you can afford to support NUM to keep the scheme going then please donate whatever you can to us.  You can make a monthly donation via our JustGiving page  Please circulate this to friends, family and clients asking for their support and commitment to sex worker safety.
Many thanks for your support,
Best wishes,
Alex Bryce
Manager, National Ugly Mugs

If anybody thinks they can help beyond making donations, Alex is a member here (as AlexUglyMugs) so can be reached by PM. Plus if anybody has any ideas that we could all discuss, by all means add them to this thread :).

Dexi Delite

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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #2 on: 09 January 2014, 10:32:53 am »
I got the email too, and linked the Ugly Mugs site to my facebook account (I don't do Twitter, but it can work just as well), as all my friends are aware of what I do so wasn't worried about putting it up there.  I put up a little post explaining the situation and hopefully they might give and also share. 

I'm aware that not everyone will be able to do this as their facebook accounts will have people on their profiles that don't know what they do, but for those who have friends or family that are aware, I thought it might be a good way to help spread the word.
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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #3 on: 09 January 2014, 04:14:45 pm »
Could we take the issue to other sex worker charities, surely the sources for funding they get would be interested? I don't know how all this works so maybe that sounds silly.
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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #4 on: 09 January 2014, 08:31:44 pm »
I really hope they get enough funding to stay going, this is such an important service, I have signed up for a monthly direct debit.  I think anyone using the service that can afford it should donate I would hate to see them disappear.


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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #5 on: 10 January 2014, 09:53:11 am »
I donated the equivalent of 1 hour of my time, did the same last year and my security buddy did something similar. If UM saves me from one dangerous situation (which it has helped to do), then I'll make that back on my next booking. Having been the victim of a fairly serious crime myself I know the costs to self and finance, and it's a whole lot more than even our 1 hour fees.


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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #6 on: 12 January 2014, 10:59:58 am »
Just in case the link above wasn't working properly, the NUM JustGiving page is here. Yes, I'm thread bumping :D.


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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #7 on: 12 January 2014, 02:45:35 pm »
I donated the equivalent of 1 hour of my time, did the same last year and my security buddy did something similar. If UM saves me from one dangerous situation (which it has helped to do), then I'll make that back on my next booking. Having been the victim of a fairly serious crime myself I know the costs to self and finance, and it's a whole lot more than even our 1 hour fees.

I think this is a good idea as being a victim makes you realise just how quickly we can become in danger ourselves and as far as I feel the fee of a one hour booking to keep just one person safe is very very cheap.

Could UM not perhaps charge a small fee to those of us who signed up for text warnings as a small monthly fee from everyone would surely add up to a large amount and anyone who uses UM would surely be happy to pay.

I have seen the amount of warnings I get for my area and there are far too many that none of us would be aware of without this warning system.
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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #8 on: 12 January 2014, 02:54:53 pm »
There's a link on the JustGiving page where people can set up to donate ?10 per month, so hopefully everybody who joined that can afford this will do so :).


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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #9 on: 14 February 2014, 06:48:06 pm »
this is the first time ive ever heard of UM. so glad that there is this kind of support for us. i currently live in a small town and touch wood *taps coffee table* ive not had any trouble so far. but i do want to move to a city, and safety does concern me, so this is very handy information to know. im sad to read they are struggling, been thinking about cancelling a subscription i have that costs me ?10 a month, so now i think i will definetly cancel it and set up a DD for UM instead to help keep it going, and hopefully UM will still be running when i move and sign up to it.  :) xox


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Re: Ugly Mugs Funding Pulled
« Reply #10 on: 21 November 2014, 02:41:57 pm »
Hi all.  I've only just noticed this thread (I normally keep an eye on the warnings/wasters page) but wanted to post a quick message to thank you for your support and donations etc.

We're still constantly facing financial difficulties so really appreciate any support from sex workers.  If every sex worker directly signed up to the scheme donated ?5 a month that would fully fund us.  We would never charge people to use the scheme in case some sex workers can't afford so rely on those that can helping us out a little.

Please spread the word to friends, fellow sex workers and even clients. If anyone wants to get in touch email us on

Thanks again.

Alex, NUM